Spider-Man Star Tom Holland’s Face Recreated in Minecraft
Minecraft has been around for years, but that doesn’t mean that fans of the sprawling creation game can’t find new ways to amaze the community. Now, Tom Holland’s version of Spider-Man is making his way into the world of Minecraft thanks to one talented player. Reddit user FyreArsenal recently shared a video, which showcases a photo-like recreation of Holland’s face made with Minecraft blocks. Recreating such a huge image out of singular blocks is a large time investment and requires extreme attention to detail. Just one block out of place can spell disaster and make the creator have to delete possible hours of work.
Getting the colors, placement, and scale just right is a labor of love that not all fans would commit to. A virtual structure like this has to be carefully planned from the initial image selection all the way to ensuring the right materials make up the individual pixels. Once all those details are locked in, then the long process of building a massive image, like the one of Holland’s face, can begin. A comment under the video explains, FyreArsenal spent three hours on the project because recreating celebrities faces in the game sounded like a fun thing to do.
FyreArsenal continued, “The reason why I chose Tom was because I keep seeing his fangirls with their Tom Holland fan accounts all over Instagram, so I thought building this would make me gain recognition or something. Not many people saw it on Instagram, so I just posted it here on Reddit instead.”
Other users are sure glad that they chose to post as the video took off on Reddit and went viral. People are just impressed at the quality of the image and the overall time invested when compared to similar videos that don’t break down the process of designing such an elaborate structure.
Some other Redditors with great ears picked up on Michael Giacchino’s version of the Spider-Man theme making an appearance in the video. A welcome treat for fans with an appreciation for small details.
One clever commenter replied that “EDITH – Even Digitized, It’s Tom Holland.” The resemblance is pretty striking and at this scale, it would be easy to see the image become distorted due to stretching it to such lengths. Even after 10 years, Minecraft is still providing fans with the chance to appreciate these sorts of moments online.
For more information on Minecraft, including the upcoming Minecraft Dungeons, check out some of our previous coverage.
Is this the best celebrity recreation in Minecraft that you’ve ever seen? Are you looking forward to Minecraft Dungeons next year? What other popular movies or television shows do you want to see included in the game next? Sound off in the comment section below, or feel free to hit me up over on Twitter @SumitLakeHornet!
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The best Minecraft mods
Here, we’ve collected the best Minecraft mods, according to our experts on the game. Mods will help you get more out of Minecraft, no matter what it is you need. In this list, we’ll collect incremental improvements to the game, dazzling worlds and entirely new types of games you can play within Minecraft. It’s worth noting, not all mods are compatible with the latest version of Minecraft, and some require the installation of legacy versions of Forge to get them running. Thankfully, installing older mods isn’t too difficult. Most mods come with instructions, but if they don’t, we’ve got a mini-guide to get you up and running.
These mods are great on their own, but it’s worth noting that they might conflict with each other somewhat if you try and install several at once. If you do have issues with that or anything else, consider trying a preconfigured modpack out instead—the launchers provided by Feed the Beast and the Technic Platform are some of the simplest ways to quickly and cleanly get playing modded Minecraft.
If you’re looking for best Minecraft seeds, too, or Minecraft console commands and cheats, or best Minecraft servers, we can help with everything you need.
Here are the best Minecraft mods:
Instant Rope Bridge
You know what’s annoying? When you’re at the top of a mountain and see something interesting on an adjacent mountain. No one likes the feeling off having to trudge down a mountain only to clumsily stumble your way up another directly after.
What this mod does is cut out the in between bits. Namely, point, click, and a rope bridge will magically appear to offer up a link between the two destinations.
Yes, it’s for lazy people like me. Feel free to judge. Grab it here.
A more lively map
Maps are great for trying to keep a rough idea of where you are or where you’re heading. That said, there’s always room for improvement.
Imagine Google Maps, only for Minecraft and you’ll have a pretty good idea of what this mod does. Specifically, it lets folk view a more real-time map in-game, and on the mini-map, as well as being able to view the map online via a web browser. If you’re charting your next journey, and it’s going to take you far, far away from the sanctity of your home base, then this mod is a must.
It’s Portal, but in Minecraft
How do you fancy creating your own Aperture testing lab? Included in this modpack are a wealth of different Portal-themed blocks and, more importantly, a selection of Portal appliances, which includes floor buttons for dumping companion cubes onto, pedestal buttons, and indicator lights. So if you decide to create a nefarious puzzle challenge, all the tools you’ll need will be there from the off.
A quick note: For the full Portal experience, you’ll first need to grab iChun’s Portalgun modpack first from here [Link 1]. After that, you’re safe to install Raptor’s mod-extension from here [Link 2].
How many times have you explored a new area only to be met with nothing but vast emptiness? The Millénaire mod fixes that by introducing a wealth of new content into spaces where there’d usually be nothing. Villagers are replaced by human men, women, and children, instead of the bog-standard villager. Even villages have had a makeover to incorporate 11th-century Norman, North Indian and Mayan themes. Grab it here.
Fossil and Archaeology revival mod
If there’s one thing missing from Minecraft it’s dinosaurs. Who doesn’t want to ditch creepers in favour of riding around on a T-Rex? Not only is there a massive amount of dinosaurs to spawn in creative, but in survival, the player can hunt down fossils and bring these forgotten beasts back to life. As well as a texture overhaul, there’s also a new mob boss in the Anu for those looking to put their prehistoric skills to the test. Grab it here.
Instant Massive Structures
[1.8.8, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.9, 1.7.10]
Okay, okay, so this one may be cheating. We’ve all seen monstrous builds online which make our 5×5 dirt house pail in comparison. But what happens if you want to turn the tables? What happens if you want an enormous city in a matter of seconds? That’s where the Instant Structures mod comes in. Simply cycle through the creative menu, drop a block, right click it, and a building will magically spawn. Structures range from castles, to houses, all the way to tram stations. Yeah, sure, it’s technically cheating, but we won’t tell anyone. Grab it here.
The Lost Cities
[1.10, 1.11, 1.12]
Something has ended life as we know it. Buildings are in disrepair, and everyone has vanished, or so it seems. The Lost Cities, as the foreboding name suggests, spawns you into a city forgotten by time. The goal? See how long you can survive this post-apocalyptic wasteland without succumbing to death. If you fancy taking the survival one step further, this mod also interlinks with the Biomes O Plenty mod, meaning you’ll have a lot of stunning new areas to explore alongside the empty cities. Grab it here.
[1.7.10, 1.7.2]
Creating a biosphere, of decent size, takes around eight-hours, give or take. I know this because I spent eight-painstaking-hours making one. By the end, I wanted to chuck Minecraft into a nearby volcano. Making something spherical rather than a jagged diamond isn’t easy. Thankfully, the Biospheres mod removes all the annoying obstacles and spawns you into a world where the sky is overrun with various floating biomes. Just don’t fall off, yeah? Grab it here.
The Aether
The Aether (pronounced “ee-ther”) is the opposite of the Nether. While the Nether is seen as Minecraft’s equivalent of hell, the Aether is a sort of heavenly realm. Once transported via a portal, you’ll find yourself above the clouds surrounded by gorgeous, newly-designed floating islands. There’s also new mobs, including flying cows and flying pigs, some new boss enemies, as well as new block types to play with and new-fangled loot to find. Grab it here.
Minecraft doesn’t scale too well to the power of fast or slow machines. It runs surprisingly poorly on low-end laptops, and a high-end rig can’t do much with its extra oomph. Enter Optifine—a mod that not only makes Minecraft run faster but also look far better. It supports HD textures, smooth lighting, and more, and framerate doubling is not uncommon. It’s one of the first things I usually add when installing Minecraft. Grab it here.
Twilight Forest
Love adventuring? This mod adds a new, densely-forested dimension shrouded in perpetual twilight that hides both valuable treasures and dangerous monsters. Throw a diamond into a pool of water surrounded by flowers to create a portal there, then spend a while roaming around. You’ll find hedge mazes, hollow hills, enchanted groves, glaciers, lich towers and more with rich rewards for those that delve the deepest. Grab it here.
Biomes O’Plenty
Since the ‘Update That Changed The World‘ in late 2013, there’s been a bit more diversity in Minecraft worlds. But Biomes O’Plenty adds vastly more—75 to be exact—from brushland and coral reefs, through lavender fields and ominous woods, to tundra and wasteland. You’ll need to create a new world to use it (make sure to select the ‘Biomes O’Plenty’ world generation option), but it’s worth it to see corners of Minecraft that you’ve never seen before. Grab it here.
Some mods add powerful magical items. Others add intricate machinery. Botania just adds flowers—but wow, what flowers. Flowers that heal you. Flowers that feed animals. Flowers that turn hostile mobs against each other. Flowers that eat cake. Oh, and did I mention that you’ve can also use flowers to create a magical portal to a world of elves? If you want to try something wildly different from most other mods, Botania is it. Grab it here.
Inventory Tweaks, NotEnoughItems & Waila
This trio of mods are essential quality-of-life improvements, especially when you’ve got loads of mods installed at the same time. Inventory Tweaks allows you to sort your chests with a single click and automatically replace tools when they break. NotEnoughItems provides you with a searchable list of all the blocks available in the game, and the recipes for crafting them, and Waila lets you point your cursor at an unfamiliar blocks to find out what it is. Grab them here, hereand here respectively.
Being a sorcerer is awesome, and the most awesome way to be a sorcerer in Minecraft is with Thaumcraft. It’s a vast mod that revolves around drawing the magical essence out of physical objects in the Minecraft world and reshaping it into new forms. In the process, you’ll create altars, wands, golems and fill dozens of jars of coloured goo. There’s even a puzzle game you’ll have to complete to research new spells. Grab it here.
Eyephone Mod
[1.11, 1.10, 1.8.2, 1.12]
Now you can have your friends call you up at stupid hours to spoil the latest Game of Thrones episode in-game. Hurray? And just like a regular phone, the EyePhone comes equipped with a selection of apps (with more unlockable via diamonds). The best feature, though, has to be the ability to email your friends to blow them up, because why not? Only downside is you’ll have to craft an in-game charger to keep the phone powered. It’s just like real life then? Grab it here.
Make Creepers Even More Deadly
[1.11, 1.9, 1.7.2, 1.12]
Creepers not giving you enough grief? We can fix that. The Chameleon Creepers mod makes it so when a creeper passes over a block type, it changes colour in the hopes of stealthily blending in to its surroundings. In short, it makes creepers even more deadly so you won’t see them until they’re hissing down the back of your neck. Why you’d want to use this mod is anyone’s guess, but for the masochists out there, you’re welcome. Grab it here.
Stalked by Hunters
[1.7.10, 1.8]
Sometimes the simplest of mods are enough to give Minecraft a new lease of life. The Medieval Mobs mod does just that by replacing the current line-up of mobs with bloodthirsty hunters. The Brigand replaces the skeleton, while the Bandit and Tribesman fill the zombie role. But be warned, these new mobs don’t act like their coded counterparts. They’re smarter, faster, and won’t cook in the sunlight. But if they are a little too tough, there is a config file to play around with to help balance these fiends some. Grab them here.
Ultimate Apocalypse
The world is going to end. In five days, the sun will explode, causing all life3plants, trees, mobs, animals, villagers—to burn up. And yes, that includes you. Can you get together enough supplies to venture underground and start a new life? Can you survive without the overground to keep you fed? Those are the questions the Elite Armageddon mod asks. To survive in this harsh, ashened landscape will require every trick you’ve ever learned. Dare you grab it here?
Another great mod for spicing up world-generation is Natura. It adds a wide variety of new tree types, and therefore different-coloured woods to make your home more aesthetically pleasing. It also adds a few extra crops for early-game food and resource production, and makes the Nether a little more dangerous. Natura is a nice first step into Minecraft modding, because it sticks close to the themes of the regular game. Grab it here.
Minecraft’s default maps are a bit rubbish. They don’t offer much detail, have to be pulled out and looked down at to use, and don’t display anything other than where you are. JourneyMap fixes all that—it maps your world in real-time as you explore, can be displayed in the corner of your screen, and even lets you set waypoints to return to later. If you have a habit of getting lost in the wilderness, JourneyMap will get you home safe and sound. Grab it here.
Tinker’s Construct
Tools are the backbone of everything you do in Minecraft, and Tinker’s Construct lets you make far better tools out of a much wider range of materials. They’re upgradable, modular, and can be repaired if they break. Oh, and the mod also adds a smeltery to make high-end tools and increase ore processing efficiency. If you love having the best possible equipment to work with, grab Tinker’s Construct from here.
If you like the agricultural aspects of Minecraft, you’re going to love Forestry. It’s a huge mod, which adds a bunch of new items, machines and blocks, but it’s best known for its bees. You can become an apiarist, capturing wild bees and cross-breeding them using real genetic principles to create masses of different useful resources. If I were teaching biology, I’d be using this in the classroom. Grab it here.
While we’re learning biology, let’s learn some programming too! ComputerCraft adds programmable computers and turtles into Minecraft, which you can write code to control. It’s based on the easy-to-learn Lua programming language, and with it you can make passworded doors, private chatrooms, automated mining turtles, and even in-game videogames. The possibilities are endless. Grab it here.
Thermal Expansion 4 & Minefactory Reloaded
These titans are two of the most important technology mods in the game. Thermal Expansion focuses on power generation and storage, as well as adding a bunch of new metals that have become standard components of several other mods. Minefactory Reloaded is where you’re going to use that power—in automating farming, animal husbandry, mining, enchanting, potion-brewing and more. Install it for the ‘raw meat block‘ alone. Grab both mods, and a couple of extras that they need to run, here.
Big Reactors
After a while with lots of tech mods installed, you’ll find that your power needs are growing faster than you can add more generator capacity. Big Reactors is the answer. It lets you build highly-configurable customised nuclear reactors that output huge amounts of power and won’t melt down spectacularly if things go wrong. It even interfaces with ComputerCraft, so you can build programs to control your reactors. Budding nuclear engineers can grab it here.
Chisel & Carpenter’s Blocks
Making your base pretty is an afterthought to some players, but to others it’s a vital part of the game. These two mods give you the tools you need to customise almost every aspect of your base design. Chisel provides loads of new texture options for many of the most common blocks in the game, while Carpenter’s Blocks adds slopes and loads of aesthetic options for doors, switches, torches, ladders, fences and more. Grab them here and here, respectively.
RailCraft & Steve’s Carts 2
You can probably guess what these mods do. That’s right—they both substantially upgrade the capabilities of Minecraft’s minecarts. RailCraft adds a bunch of new types of track, including sophisticated redstone-controlled junctions and signals, while Steve’s Carts pumps up the capabilities of the carts themselves—adding brakes, shields, drills and more. You can even make an attachment that launches fireworks. Grab RailCraft here, and Steve’s Carts 2 here.
Getting stuff to where it needs to be is often a problem in Minecraft. EnderIO solves that problem impressively elegantly, by adding compact conduits that carry fluid, items, power and redstone signals. It also has a few machines that enhance your ore processing capabilities, too. When your base starts getting complicated, EnderIO is one of the best ways to sort it out. Grab it here.
Applied Energistics 2
Storage can also become an issue when you start automating more and more aspects of Minecraft. Applied Energistics solves the problem by turning the matter in your chests into energy, which is then stored on disk drives, accessible wirelessly from anywhere in your base. You can even use it to autocraft anything you need by interfacing directly with your machines. If that sounds a bit magical, you wouldn’t be wrong. It uses vast amounts of power, of course, but once properly configured you’ll come to see wooden chests as hopelessly primitive relics of the past. Grab it here.
JABBA and Iron Chests 2
More storage mods, but this time focused on the early-game. JABBA adds easy-to-craft, upgradable barrels that can hold hundreds of stacks of a single item, while Iron Chests lets you upgrade wooden chests to hold more stuff. In the long run, you’ll probably still want an Applied Energistics system, but these mods make the early part of the game so much more pleasant. Get hold of them hereand here.
Extra Utilities & OpenBlocks
This pair of mods are a grab bag of immensely useful utilities with no real theme running through them. Extra Utilities adds a golden lasso for transporting friendly mobs, blackout curtains for keeping places dark, conveyor belts to move mobs around, and sound mufflers to quieten down your stables. OpenBlocks, on the other hand, adds sleeping bags, hang gliders, elevators, gravestones, rope ladders and building guides. Both are essential. Grab them here and here, respectively.
It’s always refreshing seeing mods that try something a bit different. PneumatiCraft is a tech mod, but instead of power it uses air pressure. You’ll need to build compression chambers, pipes and valves to make sure you balance the flow of air, and if you get things wrong an explosion is inevitable. If you get it right, though, the nifty gadgets that PneumatiCraft brings to the table, like air cannons and configurable helmets, are well worth the time investment. Grab it here.
Hunger Overhaul, The Spice of Life & Pam’s HarvestCraft
Feeling hungry? You will be after you install Hunger Overhaul. It makes hunger more of a challenge, rather than a mild annoyance, reducing the amount of hunger each food item refills. Then, The Spice of Life means that you get diminishing returns from eating the same foodstuffs over and over again. So what do you do to get some dietary variation? Install Pam’s HarvestCraft, of course. It adds 58 new crops, 35 fruit trees, 12 bushes and 16 fish for you to track down, including—vegetarians rejoice—the ability to use tofu in place of meat for any recipe. It’s a veritable culinary explosion, and your mouth will thank you. Grab Hunger Overhaul here, the Spice of Life here, and Pam’s HarvestCraft here.
Bibliocraft began as a way to store books in bookcases. but has expanded wildly since into a bunch of blocks and items that are both useful and aesthetically pleasing to have in your base. There are armour stands, potion shelves, cookie jars, clocks, lanterns, display cases, nifty multipart chairs, and even tables and tablecloths. Once you’re done with Bibliocraft, your home base might actually start to look like a home. Grab it here.
Project Red
Those of you that work frequently with redstone will know what a pain it can sometimes be. Project Red changes all that, bringing vastly improved control over what you’re doing and allowing you to make your circuits much more compact. It also adds integrated logic gates, making task automation way easier. Worth having around if you ever might want to work with redstone. Grab it here.
Steve’s Factory Manager
Another incredibly useful automation tool is Steve’s Factory Manager. Like ComputerCraft, it’s a little on the fiddly side and requires a bit of knowledge of programming concepts to get going. Once you’ve got the hang of the drag-and-drop interface however, you’ll be amazed by the possibilities. For automating a factory, there’s no better solution. Grab the download and learn about it here.RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU…
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Have you grown bored of your world but don’t want to lose your progress? Conjure up a new dimension with Mystcraft. It lets you create ‘Linking Books’ that allow you to travel around the multiverse—with the contents of the book dictating the kind of worlds you’ll discover. You might find a series of snow-covered floating islands, or an endless ocean with giant trees sprouting from the water. But be careful, some of the new dimensions could be unstable, falling apart around you. Downloading Mystcraft here for a bit of exploring. I hope you make it back.
Animal Bikes
Making your way downtown in Minecraft isn’t always an enjoyable experience. While things are great once you’ve set up your own network of railways or rivers, it can often feel like a slog in new areas. Well, rather than lamenting this fact, why not speed up the experience with a whole slew of new animal bikes. This mod allows you to craft and ride a whole bunch of different beasts, all of which have special abilities. You can ride on animal hungry dinosaurs, volatile creepers, and even your very own fire-breathing ender dragon. You can grab it here.
LotsOMobs answers the key question that so many of us have asked in Minecraft: but what if there were more animals? Rather than just adding a couple of animals here or there, it adds over forty new mobs, including creatures like bees, ants, mammoths, and even cavemen. On top of that, there are a few new items to spawn some of these mods, and even new portals to go through leading to new biomes. You can get it by going here.
While there are plenty of mods that add in new functionality, there aren’t many that can accidentally destroy the world you’ve created for yourself. The Bacteria mod allows you to harvest special sponges from the world, and then train them to perform certain tasks. For example, you can place a bacteria down that consumes all of the dirt blocks it can reach. You have to be careful with this kind of power, and that’s what makes this mod so fascinating. Destroying the world on purpose is BDE, doing it by accident is simply very funny. Grab the mod here.
With the recently revealed Picard looking so good, it seems like a good time to try and explore space, the final frontier. That’s just a small part of what this mod allows you to do. You can build your own space rocket, launch yourself into the starry sky, and then go on adventures from there. You can actually visit planets which have their own atmospheres and mobs, as well as building your very own space station. It’s stellar stuff, and you can grab the mod here.
From the deep dark abyss of space to the glistening glory of Jeff Goldblum. The JurrasiCraft mod lets you create your very own prehistoric world by extracting DNA from fossils or amber you can find. It even includes some vehicles to help you make your way around. You can even bring back some prehistoric plants too. Just remember that life, uh, finds a way, and dinosaurs are much bigger than you and usually hungry. Grab the mod by going here.
Mojang proposed Minecraft buyout to Microsoft
