Microsoft’s smart mat project could blend Lego and Minecraft together

Microsoft’s smart mat project could blend Lego and Minecraft together

Microsoft has unveiled its latest research project today, Project Zanzibar. It’s a smart mat that’s designed to blend the digital and physical worlds by sensing touch, gestures, and objects. A team of researchers, with a love of toys, created the project at Microsoft’s research labs in the UK. The mat folds and combines sensing, near field communication (NFC), and multi-touch to imagine a future where you could place objects on this smart mat and play games.

Microsoft’s video (above) demonstrates a number of different games that track the position, movement, and orientation of objects — all thanks to NFC stickers. The smart mat, that reminds me of the Surface Music Cover, can even detect inputs like button presses, and works with existing devices via Bluetooth. While the software maker demonstrates basic games for learning, programming, and augmented reality, this looks like the perfect hardware to combine the company’s Minecraft game with real-world Lego blocks. Objects can be easily tagged with NFC stickers, so you could stack them and have the mat translate that physical object into Minecraft.

It’s early days for Microsoft’s Project Zanzibar smart mat, but ZDNet reports that the company will be demonstrating it later this month at the ACM CHI Conference in Montreal. Microsoft has clearly focused on learning and education with this smart mat prototype, and the toys and games aspect could work well in schools if it’s ever released. Microsoft has been criticized in the past for showing off research projects and never making them a reality. However, the software maker did overhaul its research arm back in 2016 to create projects that aren’t just pure research and can have a greater impact on the company.

Microsoft’s smart mat project could blend Lego and Minecraft together

Sea of Thieves’ do anything attitude positions it as Minecraft’s spiritual successor

Sea of Thieves’ do anything attitude positions it as Minecraft’s spiritual successor

Sea of Thieves is the most fun I have had in a multiplayer game. That is not to say it is the best multiplayer game ever made, but it is certainly the first that I have had to pause during play due to the streams of tears rolling down my face as I laugh uncontrollably. What I learned is that, at face value, Rare’s pirate sandbox is thin and light, but dig deeper and you will quickly find Sea of Thieves’ greatest treasure is that it is a stage for your own slapstick comedy show.

Are you sailing the seas? Take a look at our Sea of Thieves quest guide

If you have already dived into Sea of Thieves and found it more frustrating than funny, then that is understandable: for a game that appears accessible, it is annoyingly obtuse. A complete lack of tutorial shrouds the fiddly basics in a seemingly impenetrable fog, and the initial quests barely explain what you need to collect, nevermind where you may find the items you require. If you ever played Minecraft in the days before punching trees became second nature to every PC gamer, you will understand the levels of confusion that Sea of Thieves evokes.

Your first challenge is to actually set sail. Sea of Thieves is not exactly a nautical simulator but it does place a variety of demands on a crew. There is no minimap, meaning someone will have to navigate and shout directions from the map room. Sails must be opened to the correct height and angled to catch the wind, and constantly adjusted during a voyage to maintain the correct speeds. The high levels of interaction it demands from a single crew is delightful – emphasising from the start that this is a game about players working together.

Sea of Thieves

A little exploration goes a long way. Embrace it and soon you will be sailing the seas with a broader level of understanding of both the mechanics and the general thrust of the game. It is at this point that Sea of Thieves’ depth begins to unravel. Rather than being content with providing a small archipelago for you to aimlessly mess around in, this cartoon Carribean feels akin to a miniature seafaring Elite Dangerous. The framework is thin, with tasks that, at least initially, amount to nothing more than deliver X to Y before a deadline. However, it is the emergent stories that unfold around these quests that provide Sea of Thieves with its entertainment value.

With a crew consisting of myself and fellow PCGamesN writers Jordan and Ali, I accept a standard entry-level quest to deliver two pigs. After loading a couple of cages for the cargo into our hold, we ship out to a nearby island in the hope of finding some wild hogs. The task list requests one pink and one black pig. Seems easy enough.

A few minutes later we have a pig in a cage but we have clearly caught the wrong breed. Covered in brown spots, this is neither a pink nor a black pig. I crouch next to the cage to work out how to free the frightened animal, but see no solution. In response, Jordan simply pulls out a blunderbuss and blasts the creature to smithereens, leaving an empty cage that is of use to us again. Through horrified screams and bursts of laughter over VOIP, I see his logic.

