
Intelligence: Human and digital
Quote: Flynn’s Log 1: “I’m a new kind of crazy!”
“Rescue Island is beautiful, in a retro digital sort of way.”
“Zombies don’t talk!”
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The world is facing a digital crisis and needs a digital hero. Flynn is smart and knows how to save the world, but when he enters the digital world of a popular video game, his memory doesn’t enter with him and he has no idea why he’s there.

Quote: Flynn’s Log 1: “When I say I live in this realm, I mean that. I am not physically alive, but I am intelligent. Life means to exist, to function, and to have capacity for growth. I fit this description. I can modify my own data. I can program myself, change and grow. Humans cannot reorganize their data. If they could, they could rearrange DNA and cure all forms of physical ailments. Humans are not as evolved as intelligent data, like me.”
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Zana enters Flynn’s digital life at a time when he needs her the most. She gives him help and direction, but she is also very frustrating.

Quote: Flynn’s Log 1: “Meoooww”
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Sometimes the best of friends find you. When Flynn needs a friend the most, Verve enters his life. But Verve is no ordinary ocelot.

Quote: Flynn’s Log 1: “Slurp!”
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Thorn is the Ultra Spider! Flynn wakes up on spider sands and immediately faces Thorn.
Thorn is not easy to defeat. She is intelligent and has one program: protect her lair! Thorn’s lair is the safe place for something vital to the digital crisis.

Famous for: pouncing on Flynn.
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Flynn tames Khan and assumes she is the kitten of Verve. But there is something strange about Khan. Who is Khan, really?

Intelligence: Simulated digital
Quote: “Flynn, you are a great programmer. You often create code in the real world, hide it in a custom mod, and then use your character to exploit the custom mod, installing the code in your targeted mob. This is how you installed intelligence into me. I was a dumb mob like the villagers outside. Now I am intelligent, thanks to your code exploit.”
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Simon is very emotional and very smart. When Flynn barks orders or forgets to treat Simon fairly, he sulks.

Quote: “Hey, buddy, it’s so good to see you! We’ve been worried about you, ever since you entered the game.”
“It’s not crazy, Flynn. It’s heroic. No one has been able to figure this out and the world communications systems are nearly at a halt. Data controls the world. Everything is vulnerable: commerce, weapons systems, transportation, hospital care, food delivery, banking, the list is endless. Flynn, this is a big deal!”
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One of the Hackers, Enzo is a close friend of Flynn. Enzo is in the real world working with Elle to find a way to get Flynn out of the game.

Quote: “I found your missing memories. Don’t worry, they’re safe.”
“You are so cute when you’re afraid.”
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One of the Hackers, Elle is a friends with Flynn and Enzo. Smart and careful, Elle doesn’t approve of Flynn’s reckless use of the BAD cap.

Intelligence: Simulated digital
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Created by Elle and Flynn, Sage safeguards the spawn points of the Hackers and the characters created by them. Sage also controls the security algorithm developed by Flynn to keep connections open with the outside world, despite the digital crisis.

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It seems strange to think that a dragon should be kept safe, but Aerthurn is protected by Sage until needed. A modified defender dragon, Aerthurn keeps another secret that only Sage and the Hackers know.

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The twin to Aerthurn, Ragur is Elle’s pet defender dragon. This pet is more bite than bark.

White Dragon
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Zana’s white dragon is twice the size and more powerful than Ragur and Aerthurn combined. The white dragon comes from someplace very interesting. Is it possible that the white dragon is protecting something beyond what the Hackers see?
Flynn's Log Creatures

Quote: “Groan.”
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Zombies are slow to attack but they are dangerous. They alert when they are near with a groan. Zombies only weapons are their fists and bad breath.
Famous Zombie: Zana. She wast turned into a part zombie when attacked by a zombie. She describes what happened in Flynn’s Log 1.

Intelligence: Minimal
Quote: None. Skeletons don’t make much noise.
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 1, Flynn’s Log 2, Flynn’s Log 3, Flynn’s Log 4
Skeletons are stealthy and attack from long range with bow and arrow. They seem to have unlimited arrows but can be killed.
Skeletons are evolving to become smarter and better aims.

Intelligence: Digital simulation
Quote: “Sssss!”
Appears in: Flynn’s Log 1, Flynn’s Log 2, Flynn’s Log 3, Flynn’s Log 4
Totally evolved and completely dangerous modified mob! Pixelators are silent, roll and hop along surfaces on a single ball, making them impossible to hear coming. When they are in range of their pray, they blast everything to pieces!
Also known as: Bit busters and pixel poppers. (and anything else that seems to rhyme as Stone writes about these devastatingly powerful creatures)

Intelligence: Digital
Quote: Flynn’s Log 1: “Slurp!”
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 1, Flynn’s Log 2, Flynn’s Log 3, Flynn’s Log 4
Famous Spider: Thorn, the Ultra-Spider
Dangerous creatures with a poisonous bite! Stay clear or be prepared for pain.

Intelligence: Limited digital
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 2, Flynn’s Log 3, Flynn’s Log 4
Jestilians are the jesters of the dark domain. They are scary clowns who attack with ninja swords. Don’t get one angry because they will all attack in revenge!

Vigor cube
Intelligence: none
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 2, Flynn’s Log 3
Vigor cubes bounce in anger and attack for fun. An evolved mob, it hunts characters by sight. Vigor cubes are tough to kill. Slice one and it will divide and divide again, increasing in number each time!

Intelligence: none
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 2
Digital demons hunt players by sight. They fly high above the dark domain looking for anything to attack. They breath lava balls that explode on impact, splashing fire that burns or destroying everything it touches.

Intelligence: none
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 2
Fun loving, the fool is the brother of the jestilian. Fools live in the light domain and attack players with bad jokes and daggers.

Tetra cube
Intelligence: none
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 3
Tetra cubes are the light domain brother of vigor cubes. Tetra cubes have evolved to be extra aggressive. Like the vigor cubes, tetra cubes are tough to kill, they divide and divide again, increasing in number each time they are attacked!

Buzz Striker
Intelligence: artificial digital
Appear in: Flynn’s Log 3
Named for their attacking sound, buzz strikers are an evolved attack creature. They strike quickly and flash away. Their tall, pole-like body with long limbs gives them an advantage in battle!
Legends & Heroes Characters

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Dane Hero
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The best blacksmith in Henrich Kingdom, Viegar was once a brave Royal Knight. However, after the loss of his King, Henrich II, Viegar feels too much guilt to return to the Royal Guard, even as a new wave of monsters looms.
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In touch with the light and dark sides of magic, the danger and call of dark magic is always near.
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King Henrich III
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Appears in: List of Books

Appears in: List of Books

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Home, Crystal Hollow
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