In a recent interview with Fortune, Xbox boss Phil Spencer revealed that Swedish indie giant Mojang actually approached Microsoft about the buyout of their huge indie darling. In particular it was then-Mojang CEO Carl Manneh who made the call (Manneh left Mojang in 2014). “The next thing that happened is Carl calls up and says ‘hey do you want to buy Minecraft?’ We had the 360 relationship with them, with Notch and Carl through doing the 360 port of Minecraft,” Spencer said in the interview while discussing how Microsoft doubled-down in the Xbox business. Buying Minecraft cemented Xbox and gaming as an important part of its business. “But it was a great point of clarity for us to go drive inside the company, when you’re going to invest a couple billion dollars into buyinga video game…it’s like you better be serious about being in the category if you’re going to go make that investment.” Minecraft has since gone on to become one of the most popular games of all time. Bolstered by Microsoft’s massive webwork of services and cashflows, Mojang is able to bring the voxel-building hit across every platform known to man while adding in monetization hooks for long-term revenues. They’re even making some spin-off games like Minecraft Dungeons, a very Diablo-esque isometric ARPG. Right now Minecraft is one of the purest reflections of Microsoft’s gaming business. The company puts services, live gaming, and engagement above everything else; rather than selling consoles and moving first-party games, Microsoft is spread across a multitude of strategies that all feed into one another in a synergistic way. Subscriptions like Game Pass fuel game sales as well as provide recurring incomes over time, and also organically fold into other services like Xbox LIVE Gold. In short, like Xbox, Minecraft has transitioned towards the service realm dominated by online play, monetization, and engagement hooks. It’s no longer a smaller indie, but a billion-dollar titan holding up Microsoft’s gaming empire.
Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/66766/mojang-proposed-minecraft-buyout-microsoft/index.html
Could Elon Musk Actually Put Humanity Inside Minecraft?
Slowly but surely, Elon Musk continues to change the world. From Tesla to SpaceX, he’s truly changing how humanity will charge into the future. Most recently, Elon showcased the next steps for Neuralink, his brain-computer interface technology. Neuralink has a lot of potential. For instance, thanks to the internet, it could possibly put humans in Minecraft.
Humans in Minecraft?
If you spend enough time on the internet, you come across some weird ideas. On occasion, these ideas embed themselves in art. Furthermore, satire is a popular and entertaining way to convey artistic ideas on the internet. I came across a particular satirical video while browsing YouTube titled Elon Musk Wants to Upload Humanity Into Minecraft: Here’s How.
The video is very obviously satirical. Within the video, Musks says that humans face an increasingly precarious situation with the environment. True so far. To remedy this, he develops Neuralink, which is also actually happening. Then, Musk says that the only solution is for humanity to upload itself into the abundance of Minecraft via Neuralink. Obviously not happening. But could it?
Minecraft is a block-built open world video game released in 2009. Since its inception ten years ago, it has made history as the number one best-selling game of all time. Because of this, I won’t go into too much detail about the game. Knowledge about Minecraft is pretty common at this point. But knowledge about Neuralink, on the other hand, is not widespread. Who even knows what Neuralink is at this point?
What is Neuralink?
When Elon Musk appeared as a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience, he identified a particular problem with the human ability to put knowledge into the world. Humans have an output problem, according to Elon. To take information out of the human mind and communicate it digitally requires we speak, type on a keyboard, or use our thumbs on a touch screen. According to Elon, there’s a bandwidth problem here.
To solve this issue, Elon Musk is developing Neuralink. The Neuralink chip is designed to detect electrical action potentials in the human brain called spikes. If all goes to plan, this means that humans will be able to control keyboards, computer mice, and touch screens with their minds via the small wires threaded throughout the brain.
Musk hopes to begin human trials by the end of 2020. So far, he’s successfully integrated Neuralink into the minds of 19 rats. Unless the FDA decides to stand in the way of scientific advancement, this is only the beginning.
Elon Musk Living Inside Minecraft
The video suggests that since Neuralink aims to make humans symbiotic with our soon-to-come AI overlords (who I welcome, by the way), we can just upload whole human entities into Minecraft’s digital system. While this could be theoretically possible at one point, considering the rapid rate of technological development, I don’t see this happening anytime soon. Elon Musk hasn’t announced any plans to put consciousness in computers. Rather, he simply aims to tie them together.
As I mentioned before, Neuralink will hopefully allow humans to use a keyboard and mouse with just their mind. Pair this with contemporary virtual reality technology, and one could have a 100% immersive Minecraft gaming experience. But this is still down the road.
So no, you won’t be able your consciousness into the blocky world in the near future. But if Neuralink becomes widespread, you’ll be a whole lot closer to living inside of Minecraft.
From Teaching Architecture Through ‘Minecraft’ to Giving Spanish Lessons via Taylor Swift Lyrics, Outschool Is ‘the Netflix of Learning’
Outschool calls itself the Netflix of learning, a live online platform connecting students from around the world to other students and teachers in an array of classes that cover everything from core subjects to niche and creative interests. By building an interactive online model, Outschool gives students access both to teachers passionate about subjects and to other students with the same interests, creating an online setting with a better than 80 percent attendance rate for classes that can range from one-offs to an entire semester in length.
Amir Nathoo, Outschool’s founder, says that while online education has long opened up avenues for students to explore new worlds of curriculum, his San Francisco-based startup offers diversity with the value of human interaction.
Launched in 2017, Outschool has presented more than 31,000 classes, costing an average of $10 to $15 per session. Teachers can pick and choose to create and build online curricula for classes that generally run between three and eight students who meet live via small-group video chats.
“Through our marketplace model and freedom to be creative, we let teachers discover new ways to inspire kids,” Nathoo says. “It is very different from what we see in K-12 education today, where so much focus is on the end results. We believe fostering a love of learning is a key building block.”
The unique course offerings range from teaching architecture through Minecraft to instruction in Spanish via Taylor Swift lyrics. Classes are capped at 18 students to retain an interactive feel.
About 85 percent of users select Outschool as a way for kids to pursue interests, although core subjects remain a part of the mix. Early on, Outschool catered to homeschool students, but as the marketplace has grown, Nathoo has seen more families choosing classes after school, on weekends and in the summer.
Currently, the marketplace has roughly 1,000 teachers offering more than 8,000 classes of several types: one-off classes to pique interest, short courses that may meet once per week for a few weeks, semester classes that have at least eight meetings and camps that meet daily for a week. Nathoo says parents often use the one-off classes, which are offered at various times throughout the year, as a test to see if Outschool is a fit. Sixty percent of customers are returning students.
Teachers seem to enjoy the freedom. “I have a strong interest in curriculum writing and design,” says Tegan Bombard, a fifth-grade teacher at a Title I public school in Florida who also teaches on Outschool. “I love that I could marry this interest with the passion that I have for teaching to create learning experiences for children around the globe. Outschool has provided me with such a unique opportunity to not only design classes from scratch but implement these classes to see the impact on a wide range of learners.”
Teachers — all from the United States or Canada, allowing Outschool to vet for experience and run background checks — keep 70 percent of the tuition fee, with Outschool retaining 30 percent for marketing, enrollment and administration. Some teachers, Nathoo says, earn up to $7,000 a month and have made it their full-time effort. Others use the platform as a way to teach subject areas they personally want to explore. Currently, about half the teachers are credentialed or are former classroom teachers.
Half of Outschool learners take a class with students from two or more countries, primarily from English-speaking countries such as the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. And while 20 percent of the users are based in California, students come from major urban centers and rural areas across the United States and beyond.
Bombard says Outschool gives her joy and satisfaction outside of school hours because she believes that freedom from regulations allows her to better reach learners. “Through the small class sizes on Outschool, learning can be more personalized,” she says. “I am better able to modify the learning experiences of those in my classes to ensure that they are given the tools needed to grow in their own individual learning.”
Bombard teaches reading, writing, math and history in a fairly straightforward style, as well as other classes she teaches, such as World History Through Film, that provide less traditional methods to encourage critical thinking.
Shawn Walk, who has a strong educational technology background both owning a company and teaching in an elementary school north of Pittsburgh, heads the Architecture Through Minecraft class and says teaching at Outschool has allowed him much more flexibility in his work-life balance.
Both Walk and Bombard say the model allows them to focus on education and curriculum while leaving the marketing to someone else. “So far, as long as I make sure I am offering high-quality classes, I have seen consistent enrollment,” Walk says. “The engagement from students has been great. What has surprised me is how the majority of students are independent enough to find success in the online environment. Since the kids are taking classes they are interested in, they are focused and actively engaged.”
After working for a cyberschool, where kids were disengaged because it wasn’t their choice to be there, Walk appreciates the high level of engagement and, often, support from parents in helping their children pursue their interests. “Overall, that makes for a great learning environment for teachers and students,” he says.
Although Outschool doesn’t offer credits, it has a partnership with a charter school in the San Francisco area that gives its students credit for completing Outschool classes. “The range of subjects we have is far broader than any other vendor would be able to provide because the classes aren’t restricted by what is available locally,” Nathoo says. “We are able to support niche topics.”
Outschool recently announced an $8.5 million investment in the company after its student enrollment increased by a factor of five over the past year, meaning continued growth and greater class choices, whether it’s a veterinary technician teaching about animal anatomy or a United Nations human rights lawyer teaching about social studies and debate. And there’s always that Taylor Swift class.
Minecraft may be headed to Tesla cars, Cuphead coming in August
What you need to know
- Minecraft may be on its way to another platform: Tesla cars.
- Tesla founder Elon Musk tweeted that the company is working on bringing the blocky game to its vehicles, and it’s a “high priority.”
- Musk also revealed that Cuphead will launch in Teslas in August.
Minecraft has already become one of the most ubiquitous games out there, with ports on nearly every platform you can think of. However, you might be able to add another, unconventional platform to that list soon: Tesla vehicles.
Tesla founder Elon Musk recently tweeted that Minecraft is on his company’s list of to-dos for game ports. Going further, Musk says it’s a high priority, alongside Roblox.
We’re working on it. Agreed, Minecraft is high priority. Roblox too.3,5219:41 AM – Jul 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy474 people are talking about this
Teslas all feature a large displays from which you control much of the car’s functions. Tesla has been gradually adding games to the built-in computers for months now, including Atari titles, Beach Buggy Racing 2, and even chess. Of course, the games are only meant to be played while the car is at rest, so don’t get your hopes up for playing Minecraft as you drive. That’s just plain dangerous.
In further Tesla game news, Studio MDHR’s notoriously difficult Cuphead, which was teased earlier this year, will launch on Tesla vehicles in August, Musk confirmed in another tweet.
For those of us without a Tesla, both Cuphead and Minecraft are available to pick up across Xbox One, Windows 10, and a number of other platforms in the meantime.
The best Minecraft servers
Servers are your gateway to expanding your horizons in Minecraft, and here we’ve rounded up the best Minecraft servers around. Like fantasy? Want to walk through a blocky recreation of your favourite TV show or film? Want to grief without the fear of a ban? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, servers have got you covered.
Joining a server is nice and simple. All you need to do is load up Minecraft as you normally would, hit multiplayer, then add a server. Name it whatever you want, then type or Ctrl+V the IP address into the box below. Save it, click play, and you’re good to go. Just keep in mind some servers need you to download data for them to run correctly. If this at any point fails, just quit out and keep trying. It should work eventually.
This server is astoundingly large and packs in a vast array of things to do. They’ve got FPS games, painting, and even their own version of Smash Bros. Basically if you can think of a game type, there’s a large chance of it being available within Mineplex. It’s also got an incredibly active staff and as a result, suffers from a lot less grief than some of the less wholesome servers around.
IP Address: us.mineplex.com or eu.mineplex.com
Autcraft is a server designed specifically for children and adults who have autism. It’s designed to be a safe haven for those who want a reprieve from the potentially overwhelming things you would find on other servers. This includes things like no frightening characters and making sure everything is kept child-friendly. You have to apply in order to join the server, but if you make it in then you’re good to go. It’s not doing anything special in terms of how it plays, but it’s a useful one to know about if you or a family member have autism and would like to know there’s somewhere safe to go.
IP Address: mc.autcraft.com
Game of Thrones is over now, and whether you liked or loathed the ending, you’re probably hungry for more. Well, hunger no longer, and feast yourself on this server. While it’s not finished, it’s still going to provide a nice rush for those who want to try their hand at being King for a day. We’ve yet to see whether or not you can pet the Direwolves though…
IP Address: mc.westeroscraft.com
Pirate Craft
Sailing a ship around in Minecraft is tricky, but in Pirate Craft, they do a surprisingly good job of making it work. As is often the way these servers, it takes a bit of time to get used to things, but it’s well worth the effort if you like the idea. The scale of the ships is impressive, as is the ship-to-ship combat. Just don’t be surprised when someone nicks your pirate ship, there’s no honour among thieves.
IP Address: mc.piratemc.com
Hypixel is another mini-game heavy server. There are all the normal games you would expect from a high-quality server, but there are also a few noteworthy ones as well. Games like VampireZ, where you have to try and survive as a human while the vampires hunt you. There’s even a game called Turbo Kart Racers, which is a surprisingly good racing game that will pit you against other players as you try and reach the finish line first. It’s a lot of fun, and they update it regularly, so it’s worth sticking around for.
IP Address: mc.hypixel.net
The Lord of the Craft
While this may sound like a Lord of the Rings server, it’s not quite. It’s fantasy, sure, but with a huge focus on roleplaying. The world, and its lore, is already set up, and a helpful warp command means travelling between the different kingdoms (high elves, dark elves, dwarves, etc) is simple. All you need is a killer skin and an elaborate backstory and you’re good to go.
IP Address: mc.lotc.co
Grand Theft Minecart
You can probably guess from the title which popular video game series this server is based on. You guessed it, the unstoppable juggernaut that is Hello Kitty Online. Or GTA. It’s one of the two.
Join this server and you’ll be treated to two different game modes (Grand Theft Minecart and Vice Minecart), as well as 35 different GTA-inspired weapons. There are also plenty of vehicle offerings including cars, planes, and of course, tanks. Because it’s not GTA if there isn’t an option to go on an explodey murder-spree.
IP Address: mc-gtm.net
The Mining Dead
What’s the one thing missing from Minecraft? Guns! Although that’d just make it Fortnite, wouldn’t it? Either way, if you’re a fan of The Walking Dead TV show or comic, this is a great opportunity to take in all the famous sights as you’re scrambling to find weapons, ammo, and generally anything to help fend off the undead. And because of the voxel stylings of Minecraft, there’s a faint whiff of Goldeneye 64 to the whole thing.
IP Address: hub.havocmc.net
Arkham Network
Fancy donning a cape while shouting “You have failed this city!”? Maybe you’re an anarchist looking to watch the world burn? Whichever side you choose to join, the Arkham Network has a comic-book world that’s just begging to be explored. And griefed, obviously. There are also a host of different day jobs for making coin, and a wealth of gamemodes to participate in. One of the key rules of this server is make friends, fast. You’ll need them.
IP Address: mc.arkhamnetwork.org
Arguably one of the best Pokémon/Minecraft mashups out there, Pokefind starts as you’d expect. You meet a professor before being tasked with choosing a Pokémon. The starter choice options mirrors that of Generation 1, so that’s Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. Once you’ve picked Bulbasaur (because you absolutely should!), you can either chill at the Pokémon centre, learn about crafting, or head into the wild and fight some poor animals. It’s just like the actual games, then.
IP Address: Play.pokefind.co
MC Middle Earth
A team was always going to attempt to recreate the Lord of the Rings universe in Minecraft, and the result is something truly breathtaking. Everything in this world has been meticulously crafted to feel as real as possible. Taking a stroll through the Shire is a lovely way to lose a few hours, but if you’re not here for a sightseeing tour, there’s also a PvP server. Because of course there is.
Build IP Address: build.mcmiddleearth.com
PvP and Event IP Address: pvp.mcmiddleearth.com
The Tomb
If you’re new to the world of Minecraft servers, you’ll be forgiven for not knowing what a prison server is. Basically, the player spawns and is locked in an area. In The Tomb’s case, it’s an underground mine teeming with lavish decorations. The goal here is to level up and escape by collecting and selling resources. Think No Man’s Sky if No Man’s Sky was trapped underground without a spaceship. If you’re a fan of relaxing grinding, this one’s for you.
IP Address: the-tomb.com
Extreme Craft
We couldn’t put out a list of Minecraft servers without mentioning one of the most popular out there. Extreme Craft keeps popping up because of the sheer amount of modes there are to play, including the likes of a fully fleshed out survival mode, hunger games, factions, skygrid, skywars, skyblock, acid island, and eggwars. That’s on top of a creative mode and the option of roleplaying. It’s like a Minecraft greatest hits compilation.
IP Address: play.extremecraft.net
For people who hate people there’s Minewind, an anarchy server where the only rule is don’t cheat. See someone building a nice tower they’ve spent hours on? Tear the whole thing down and laugh as they furiously scramble to get away. Another player near diamonds? Push them headfirst into lava. Here you can grief as much as you desire with zero repercussions. While this is one server you may want to avoid, it’s also a server you may want to visit, because you’re a horrible, horrible person.
IP Address: play.Minewind.com
Potter World MC
When you first enter Potter World, you’re greeted by the boy himself battling a dementor as Hogwarts sits ominously in the background. Much like Middle Earth, Potter World goes all out when it comes to authenticity. Buildings appear as they do in the mind’s eye, complete with inside furnishings. You can learn about potion making, duel other wizards and witches, or go off and play a friendly round of quidditch. This is Minecraft at its strongest: creating game worlds that best those of their AAA counterparts.
IP Address play.potterworldmc.com
Minecraft version 1.14.4 is out now
There’s a new version of the Java version of Minecraft. The 1.14.4 patch contains a lot of bugfixes for the Villagers and Pillagers update, which Mojang described as Minecraft’s biggest update ever. As always there’s some entertaining stuff hidden in those bugfix notes, my favorite being “Villagers will now remember their gossip after becoming a Zombie Villager”. And “Gossip about players who converted a zombie villager will now last longer” isn’t bad either.
Now that these fixes are live, the team at Mojang aim to knuckle down and get to work on version 1.15, which as well as adding new features “will also focus on quality and performance improvements”.
Here’s the list of changes in version 1.14.4, for the complete bugfixes head over to the Minecraft blog.
- Fixed bugs
- Performance improvements
- Suspicious stew made from poppies now gives you night vision instead of speed
- Added /debug report for getting more detailed information. Please include this while making bug reports about performance!
- Fixed a memory leak
- Removed camera pivot offset in first-person
- Improved chunk loading when travelling at high speed
- Fixed incorrect Pillager texture
- /reload and /forceload is now available to gamemasters
- function-permission-level is a new setting in server.properties that controls which commands functions have access to
- Villagers now stock more items
- Villagers will now remember their gossip after becoming a Zombie Villager
- Improved performance of Villager pathfinding
- Villagers can now work without also restocking at the same time
- Gossip about players who converted a zombie villager will now last longer
- The Player Activity button on the Realm screen has been removed
- Villagers now wait with restocking until they have trades that need restocking
- Village sieges no longer occur on mushroom islands
- Mobs will no longer try to pathfind their way through bamboo
- Pinged the human
Best Minecraft texture packs for Java Edition
From Borderlands-like cartoons to realistically sunny vistas, here are the best texture upgrades to shape your playing experience
Looking for the best Minecraft texture packs for the Java Edition? Minecraft’s low-fi charms were predictably the first thing modders took to ‘fixing’. The ruddy textures, while distinctive, are an obvious target for an upgrade if you stare at them long enough.
I confess that when I found a texture pack I loved I’ve never gone back to the original look: I’m going to start off with that one and then explore the the rather vibrant world of Minecraft Texture packs. There’s nothing too crazy in here: those packs tend to be part of larger mods that fundamentally change the game, and that’s another article entirely.
But what we do have here is a fantastic selection of textures that bring all sorts of style to the game, from the ultra-realistic to the cartoonish to far out sci fi. There’s even an animated textures included, a feature supported since development snapshot 13w02a was released, although they’re not yet implemented in the main game. Not sure how to grab and install one of these snapshots? Don’t worry, we can help you with that too. Click through to be delighted by the variety and vibrancy of Minecraft’s many texture packs.
Before you begin, download and point the MCPatcher at your Minecraft install: it’ll enable the game to run with HD images on the blocks, which many of these packs include. If you want to try out any of those animated textures with a development snapshot, here’s how to test Minecraft snapshots. It’s not difficult and the rewards are well worth it.
All these textures are compatible with the 1.4.7 version of Minecraft, so if you want to minimise the amount of switching you’ll have to do, fire up that version. Also keep in mind that if you try some of the snapshots, they will likely contain elements that the texture pack creators haven’t yet made textures for, meaning they’ll either be blank or even invisible.
Another thing to note is that this list is directed at the Java edition of Minecraft, so if you’re using the newer Bedrock edition you’re likely to run into some issues as MCPatcher doesn’t get along with the new launcher -not now, anyway.
Okay, now that’s out of the way. Let’s start with something big and bright. We’re going to change the world, or your world, at least.
- Jolicraft
- JohnSmith
- Glimmar’s Steampunk
- Painterly Pack
- Isabella
- Chroma Hills
- Creative One’s Medieval Texture Pack
- oCd Texture Pack
- Misa’s Realistic Texture Pack
- Summerfields
- Sphax PureBDCraft
- Cartoon Default
- DEFAnimation
- Bladecraft
- Faithful

A lot of texture packs have a theme that they try and nail, but Joli’s is about personal expression: he made a texture pack, a sort of twee fantasy world that best reflected his own happy demeanour: the swirling sun is definitely a sight more cheerful than the default, squat square. Jolicraft feels like a warm summer day. But even more impressive are the customisation options: you can build your own texture pack at the site, choosing how the game represents everything from doors and shadows, to water drops and clouds. It’s a remarkable thing.
This is one of the most popular texture packs out there, in part I’m sure because it too is quite customisable, but also because it has some fantastically creepy-looking skeletons and it does a fine job with surfaces, be those rock, cobblestone or even netherrack. Compared to Jollicraft, it’s a much more sombre pack, but a Minecraft world looks surprisingly good with muted colours.
Glimmar’s Steampunk
And if sombre is your sort of thing, then I thoroughly recommend you give this pack a try. As well as its slightly faded walls, its glimmering starfield and its gorgeous moon, this steampunk pack also features some fantastic tools and skins. Just check out the how golem looks above.

Painterly Pack
While we’re on the subject of customisation, you should also have at this pack, which is as much a tool as it is a way to revamp the look of your game. Not happy with the pack you just downloaded? Want to contribute your own ideas? Why not get started here, it’s not as difficult as you might think.
If you’d prefer something a little more subtle, a little more muted, then Isabella’s gentle shading might be what you’re looking for. Its tones are softer, its wood warmer and its stone faded, all of which gives it a more natural feel. As natural as a world made from giant blocks can ever be, that is.
Chroma Hills
Some of us, I’m sure, would just prefer the prettiest textures that they can find and Chroma Hills is certainly one of the best-looking out there, even if it’s beautiful stylings are slightly at odds with the blockiness of Minecraft’s world. To get the very best from it you’ll want to make sure you use some shaders too, but even without those it’s still a fine lookin’ thang.
Creative One’s Medieval Texture Pack
Another lovely HD patch, the Medieval Texture Pack features a lot of subtle and yet very smart touches, such as the glow from an Ender chest (see the video below) or the woven texture in wool blocks. It also gives much of the game a very worn look, which, it turns out, suits Minecraft very well indeed.

oCd Texture Pack
I dabbled a bit with oCD’s texture pack before settling on Short Stuff’s: it takes the minimalist approach, rendering all the blocks in solid colours with bold lines. It’s striking, and removes the organic nature that I wanted. The colours seem a bit bolder and punchier. The theme is actually disco, hence the funky trailer.
Misa’s Realistic Texture Pack
Realism is an odd term when you’re talking about a world made out of cubes, and yet it’s one of the most prevalent goals for the Minecraft modding community. If trying Isabella has made you want something grubbier, something with muddier ground and fluffier clouds then Misa’s pack brings all this to the game.
If the real world was built out of cubes, it would look a bit like Misa’s interpretation. It’s not flashy, it’s for those looking for a “grim up north” feeling. And the pigs are terrifying.

This is my antidote to Misa’s grubby brown realism: if Misa’s texture packwas Game of Thrones, then Summerfields is LotR before Frodo goes off in his quest. The browns here feel like they glow, radiating the heat of the summer day that beats down from the fuzzy, circular sun: even the skeletons feel a bit cheerful I’m pretty sure the people who live in Misa’s end of the world would take holiday in Summerfields.
Sphax PureBDCraft
The flipside of the inevitable realism packs was that someone would endeavour to convert Minecraft to a comic book style. The blocks demanded it. BDCraft’s is a gorgeous, and essentially reverential, upgrading of the base Minecraft graphics: switching between them is like putting on glasses and seeing everything clearly for the first time: ore is full of clear gems, the new grass as chunky as an anime character’s head. It’s sharp, colourful and a good upgrade to base Minecraft that retains its flavour.
Cartoon Default
This pack almost turns the game into Borderlands, drawing bold black lines around mobs and objects, but still keeping everything very recognisable and extremely true to the original look of the game. With these textures, Minecraft becomes posterized, but also an awful lot clearer. While it might not be to everyone’s taste, or terribly easy on the eyes, you can’t deny that it has style.

Animated texture packs are still a rarity, partly because relatively few people are going to use them right now. Since animated textures are only supported by a recent development snapshot, most players won’t have a version of Minecraft that can make use of them and will have no reason to seek them out. That said, more and more people are trying those snapshots and we’d like to think that perhaps PCGamesN’s encouragement has had some part in this.
This pack adds some wonderful animations to the game, wonderful because they’re so subtle and a great example of the tiny but impressive changes that animated textures can make. Unmined ores sparkled in the darkness, weapons shine and lava seethes.
I’m sorry, I just had to end with something a little different, something a little sillier. Who says Minecraft should only be about the pseudo-fantasy, pastoral theme?
BladeCraft throws it into the near future and creates something… well, actually, something really quite impressive. I feel bad for even suggesting that this is silly now. Now enjoy what is by far the coolest of all the videos in this post.

Faithful Maybe you’re not looking for a wholesale change, and want something that adds some sheen on what’s already there. If that’s the case, then the Faithful texture pack is what you’ll want to install. The changes you’ll notice here merely smooth out textures, and refine what’s already present.
And there you go, the best Minecraft texture packs. Whether you’re looking for a pack to turn your Minecraft world into a cartoon, or one to make it look more like the real world, you should find what you’re looking for here.
Minecraft brewing guide: how to use a Minecraft brewing stand to make potent potions
Learn the Minecraft brewing basics for cooking up potions and saving the day in Mojang’s blocky universe
If you’re new to Minecraft brewing and want to get to grips with the basics – including what on earth you should do with your phantom membranes – we’ve created a simple guide to get you started. Our guide includes Minecraft brewing equipment, key ingredients, and some of the most powerful mixtures you can concoct.
Minecraft brewing can be used to create a vast array of consumable potions that will cause various status effects, such as healing buffs, strength enhancers, and elemental cures. All potions created from brewing require a base ingredient, which can then be adapted and enhanced using a secondary ingredient and/or modifier.
We’ve broken down exactly what you’ll need in this Minecraft brewing guide below, including some of the most common ingredients and their effects. We’ll start by breaking down the key equipment you’ll need to get started on your journey to become a Minecraft brewing pro before moving onto the ingredients you’ll be combining. So, without further ado, here’s your Minecraft brewing primer for beginners.
Click the links below to the part of this Minecraft brewing guide you need:
- Brewing stand: used to add and combine ingredients into water bottles
- Cauldron: holds one bucket of water or three bottles of a single potion. The cauldron equates to three glass bottles
- Blaze powder: the fuel for brewing, an essential to fuel the brewing stand
- Glass bottle: used at a water source to create a water bottle. Is also the potion container
- Water bottle: the starting base for all potions, created from filling a glass bottle at a water source or cauldron

- Fill 1-3 glass bottles with water from either a cauldron or a water source
- Place the water bottle(s) into the bottom three slots
- Fill the top spot with the base ingredient
- Use Blaze Powder for the brewing process
- Repeat these steps until you have the desired potion
The base ingredients are the first ingredient added to the brewing process. Every potion requires a base ingredient, which determine the potion’s type. The base ingredients are listed below, along with the type of potion each ingredient creates. The modifier effect is when the ingredient is used at the end of the brewing process, to enhance or adapt potions.
Ingredient | Potion type | Modifier effect |
Nether Wart | Awkward Potion | None |
Redstone Dust | Mundane Potion | Extends potion duration |
Glowstone Dust | Thick Potion | Enhances potion potency |
Fermented Spider Eye | Potion of Weakness | Corrupts a potion, reversing its effects |
Gunpowder | Splash Water Bottle | Explodes on impact |
Dragon’s Breath | Lingering Water Bottle | Explodes on impact, leaves a damaging cloud |
The secondary ingredient, also known as the effect ingredient, is to be added to the base one. This ingredient will influence the type of potion created.
Ingredient | Effect |
Sugar | Swiftness |
Rabbit’s Foot | Swiftness |
Glistering Melon | Healing |
Pufferfish | Water breathing |
Magma Cream | Fire resistance |
Golden Carrot | Night vision |
Blaze Powder | Strength |
Ghast Tear | Regeneration |
Turtle Shell | Water breathing |
Phantom Membranes | Slow falling |
Fermented Spider Eye | Poison |
An addition to Minecraft brewing can be found in the Minecraft Bedrock and Education Editions and includes the elemental ingredients below that can cure nausea, weakness, poison, and blindness.
Element | Effect cured |
Bismuth | Nausea |
Cobalt | Weakness |
Silver | Poison |
Calcium | Blindness |
If you’re excited to venture out from the confines of your mining sanctuary, brewing in Minecraft is a great skill to have. Now you’re familiar with the basics, you can experiment with Minecraft brewing recipes to create potions to suit your combat needs.
Some of the Minecraft potions created from brewing include poison, fire resistance, and healing, but ingredients can be combined and manipulated to create a wide range of potions using Minecraft brewing recipes. But, for now, best of luck on finding the materials you need to help you in your future endeavours.
The best Minecraft seeds
The very best Minecraft seeds, including Minecraft survival seeds, Minecraft village seeds, and other cool Minecraft seeds
What are the best Minecraft seeds? Minecraft seeds are codes that the game uses to generate worlds for you – worlds full of interesting landscapes and key landmarks ripe for exploration. They cover everything from jaw-dropping vistas and landscapes to thrilling dungeons filled to bursting with loot.
Your job is simple: pick the one you want to play around in. All you have to do to get a seed up and running is grab the digits and place them into the seed field when you’re next creating a Minecraft world. The game will do all the heavy lifting, leaving you to explore and create to your heart’s content.
Regardless of whether you’re a professional miner or someone about to load up their first world, there’s something you can’t control in Minecraft: the terrain itself. While your mind may be brimming with possibilities, all too frequently you’ll spawn in a bland, uninspiring world full of flat grassland and the odd chicken. Hardly the canvas for your masterpiece.
Hence this article, a complete collection of the best Minecraft seeds, from the inspiring to the functional and everything in between.
(Before we start it’s important to note that the end results of a seed are entirely dependent on what version of Minecraft you are running. A brilliant seed in version 1.6 could be something upsettingly bland in version 1.7.
To help you out, we’ve put the latest version each seed works with in brackets after the seed code. Set your Minecraft launcher to this version for the correct results.)

-4589128118707775879 (1.11)
Woodland Mansions are one of Minecraft’s most exciting generated structures, but they’re not exactly easy to track down. This seed works with the 1.11 Exploration Update and spawns you close to one of these behemoth structures. Be warned, though: they house some formidable mobs.

-969535336 (1.9)
If bizarre, inexplicable geological formations are your jam, look no further than this 1.9 Minecraft seed. While this seed won’t produce masses of hidden treasures, it will create a column of rising stone pillars complete with cascading waterfalls and a herd of sheep at its peak. Creative mode is advised.

-7261691309120837834 (1.9)
Affectionately titled ‘leg-break island’, this seed will produce a single slab of mountain jutting impressively out of the sea. It’s up you what to do with this geological wonder, but trying to get to the top of it is probably a good start.

-3847859895951773072 (1.9)
Survival islands are much more pleasant when you don’t actually need to worry about surviving, which is why this seed is so wonderful. Not only is it much larger than the average survival island, it also comes with a bounty of helpful natural resources such as a small forest, a lava lake, and an offshore mushroom biome.

-3500229128833691836 (1.9)
This seed will drop you in the middle of a wintry forest where you can find two cosy igloos, one of which harbours a secret basement. You’ll find the secret basement under a rug – enter with caution, however, as inside there’s a small workshop with a zombie villager lying in wait. Get rid of the undead resident and you’ll find a compact, underground base with a brewery and plenty of storage – ideal for starting out in a snowy biome.

-6185261765285097501 (1.9)
This seed sells itself on an interesting premise: two small islands, one with a wolf on it and the other with a sheep. From that point on it’s up to you how this survival story unfolds – do you harvest your only mammalian friends for resources and meat or do you do everything possible to ensure that your unconventional companions are safe?

-1480351183376464763 (1.9)
Mysterious, simple, and unique, this seed will drop you into a world featuring a simple cottage with a lone resident, The Librarian. Whatever resulted in this guy’s living situation is anyone’s guess, but building his humble hut into an enormous fortress is endlessly satisfying. The Librarian’s house is surrounded by horses and greenery, too, so there’s more to this niche seed than meets the eye.

-5181140359215069925 (1.8.8)
Temples. They’re great. But most seeds seem to restrict them to jungles and deserts. Just because that’s how famed adventurer Indiana Jones liked his temples, doesn’t mean that’s how the rest of us like ‘em. That’s why this seed is here, offering a change of location for your exploring: underwater. With a challenging selection of enemies to defeat and plenty of secrets to uncover, this seed is for the nautically inclined.

Spawning a magnificent array of prissy clip-clops (horses) on the outskirt of a huge desert village, this seed offers equestrian types the ideal starting point for their Minecraft adventure. Inside the village there are chests packed with great loot like diamond horse armour, gold ingots, saddles, and obsidian – everything you need to ride off into the sunset atop your noble steed.

1461928132 (1.9)
Taking some hefty cues from Utah’s Bryce Canyon National Park, this mesa-styled landscape is anything but ideal for budding architects. What this seed does boast is mile upon mile of miner’s paradise. Nature lovers will be happy too as the seed will also generate a glorious flower forest, making for quite a contrast of biomes.

8858351513851407858 (1.8.8)
Where monolithic natural structures are concerned, no real-world creation compares. This seed’s main feature is a mountain consisting of two arching peaks. An internal waterfall finishes off this Minecraft marvel with the water feature it deserves. The archway makes the perfect sheltered spot for a villainous, Bond-inspired hidden base.

686298914 (1.8.8)
As soon as you spawn in this seed you’ll be next to a village containing a blacksmith’s treasure chest (see inside for diamonds, swords, and obsidian). But that’s just the start of this loot-heavy seed, which spawns a world featuring four desert temples, six villages, two dungeons, and a stronghold. You’ll certainly want to visit some of these, so head to x: (-973) y: (93) z: (127) for the stronghold, x: (-328) y: (82) z: (560) for the largest of the six villages, and x: (-149) y: (68) z: (343) for a dungeon home to a golden apple.

5387364523423380365 (1.8.8)
If instant gratification is what you need then this seed will give you that. Provided you’re looking for instant mushrooms, that is. Within meters of your spawn location you’ll find a sprawling island filled with giant mushrooms and herds of red cows.

7281974495141360449 (1.8.8)
With a village surrounded by hundreds of good quality trees, this is an excellent starting seed. You won’t be short of wood, and the houses provide excellent shelter until you’ve amassed enough materials to start building your own fortress.

-8565911531030881739 (1.8.8)
Most recommended seeds generally spawn you close to a temple or village, but this seed is a bit different. It spawns you next to nothing of use. If you’re looking for a little challenge in your survival then this seed is for you. While it has little in the form of loot, it does spawn you in interesting, scenic biomes that offer plenty of different locations to explore close to the spawn. Mushroom forests, swamp zones, and extreme hills await.

8678942899319966093 (1.8.8)
As soon as you spawn in this seed you’ll be right on top of a village that’s situated in a field filled with horses. Why explore like a peasant when you can gallop around like a knight?

-9065479248748140566 (1.8.8)
A solid starting point for the long-haul adventure, there are five villages and a couple of temples close to spawn and the riverbanks. The loot you’ll find here will aid you in setting up camp, and there’s plenty of livestock to make friends with or, you know, butcher.

blank (1.8.8)
If you’re looking to slaughter the Ender Dragon as quickly as possible then this seed is for you. It will spawn you right on top of a stronghold containing a Nether Portal. See the chunky bit of beach on the left? Simply dive down from there, and you’ll soon hit the roof of the Stronghold. It’s pretty dark down there, so you may need some glow stones to help your search.

1926444278 (1.8.1)
Having a pet is one of the most rewarding things you can do in Minecraft, and a fluffy little bunny rabbit is most certainly the kind of pet you want hopping around at your ankles. This seed will spawn you in a village full to bursting with rabbits.

3657966 (1.8.1)
Just a short trek from spawn and you’ll discover this mega mountain region. The peak breaches cloud level, and bursting from its slopes are water and lava falls. It’s also topped with a wooded area, making it both a scenic climb and a solid resource provider.

1111 (1.8.1)
Right by where you spawn in this seed is a deep ravine cut into the ground. Take a peek and you’ll immediately find what you’re here for: gold. There’s a good few blocks of gold ore right at the surface, so you can gather it in practically no time at all.

-516687594611420526 (1.8.1)
Along the join between the savannah and desert biomes in this seed is a desert village with some desirable loot. Between the chests in the houses and the blacksmith’s shop you’ll find 26 gold ingots, three emeralds, two diamonds, six iron ingots, iron leggings, and a saddle. Not a bad starter kit!

998538147 (1.8.1)
A mesa, plains, and desert biome all meet at an intersection marked by a temple for you to explore in this seed. Even better, you’ll find the temple at the bank of a river where some giant squids hang out, as well as cows in the fields of the plains biome next door.

-969535336 (1.8.1)
One for the Minecraft mountaineer, this seed will spawn you at cloud level on this amazing mountain structure. It goes much higher into the sky than the clouds, and its flatter sections are home to some savanna biome-style trees. The whole mountain makes an island, with some really cool geography to explore.

-8913466909937400889 (1.8.1)
If you’ve absolutely got to see it all, and you’re on a strict time limit, then this seed is for you. It contains all of Minecraft’s various biomes, and they’re packed into a reasonable 2km². One afternoon stroll and you’ll know everything about landmass identification.

2107564565349426305 (1.8.1)
Minecraft can feel a little brown and green all too often. Inject some colour into your eyes with this seed, which will drop your right in the middle of an ocean filled with mushroom-sprouting islands. Those bright red domes should cheer you right up, but if that doesn’t do the trick perhaps the herds of cows will instead.

1785852800490497919 (1.8.1)
With 15 diamonds right at the spawn location, this is a loot paradise seed. You’ll find the diamonds split into chests in the two desert temples you’ll soon find, and a third temple hides away some treasures, too. In the first of the temples you’ll come across you can also find some diamond horse armour, ensuring your steed will be well protected.
Related: Bask in the beauty of the game with nice new Minecraft shaders

939276771201220157 (1.8.1)
A great seed if you’re in need of diamonds quick. You’ll spawn quite close to two desert temples that can be raided for treasures, and also fairly close to spawn are two NPC villages, one which has a blacksmith. One of the temples contains nine diamonds and two emeralds.

-8504220077033419916 (1.6.4)
Make sure you have ‘Large Biomes’ selected when you use this seed, as without it you’ll find a completely different world. And you wouldn’t want to miss this: a fantastic mushroom biome and a hills biome right next to each other, with you spawning right on the border between the two.

2976643220357667859 (1.6.4)
Sprint off to your right from spawn and you’ll find a blacksmith’s shop stocked with the perfect starter kit: iron leggings, iron chestplate, an iron sword, a bunch of apples, and even three diamonds! You’ve not done any work yet and you’re already fully kitted out for action.
Related: The best Minecraft Pocket Edition seeds
But there’s more! Look out from the village and you’ll see a desert temple, which is packed full of chests containing gold, iron, and diamonds. A superb starting point.

Dossier (1.6.4)
As you spawn into Dossier you want to turn around immediately and head backwards. You’ll see a village, but that’s not what we’re here for. A little way off the coastline you’ll see a perfectly flat rectangle building just sitting in the ocean. Break in, and you’ll find an End Portal. No more do you need to contend with strongholds; just travel right to The End from the safety of an underwater bunker.

5494140678785792016 (1.7.10)
A solid collection of adventuring areas appear within this seed, with no less than four temples to raid, a village to settle in, and an underground stronghold to unearth. The temples are home to a small collection of gold and diamonds for the precious item collector.

Sprite (1.6.4)
This seed draws up everything you need to play Survival Island without the need to download a map. A patch of dirt, a tree, and nothing else but ocean is generated by Sprite. With a bit of imagination you can work with these limited resources to survive for a surprising amount of time.

Double Village (1.6.4)
One for the archaeologist, Double Village spawns you in near a village and temple in a desert biome. So far, so normal seed. But the village and temple are actually mostly buried in the sand, and require excavating from the landscape to reveal their architectural wonders.

Mojang (1.7.10)
How fitting that Mojang – the company that keeps on giving – would put their name to a seed that provides as if it were the Minecraft Diamond Lottery. A fully stocked area of diamonds, gold, and iron await, but keep an eye out for the torrents of lava that run dangerously close to prime mining real estate.

A truly superb mountain biome, but you’ll need to travel a little from spawn to find it. You’ll start on a tiny island out to sea, but just keep heading straight until you hit the cliff faces. Head up, and you’ll find a massive biome filled with exceptional mountain designs. Ideal for a dwarven under-mountain fortress!

-2864765711115301749 (1.7.10)
An excellent starting point for a varied adventure, this seed spawns you close to the borders of a solid collection of varied biomes, giving you a delicious amount of visual variety. These areas are also packed with resources, and while none of them will fast track you to battle-ready status, you’ll certainly find living off the land no problem at all.

-8808965351917122749 (1.7.10)
With the crazy success that is Frozen still ringing in everyone’s ears, you may want to find a suitably chilly locale to recreate your favourite Anna and Elsa moments in. This seed is the one you’ll need, spawning you right in the centre of a substantial ice spikes patch in an area of grand snowy beauty.

5382912268135278272 (1.6.4)
Spawning in a pretty wooded area, you’re just a few steps away from some brilliant loot in this seed. Just head to your right to discover a cave with two zombie spawners inside, as well as three chests containing some very decent loot: some music discs, iron, a couple of Enchanted Infinity Books, and a Golden Apple!

7948465608435211783 (1.6.4)
Right at spawn you’ll find a picturesque church village that conveniently has a blacksmith’s loaded up with a pick, some armour, and some bread to get you going. But when you spawn it’s the pond to your right that holds the biggest treasure. Just dig down from there and you’ll uncover an underground cave network filled with lava rivers, waterfalls, and mining opportunities aplenty.

4031384495743822299 (1.7.10)
A stunningly beautiful and varied world sprouts from this seed, containing almost every biome you can imagine within relatively easy travel distance from spawn. Three huge savannah plateaus are one of the tourist spots, but you’ll also find some floating islands, a colossal mesa area with a Bryce zone, a huge birch tree forest, and a colourful mushroom biome. The absolute ideal stage for a multiplayer server.

69160882195 (1.7.10)
This is quite a sight to behold. A spectacular Savannah Plateau M will be right in front of you when you spawn into this seed. A massive mountain that reaches beyond the clouds, the sheer faces pour with waterfalls and lava streams, while the top is a great flat canvas for a castle build. The surrounding area is resource-rich, so carving the plateau into your own kingdom should be no problem at all.

-568688860 (1.6.4)
A great seed for villages with two exceptionally close to spawn. One even has a blacksmith’s shop with iron and obsidian stocks ready and waiting to be looted. There’s also a witch hut just on the outskirts, simply travel straight from the larger village through the small desert and you’ll find it built into the face of the cliff.

81781890028 (1.7.10)
Rather reminiscent of the Badlands of World of Warcraft, this seed creates a mesa biome surrounded by desert. If your plan is to develop a world like that of Mad Max’s then you can’t go wrong here. Best to head in with create mode, though, since the area isn’t exactly brimming with mining opportunities.

-1669759022 (1.6.4)
Arriving in front of a mountain when you spawn, you’ll instantly see something a little odd. This mountain has a monstrous hole dug all the way through it, creating a hollowed-out mountain for you and naturally the perfect place to build up a secret lair.

4079393558202846493 (1.6.4)
A brilliantly awe-inspiring seed, tapping in these digits will create an impressive mountain range with interesting semi-floating structures and overhangs. A clear disregard for gravity makes this a striking map, and those mountain ridges are just begging to be populated with a fortified town.

Survival (1.7.10)
Spawning you near a village sporting a blacksmith’s shop, Survival has a great selection of tourism spots. Look to the distance and you’ll find a great mountain with hollowed sections, but closer by is a great fissure cut through the land and an inviting sinkhole brimming with possibility.

112204398 (1.7.10)
A mesa biome with a Grand Canyon feel, this seed produces a great natural river formation along the bed of some raised, flat-topped mountainous structures for that all-American middle-of-nowhere feel. Helicopter rides and bungee cords not included.

england (1.6.4)
If you’re looking for a jungle temple, england is the seed you are looking for. There’s no need to look far, since you spawn right on top of one. Inside are some gold and bones to bolster your resource collection, but it’s the fantastic jungle that surrounds the temple that’s the true treasure in this seed. Perfect for creating a tribal-themed hideaway.

-1086189151 (1.7.10)
A great base of operations for your desert expedition, this seed creates a village populated by a blacksmith’s, a church, and a well. It’s a great starting point, especially since there’s a desert temple within draw distance range that’s holding a few diamonds and iron.

1083334716247045059 (1.7.10)
This collection of oddly-shaped islands provides some great vistas and photo opportunities, but it’s what lies beneath that’s of real interest. Dig down from the grassy surface of the angular shaped island and you’ll hit the stony walls of an underground stronghold. Unoccupied, this dungeon is home to an End Portal.

-9057352651117540831 (1.6.4)
Just in front of where you spawn in this seed is a huge crack in the land that leads to a phenomenal ravine. It’s basically the Goblin Kingdom from The Hobbit; filled with minecart tracks, resources, lava, and all sorts of creepy mobs including Endermen. But even better than that – this is a stronghold. As you come down from the entrance you’ll even see the library jutting out of the rock face. Hunt around a little and you’ll soon find the End Portal and your ticket to duelling the dragon.

446963703 (1.7.10)
A little exploration is required to find everything of value in this seed, but there are three hot spots to look out for. Two temples in the desert biome come absolutely filled with gold and precious stones, while a blacksmith’s shop and church provide a few home comforts. On the fringes of the desert as you enter the savannah you’ll find a large village with stone structures that’s home to a blacksmith’s stocked with iron armour.

998538147 (1.7.10)
A desert temple lies on a lovely river bank in the seed, which quite graciously creates three biomes within easy walking distance of each other, with a mesa biome leaking through a line of desert into lush greenland. Nine diamonds and a heap of rotting flesh await you in the temple’s treasure room.

4 (1.7.10)
A solitary island home to just a few wolves and a pig, the surface is just a ruse for an excellent buried stronghold. Just look for where the rock face has fallen away and you’ll find an easy entrance to the fortress, which naturally comes equipped with all the mod-cons.

VimCraft (1.6.4)
VimCraft spawns you in a magnificent hilly region, but it’s actually the desert just outside this area that you want to head for. You’ll soon find a small village containing a blacksmith’s shop stocked with iron armour and an iron pick, as well as a much larger village with another blacksmith’s. Between the two you can also find a desert temple, which contains a chest full of gold.

760967791 (1.6.4)
This seed contains a plethora of awesome attractions surprisingly close to spawn. On your swift journey you can find pyramids, mine shafts, temples, villages, witch huts, and strongholds, all within a half-hour radius of your starting position. Check out this forum post from discoverer hgtpsh for coordinates to all the incredible areas of this seed.

Rickrollin (1.6.4)
A hugely popular seed as featured on Mojang’s own website, rickrollin doesn’t trick you into discovering a classic ’80s music video as its name would suggest. Instead, you’ll find a world host to a jungle temple, a buried pyramid, a desert well, a blacksmith’s village that lies close to a cave system filled with ores, and a spooky zombie-infested dungeon.

-613756530319979507 (1.14)
This one is all about shipwrecks. You spawn into a quaint village where you’ll notice a villager has turned the shattered remnants of a hull into a cosy abode. Venture out further into the world, and bigger shipwrecks await you on the seabed. If that doesn’t float your boat, then there’s also an ocean ruin for you to explore. We ship it.
And those are our very favourite Minecraft seeds. There’s plenty to keep you busy exploring, but there’s always something new to find, so why not try our best Minecraft maps? Or perhaps our top Minecraft servers. Oh, and don’t forget to equip some brilliant Minecraft skins before you head out. Anyway, we’ll leave you to it; there’s plenty more redstone we need to dig up, and this pick-axe won’t swing itself…
Twitch suspends streamer Anomaly for showing a Hitler skin in Minecraft
Earlier this week, prominent streamer Ludvig ‘Anomaly’ Lagerstedt received a 30-day suspension from Twitch after he briefly showed a Minecraft skin depicting Adolph Hitler. Anomaly is appealing the ban – he says it’s “quite excessive” – but the streamer has already gotten into hot water with Twitch over hateful conduct in the past.
In the offending clip, Anomaly opens his Minecraft inventory and immediately closes it as he realises the Hitler skin is on display. “Oh my god, I have the wrong skin on me,” he says, bursting into laughter. On Twitter after the ban, Anomaly said “I had the skin because me and some friends were gonna record a Minecraft video and I was gonna make a little joke about ‘Meinkraft’ and forgot to change back the skin.”
According to the relevant bits of Twitch’s community guidelines, “hateful conduct is any content or activity that promotes, encourages, or facilitates discrimination, denigration, objectification, harassment, or violence” against people in a wide range of categories, and it’s not hard to see how Twitch might recognise Hitler jokes as – at the very least – ‘facilitating denigration.’
It’s not the first time Anomaly has been banned from Twitch for inappropriate conduct, as Dot Esports notes. Over a year ago, he received an indefinite suspension from the platform for violating the hateful conduct rules.
While we never officially got confirmation on why that ban happened – obviously it was eventually overturned – it did come immediately after a clip in which Anomaly dressed a black PUBG character in prison clothes, and followed with the same sort of exaggerated laugh we hear in the Minecraft clip.
Minecraft may be headed to Tesla cars, Cuphead coming in August
Kill time behind the wheel in the wide, wide world of Minecraft.
What you need to know
- Minecraft may be on its way to another platform: Tesla cars.
- Tesla founder Elon Musk tweeted that the company is working on bringing the blocky game to its vehicles, and it’s a “high priority.”
- Musk also revealed that Cuphead will launch in Teslas in August.
Minecraft has already become one of the most ubiquitous games out there, with ports on nearly every platform you can think of. However, you might be able to add another, unconventional platform to that list soon: Tesla vehicles.
Tesla founder Elon Musk recently tweeted that Minecraft is on his company’s list of to-dos for game ports. Going further, Musk says it’s a high priority, alongside Roblox.
We’re working on it. Agreed, Minecraft is high priority. Roblox too.3,4239:41 AM – Jul 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy456 people are talking about this
Teslas all feature a large displays from which you control much of the car’s functions. Tesla has been gradually adding games to the built-in computers for months now, including Atari titles, Beach Buggy Racing 2, and even chess. Of course, the games are only meant to be played while the car is at rest, so don’t get your hopes up for playing Minecraft as you drive. That’s just plain dangerous.
In further Tesla game news, Studio MDHR’s notoriously difficult Cuphead, which was teased earlier this year, will launch on Tesla vehicles in August, Musk confirmed in another tweet.
For those of us without a Tesla, both Cuphead and Minecraft are available to pick up across Xbox One, Windows 10, and a number of other platforms in the meantime.
Minecraft Monday Week 6: Teams, live stream and results
Minecraft Monday is returning for Week 6 as the UMG event put together by Keemstar continues.
The Week 6 rosters were recently announced, although the full teams aren’t complete yet. The first roster release says Bajan_Canadian is still in need of a partner. They have a few more hours to find a partner, so hopefully we’ll have full rosters by the time it starts.
ShotGunPlays & Technoblade won Week 1, Technoblade & iBallisticSquid won Week 2, traves & cscoop won Week 3, Vikkstar123 & Preston won Week 4 and Skeppy & BadBoyHalo won Week 5. Skeppy and BadBoyHalo are teamed up again for Week 6, so we could see a repeat champ.
When does Minecraft Monday start?
- Date: July 22nd
- Time: 4 p.m. EST, 1 p.m. PT
How to stream Minecraft Monday Week 6
UMG will be streaming the event live above.
You can also watch live from individual streamers on their respective platforms (some stream on Twitch, others stream on YouTube, a rare few choose other outlets).
Minecraft Monday Week 6 teams, rosters
WEEK 6 | Player 1 | Player 2 |
Team 1 | James Charles | ConnorEatsPants |
Team 2 | Schlatt | Technopig |
Team 3 | JackSucksAtLife | Dangthatsalongname |
Team 4 | Yammy | LaurenzSide |
Team 5 | Traves | Cscoop |
Team 6 | CaptainSparklez | AntVenom |
Team 7 | DanTDM | ThinkNoodles |
Team 8 | Preston | Logodoptiz |
Team 9 | GoodGuyFitz | SwaggerSouls |
Team 10 | JeromeASF | Ph1LzA |
Team 11 | Skeppy | BadBoyHalo |
Team 12 | Vikkstar123 | ZerkaaHD |
Team 13 | CallMeCarsonYT | Nivison |
Team 14 | iHasCupquake | JaidenAnimations |
Team 15 | Aphmau | NepentheZ |
Team 16 | Jon Bams | Papalatte |
Team 17 | Quackity | JunkyJanker |
Team 18 | xQc | m0xy |
Team 19 | Dennis | Sub |
Team 20 | Bajan_Canadian | NEED PARTNER |
Minecraft Monday rules, scoring system
- Eliminations: +10 Score
- Victory: +30 Score
- Top 2 Teams: +20 Score
- Top 3 Teams: +10 Score
- Surviving: +2 Score (Whenever a team is eliminated all other remaining teams earn +2 Score)
An added note, scoring for placements, surviving and victories are split between teammates if both are alive. But if one member of the team gets eliminated, the score is awarded to the surviving teammate.
There’s no cheating allowed. Cheating includes no cross-teaming, no “feeding” to help another team no mods or resource packs that grant unfair advantages. Trash talk is allowed, but toxic trash talk could result in a ban.
UMG listed the games played as follows for Week 5. This section hasn’t been updated for Week 6, so we’ll keep an eye out in case it changes.
- 1. Hunger Games (Spark City)
- 2. TNT Run
- 3. Dropper
- 4. Spleef
- 5. Battle Arena
- 6. Find The Button
- 7. Run From The Lava
- 8. Bingo Hunt
- 9. Hunger Games (MAP)
Minecraft Monday Week 6 results
The leaderboard above will update throughout the tournament, and you can check at the end of the event who won.
Two Years Later, Minecraft Still Doesn’t Have Its Xbox One X Graphics Enhancements
The Super Duper Graphics Pack for Minecraft was announced at E3 2017. Just over two years later, it’s still never been released, and there has been little news about the update’s progress.
Back in 2017, the team sounded optimistic. “Today we’re revealing a new look for Minecraft that we’re super duper excited for you to try out, one that’s inspired by the power of Xbox One X and available this fall,” said Mojang brand director Lydia Winters on stage at Microsoft’s press conference that year. She was referring to the Super Duper Graphics Pack, an update that would allow Minecraft to run in 4K, as well as add new lighting effects and, on the Xbox One X at least, increase draw distances to make players’ worlds feel that much bigger.
While the Xbox One X came out as scheduled that fall, the Super Duper Graphics Pack did not. At MineCon later that year, the game’s studio announced it had been delayed until the following year. “There’s a lot of work to be done still and we’re not going to be ready to launch it in 2017,” the company wrote on its website. “We’ll be releasing Super Duper next year, and we’ll have more information for you here on Minecraft.net soon.”
That information never came, though, leaving people to wonder about its fate to this day. Minecraft wasn’t featured prominently at E3 last year or this year, and while the game has received major updates in the last two years, including The Life Aquatic patch that added oceanic exploration and cross-play betweenMinecraft players on Xbox One, PC, mobile, and Switch, the 4K graphics showcased two years on the Xbox One X are still missing. Notably, it’s the only first-party game on the platform that still doesn’t have any Xbox One X enhanced features.
While there’s been no official update about what’s going on with the Super Duper Graphics Pack from Microsoft (which declined to comment for this story), developers at Mojang said at a MineCon Earth panel last October that the update was proving trickier than originally thought, requiring portions of the game engine to be overhauled. This past March, community manager Helen Zbihlyj said on Twitter that there were only eight people working on the game’s new graphics engine, stressing what a monumental task this was given all of the platforms it needs to support, including VR. (Mojang did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)
Given those factors, it’s not surprising that the Super Duper Graphics Pack is taking so long. If anything, the surprising part is that Microsoft decided to make such a big deal out of the new Xbox One X enhanced update so early.
While a thread about the missing graphics pack blows up on the Xbox One subreddit every so often, fans recently poked fun at a now infamous tweetmade by a user called ItsGam3r saying they planned to buy an Xbox One X just for Minecraft after seeing the trailer for the new graphics. “It’s going to be great for Minecraft fans,” the official Xbox twitter account had responded at the time. “If only he knew…” wrote someone reposting the exchange on Reddit.
“I never ended up actually buying an XB1X, lmao,” ItsGam3r told Kotaku in a DM. “Although it looked pretty sweet.”
Opinion: Why Minecraft is Back and Bigger than Ever
Minecraft. You can’t spend a day browsing the internet, without some reference to the gaming phenomenon. It’s strikingly simplistic, but addictive gameplay has built thousands of careers on YouTube. It’s defined the gaming industry and is played by almost 200 million people today. It’s also sprouted many other block-inspired games, like its own Minecraft Story Mode, Minecraft Earth, and Terraria. Even ten years after its release, when most releases would have been forgotten, it’s going strong, rivaling Fortnite. And for several reasons, in 2019, it’s only getting stronger.
No One is Ever Really Gone
Arguably, Minecraft was never really gone. With Minecraft Earth releasing in 2020, and a Minecraft movie scheduled for 2022, it’s evident that the game’s huge fanbase has remained active throughout the last decade. It is obvious by the amount of exposure the game is gaining over the internet that there’s been a recent resurgence in popularity. Interestingly, it’s also clear that the game’s population hasn’t fallen dramatically since its 2011 official release. According to Google Trends, interest in the game has been slowly degrading since its July 2013 peak. It reached its lowest point of interest fairly recently, in October 2018. But since about April of 2019, the game has rapidly increased in popularity, rivaling the rapid growth of Minecraft’s in the early 2010s, and even that of Fortnite. Is this sparking a new gaming rivalry?
But what caused this sudden spike? And why after a decade of the game’s release, is Minecraft back as the biggest current game? Like most things, we need to travel back in time to see why it lost its popularity in the first place, to see why it’s again exploding in 2019.
The Past
It’s 2013 and Minecraft has arguably just had its most popular year. Millions have been playing, and the title has taken the internet by storm. But most importantly, and dangerously, players are happy with the game. Now, because the player base was content with Minecraft, the developers, Mojang, slowed down releasing any gameplay changing updates. This is because they were afraid changes would turn players, who were happy with the game’s state, away. Cut to 2014, and the game enters a stage of no major updates for two years, coinciding with the supposed ‘Dark Ages’ of Minecraft. This is where interest in the game really began to fall. Ironically, without updates, to Mojang’s greatest fear, interest in the game began to dwindle. Despite some updates, by 2017 hundreds of Minecraft YouTuber’s decided that there time playing Minecraft was over. So the game hit rock bottom. Oof.
Over the next year, the game would continue to suffer. The majority of its player base would migrate to over to game that took the industry by surprise. Fortnite. Like Minecraft a decade ago, Fortnite took the media and game industry by storm. As this game grew in popularity, Minecraft fell far — Minecraft references across the internet were quickly replaced with Fortnite, so mining for diamonds quickly became a distant memory, and trying to find a golden SCAR became everyone’s favorite pastime. That’s the important Minecraft history behind us; so why is history repeating itself?
The Present
In 2018 the aquatic update was released, but as Fortnite was still growing its empire, it wasn’t covered as largely by the media with most content creators and publications leaning towards what everyone was currently engaged with. Skip to April 2019, and the “Village and Pillage” update was released, and since then the game has been on a massive rise in popularity, coinciding with the Google Trends explosion in Minecraft search interest. Coincidence? I think not. But why didn’t the Aquatic Update have the same effect, and bolster the player count like Village and Pillage, and why did Village and Pillage cause such a rise in popularity? The answer, no joke, is because of memes (which really do have a massive implication in gaming), Fortnite, and a hint of nostalgia.
Internet Exposure
One of the reasons for Minecraft’s decline in popularity is because of a lack of internet exposure, and the best way to gain internet exposure, as shown through the recent ‘Raid Area 51’ Facebook event, is through internet memes. After the “Village and Pillage” update, the trailer gained huge exposure as of the images and videos that would derive from it, which therefore lead to players returning to the game.
Nostalgia also had a hand to play in this. This was the first time Minecraft was exposed over the internet on this level in a few years. As a result, it led to many wanting to revisit the game to build a cobblestone house, mine diamond and defeat the Enderdragon again. Like the few years before, to revisit their childhood memories, or as a joke. And as all jokes do, they can grow and get out of hand. So more references were made, leading to more players returning, and so on.
The game that would replace Minecraft, would also revive it. Despite absorbing so many of its players, Fortnite would also be a catalyst to return them from its gaming empire. Since the start of 2019, Fortnite has been growing into something reminiscent of Minecraft from 2014. Some are getting bored with the game, others are treating it more as a joke, but most importantly, Fortnite is losing internet exposure . This has led to Minecraft recently regaining its old player base, overtaking Fortnite, in becoming the more popular game again. The reason that the Minecraft Aquatic Update didn’t cause this revival, is because Fortnite was at its height of popularity. So the pull to play Minecraft was far less, as people weren’t as disinterested in the badly aging Battle Royale as they were in April of 2019.
The Resurgence of Minecraft
As a result of these two factors, Minecraft is literally spiraling into the 2013 levels of popularity. The fact the game is becoming a bigger meme, YouTubers and the media have latched onto its growth. In turn, this is propelling it to larger levels of success. Pewdiepie is a key example; each episode of his Minecraft series (started 21st of June) has over 10 million views, with the first and most popular at almost 20 million. Many other content creators are following suit, reviving the games massive population, not only in-game, but over the internet, and right now is a massive trending topic on YouTube, and as a result, the rest of the internet.
Minecraft is continuing to grow as a result of its resurgence in internet communities. When will it stop? Maybe it will continue to grow and stabilize. The more likely option is that people will lose their sense of nostalgia. Like all people, become bored and move on to the next trending game, whatever that may be. But whatever that is, for now, Minecraft is back at the number one spot in gaming.
Mojang has released the final 1.14.4 with bug fixes and added features ahead of update 1.15. Find out everything new and changed in the 1.14.4 plus how to download it, here.
On Friday, Mojang released its final version (1.14.4) of the Minecraft Village and Pillage update. According to the release notes, 1.14.4 will hammer out any addition bugs and issues that have been reported, while adding a few fun features to Villagers like the ability to remember gossip. The team will now turn its efforts towards update 1.15. Update 1.15 is rumored to bring new features like functionality for smithing tables and fletching tables, as well as quality and performance improvements. A theme and release date for 1.15 has yet to be announced but more details will be revealed during MINECON 2019 in September.
Below you can find all the changes and bug fixes noted in the 1.14.4 patch notes. The update is for the Java Edition of the game. Players can download and install the new update by opening up the Minecraft Launcher and clicking play. You can find the Cross-platform server jar here and if you need to report any additional bugs, you can use the Minecraft issue tracker.
Minecraft 1.14.4 Patch Notes: Everything New & Changed

General Changes and Features Added
- Performance improvements
- Suspicious stew made from poppies now gives you night vision instead of speed
- Added /debug report for getting more detailed information. Please include this while making bug reports about performance!
- Fixed a memory leak
- Removed camera pivot offset in first-person
- Improved chunk loading when traveling at high speed
- Fixed incorrect Pillager texture
- /reload and /forceload is now available to gamemasters
- function-permission-level is a new setting in server.properties that controls which commands functions have access to
- Villagers now stock more items
- Villagers will now remember their gossip after becoming a Zombie Villager
- Improved performance of Villager pathfinding
- Villagers can now work without also restocking at the same time
- Gossip about players who converted a zombie villager will now last longer
- The Player Activity button on the Realm screen has been removed
- Villagers now wait with restocking until they have trades that need restocking
- Village sieges no longer occur on mushroom islands
- Mobs will no longer try to path find their way through bamboo
- Pinged the human (new splash screen text)
Bug Fixes in 1.14.4

- MC-150623 – The game crashed whilst rendering overlay: Unable to fit texture
- MC-156389 – Game Crashes when Shift + Command + Delete 18 characters at once on Anvil
- MC-156407 – Unobtainable (speed) suspicious stew can be obtained from villagers
- MC-156574 – Villager demand values increase/decrease indefinitely
- MC-149018 – High Idle CPU usage on Server Edition (Minecraft 1.14 Release)
- MC-154271 – Rolling shutter issue on MacOS since 1.14.3 Pre-Release 2
- MC-149880 – Villager trades wrong book
- MC-151282 – Villager trade GUI doesn’t show the correct price on servers if trade demand is high
- MC-156042 – Villager demand never goes down over time unless
traded with
MC-156349 – Cannot press Enter on Direct Connect
Fixed debug reports in worlds with a dot in their name
Fixed server freeze when Villagers fell into the void
MC-145769 – Villagers aren’t shutting doors behind them
MC-148613 – Aquatic mobs are not spawning / Fish spawned from buckets count towards the aquatic mob cap again
MC-152908 – When a player joins a server, everything that happened during the time offline queued on connecting to the server
MC-153406 – Score JSON Component Crash in items
MC-153749 – Trusting Foxes attack player when self-injured
MC-153852 – Concrete powder deleting waterlogged blocks when falling
MC-155711 – Functions capable of running commands they shouldn’t be able to (publish, debug …)
MC-156013 – Breaking Blocks “re-appear” to nudge player
MC-136318 – Floatable mobs are unable to walk when in waterlogged blocks
MC-151150 – Entities (Villagers) cause massive lag when attempting to pathfind
MC-151376 – Villagers are not pathfinding towards their POI; POI detection range is too small
MC-151810 – Mobs don’t try to avoid fall damage anymore
MC-154214 – Chunks refusing to unload due to incorrect player ticket additions
MC-155147 – Mouse acceleration with the new 1.14.3 update
MC-155906 – Failed to save debug dump if the destination location contains a space
MC-100946 – Bow with mending undraws when receiving XP while drawed
MC-113968 – Zombies of village siege spawn despite gamerule doMobSpawning being false
MC-113970 – Zombies of village siege do not spawn centered on a block
MC-134964 – Unexpected error: java.util.NoSuchElementException
MC-142037 – java.lang.NullPointerException: Initializing game
MC-143755 – Arbitrary score/selector/NBT resolution using lectern without operator rights
MC-143886 – Acacia leaves render improprly from a distance
MC-146289 – Farmer villagers don’t stop to pick up their crops
MC-147844 – Pillagers don’t pathfind around obstacles & out of water
MC-152094 – End city/end ship generation gets cut at chunk borders sometimes
MC-152636 – Killing a zombie right as it converts into a Drowned will drop the loot from zombie while still converting into a Drowned
MC-153498 – Cyrillic letter Є is not included in the Minecraft font
MC-153665 – Full villager inventory creates invisible items
MC-153712 – Java using 100-200% CPU (MacOS)
MC-153766 – Rabbits no longer need sand/grass in order to spawn in deserts/tundras
MC-153892 – Mending slows down breaking blocks
MC-154019 – Beacon deactivate sound not sounds when you break the base
MC-154031 – villagers give away all food if they want to share it
MC-154068 – parrots occasionally disappearing when you take them from a boat
MC-154201 – Trying to trade with villager immediately closes trading menu for some villagers
MC-154362 – Crossbow has to re-load when mending takes place
MC-154509 – Bashkir letters Ҙ, ҙ, Ҡ, ҡ, Ҫ, and ҫ are not included in the Minecraft font
MC-154668 – Invalid characters crash the game in jigsaw block input upon pressing enter
MC-154830 – All wall signs use oak color on maps
MC-155092 – Zombie sieges can happen on mushroom islands
MC-155104 – when closing a menu while moving the mouse, the screen will move in that direction
MC-155172 – Hostile Wolf AI has been broken. Wolves can no longer attack enemies efficiently.
MC-155238 – Villagers picking up workstation through wall
MC-155345 – ConcurrentModificationException when a player leaves an active raid
MC-155571 – Silverfish & Endermite spawners no longer functioning
How to play Minecraft Earth and what to expect
The closed beta of Minecraft Earth is currently rolling out to several cities in the UK and US, with access being given to many of those who signed up in advance.
Some Apple iPhone owners in London and Seattle have reportedly been able to play it so far, and more are expected to be invited to try the beta test version soon.
We at Pocket-lint have also been trialling the new augmented reality game over for a couple of weeks and here are our thoughts and tips on what you can do in the closed beta and how to start.
It’s important to note that any progress made during the closed beta of Minecraft Earth will not carry on when the full game is released. And, many features of the final release are not yet available.
However, read on if you want to know more.
What is the Minecraft Earth closed beta?
Minecraft Earth is Microsoft’s answer to Pokemon Go and Harry Potter: Wizard’s Unite.
It is an AR game for iOS and Android that enables us to build Minecraft creations, either collaboratively or with friends, that are overlaid onto the real world for others to find, see and interact with.
Some of the gameplay revolves around collecting materials and mobs to build with, while the rest is dedicated to building mini Minecraft worlds.
An adventure mode will be added to the final release version of the game to be released at a later date, which will enable players to experience builds in a different way, but that’s not part of the closed beta trial.
Nor is the online storefront. You cannot, therefore, currently buy skins or mobs with cash – only collect them through the game.

How do you play Minecraft Earth?
You might see familiarities between the main screen in Minecraft Earth and Pokemon Go (and other AR games). It shows your character – using either male Steve skin or female Alex – on a map of your real world location. All around you will be collectable building resources and the occasional mob – a pig, duck, etc.
They appear in a catchment radius, represented by a circle around your position. Any within that circle are within reach.
You tap on them to collect them, which will break them down into their individual elements (blocks), which will be added to your inventory for use when building.
Mobs will remain whole and can also be added to builds once collected.

Minecraft Earth on-screen menu
Along the bottom of the screen are the different menu options.
On the far-left you can open your inventory of collected items and equip them for use. The next menu icon is to scan for friend invite codes. We are yet to play with someone who also has closed beta access, so that’s not proved to be much use for us yet.
The next menu is perhaps the most important for now as it allows you to start a build or continue with an existing project.
At present, you are presented with several templates to adapt. They are ranked by your player level (which rises as you build and collect materials) and only unlock when you’ve reached each specific level.
There are two options for a build. Either place it on the ground to see what it looks like in the real world, or as a buildplate to get close up to change how it looks. Every time you quit this mode it will save the template to reflect your modifications.
There is a settings menu to turn off the traditional Minecraft music and the like, and an option to turn on/off precise mode.
Precise mode, when switched on, allows you to turn your avatar using your finger. If off, you have to physically turn around to see all of the objects within the catchment radius.
That’s basically it for now. There’s not much to the closed beta as it is designed as a stress test for Microsoft rather than a full experience to enjoy on your travels. However, there’s still enough there to get a feel for how it will work on release and, although your builds won’t survive the switch over, it’s worth it to see what you are capable of making so you can eventually hit the ground running.
Our first impressions
The Minecraft Earth closed beta is remarkably simple. Being honest, there’s not really that much to do right now and until more people are accepted, few friends to share it with.
The adventure mode will surely spice things up. As will the expansion of players, who will drop their builds around the world for you to check out.
It’s more potential that perfect as it stands, although we do like the idea that it’s actually a lot easier to jump into than PG and Wizard’s Unite. That means it will be more suitable for younger players too.
Unfortunately, that means parents will have to hand over their phones to their kids once again, rinsing the battery in the process. But, Minecraft Earth is a more collaborative game anyway, so we might find it becoming an outdoors family pursuit in future.
You can still sign up to be part of the closed beta here.
9 details from The Witcher TV series trailer you might have missed
The debut trailer for Netflix’s The Witcher series is finally out and it actually looks good, though that could be Henry Cavill’s muscles talking. And while we already know all about when the show takes place and who it stars, the trailer marks the first time we’ve seen everything in action.
So much happens in the trailer’s meager two minutes, so unless you’re scrutinizing every frame, odds are you’re going to miss some stuff. We’ve combed the trailer ourselves and turned to the internet to pull out as many interesting character reveals, plot details, and references to the Witcher books as possible.
Is Yennefer OK?
Early glimpses of Yennefer in the trailer depict a woman hunched over with a swollen cheek. That’s the norm for plenty of sorceresses in the world of the Witcher, who often become students of magic due to varying physical irregularities. Yennefer is no different. She, like many magic users, becomes beautiful through the use of magical glamours that mask her actual appearance. Looks like we’ll get to see her transformation in the show.
Hey, it’s the Isle of Thanedd!
That’s where sorceresses go to magic school, including Ciri for a bit. It’s also the setting for some big betrayals and terrific violence. I can’t wait to see how the show interprets those big beats.
What’s up with that wacky purple tree in the desert?
At first glance, I thought this was a scene from Ciri’s trip to the Frying Pan, which feels too far off to plop into season one. I wasn’t alone in my thinking either, but, twist! Showrunner Lauren Hissrich confirmed the purple desert tree is not related to the arc depicted in Time of Contempt. Get to making those theories.
The Dryads aren’t bright green, thank goodness
The Witcher show is taking a simple approach to its depiction of Dryads, the nymph-like humanoids that live in the forests of Brokilon. The games tend to depict them as nude green plant people, but the books describe them as very human-like with slightly greenish tints to their skin tone. The show is definitely leaning towards the latter.
That’s a Striga
A few quick clips depict Geralt going at it with a grimy humanoid, likely a Striga, which is one of the first monsters he dukes it out with in The Witcher short stories. Striga are women transformed into beastly monsters via a curse, something like a werewolf with hints of troll. Geralt dreams of his fight with the Striga in The Voice of Reason, the opening story in The Last Wish collection. And he dreams of it after some good sex. That’s our guy.
And that’s a Kikimora
There’s some debate over what that swamp spider is in the last shot of the trailer, but I’m banking on a Kikimora, monsters known to live underground or in, get this, swamps. It’s also one of the monsters he kills in the short stories before bringing it to Blaviken, where Geralt starts a major beef with just about everyone—on accident, of course.
Meet the Butcher of Blaviken
As this thread points out, when he looks all tore up and pissed may well be a formative scene set in Blaviken that earns Geralt a lifelong nickname: The Butcher of Blaviken. We’ll leave the show to tell the tale if you’re not aware, but it’s a classic bit where Geralt, ever the neutral, gets screwed over by everyone in an attempt to save everyone. Needless to say, a lot of people die, the blame gets pinned on Geralt, and he becomes feared throughout the continent. Poor guy.
Our boy’s casting Aard
Either Geralt’s getting about to blind a three-eyed monster or that boy’s casting the Aard sign. If you’re unfamiliar, witchers dabble in magic, much to the dismay of sorcerers who view the witchers’ practice as clumsy and contrived. But whatever, because Henry-Geralt is about to send someone flying across the room like a hot Jedi.
Emhyr the Hedgehog says hello
Here’s one that most people missed (including me). Some sharp-eyed folks in this Reddit thread might’ve spotted a quick glimpse of the future Emperor of Nilfgaard, Emhyr var Emreis. See, before the imposing bastard become a tyrant, he was cursed by a sorcerer to take on the appearance of a human-hedgehog hybrid. The curse did not make him go fast, unfortunately. We’ll leave the rest to the show since lifting the curse is its own adventure, but clearly, he doesn’t stay that way forever. Until we see how the show depicts Emhyr’s origins, all you really need to know is that the whole ordeal does not make him a cool, chill guy.
Browsing Reddit in Minecraft is a steady descent into an abyss
Minecraft is good for a lot of things: creating your own dream worlds, hanging out with friends, bludgeoning zombies to death with blocks of wood. Whether it’s good for browsing Reddit or not, I’m not sure: but it’s definitely possible, thanks to this plug-in created by Reddit user DeltaTwoForce.
As the gif below demonstrates, the plug-in turns Reddit into a tight descending dungeon, with each floor dedicated to its own thread. Once in, a sign is used to specify which subreddit the user wants to visit, and then the plug-in generates it, complete with thread title, the number of interactions, and an embed of the thread’s main image. Beneath the image is a chest, and inside is a collection of books with each response written inside.
This is a .gif of the plug-in in action, created by the plug-in’s programmer, DeltaTwoForce:
Is this a pleasant way of reading Reddit? That’s for you to decide, in my opinion: no. But the point is that it’s possible, just like lots of other ridiculous things are possible in Minecraft, such as Atari 2600 emulators, BASIC interpreters and mobile phones.
According to DeltaTwoForce, the plug-in is not safe to use on survival servers because it will clear out your inventory. It’s available to download here, and you can see the original Reddit thread here.