Sea of Thieves

We eventually capture the required pigs and load them onto the ship. A few minutes into our return journey one of the pigs evaporates. It just disappears. It is at this point that we realise livestock needs to be fed, and that ignoring the upset shrieks of a pig is something only a careless sailor would do. I feed the surviving animal bananas while Jordan plays a sombre funeral tune on a herdy gerdy to mark the passing of our innocent cargo.

On our way to a second island in search of a new pig, we come across another set of players in a much smaller boat. Our excitement overrides the requirements of the quest and so we begin an extended chase sequence. The tiny two-man sloop, crewed by a duo much more talented than ourselves, threads itself through a maze of sharp rocky pillars, but is eventually skewered on the bow of our galleon. Ali and Jordan dive from our deck to theirs with smoke erupting from their blunderbuss muzzles. Standing at the helm of our ship, I watch the mission unfold through a spyglass; the sole survivor of the enemy crew dives off the side of the ship as they flee our raid. Success!

As Ali and Jordan plunder the captured ship’s hold, I turn to look at our own galleon. The fact that the main deck is about four feet underwater indicates that perhaps the raid was not as successful as first thought. I scramble aboard our newly-captured scruffy tub as our colossal ship sinks out of sight. In its wake, an empty pig cage floats to the surface. That’s karma, I suppose.

This adventure is something that will live in my memory for a long time, but whether Sea of Thieves can continue to delight in this way over the long term remains to be seen. Meaningful progression is important, even in a game where the core of the excitement comes from player interaction rather than mechanical structure. Completing quests improves your standing with the game’s various factions, but in my first few hours I have yet to see what new missions higher standings provide. Quests will need to be much more involving than delivering livestock to keep anyone invested beyond the game’s opening weeks.

Sea of Thieves

It is clear that simply following pre-set goals is less than half the fun, though. Sea of Thieves is a game best played by a group of curious minds that do not require waypoints and strict mission parameters. During our voyage, our group stumbled across a riddle that began a treasure hunt which soon took precedence over everything else. Just like the hunts you used to do as a child, these clues took us to new areas and asked us to perform tasks that unlocked further information. Each new island we visited offered up its own little story alongside a new clue – on one beach we found a cursed chest that instantly caused the holder to become horrendously drunk, while on another island we were chased from our objective by skeletal warriors. It is clear that there are plentiful opportunities in this world, but they are more freeform and lacking in details than you would expect from a game of this type.

Sea of Thieves is a strange game in many ways. So many of its mechanics are weirdly obtuse: Why do I need to take a quest all the way to my ship and plonk it down on the table to start it, when, inevitably, I will then have to run all the way back to the island town in order to collect the items I need for the job? Why does all my progress in a treasure hunt disappear if I log out the game? But there were many similar questions I had of Minecraft, and that went on to be a phenomenon. Mojang’s beast does, of course, provide you with the tools to make anything you want, which is the core reason behind its success. Sea of Thieves has nothing quite so malleable. But, if you were to consider personal experiences and adventures as replacements for building blocks and projects, then perhaps there is a bit of Minecraft’s immortal go-anywhere-do-anything spirit in Sea of Thieves. I hope so, anyway, because I do not want this euphoria of grog-fueled fun to end anytime soon.

Sea of Thieves' do anything attitude positions it as Minecraft's spiritual successor

How to Download Minecraft Texture Packs

How to Download Minecraft Texture Packs

How to Download Minecraft Texture Packs

Minecraft texture packs offer a fun way to spruce up the visuals of your world, and there are a wide range of options currently available, with more being added frequently.

Depending on the platform, the method of downloading the texture packs can vary.

On PC, you must first download the texture pack onto your computer. Make sure you are getting it from a reputable source to avoid contracting a nasty virus. Once you have done this, access the Minecraft main menu, and select the Resource Packs button in the options menu (note that as of version 1.6, texture packs were officially renamed resource packs, and some older texture packs may have compatibility issues with newer versions of the game).

Selecting the Open Resource Pack Folder button will bring up a menu that shows the folder for resource and texture packs. Add the desired texture pack to this destination. Once it has been moved, the pack will now be applied, and loading your world will let you see the new changes.

Applying texture packs to the console versions of Minecraft is much more straightforward. To download them, open your console’s store application (the Xbox Marketplace, PlayStation Store or Nintendo eShop), and select the ones you want. The price will vary, depending on the content. Alternatively, you can access the Minecraft DLC via the Minecraft Store option on the main menu.

How to Download Minecraft Texture Packs

Library listings: Minecraft, Star Wars and online branding on tap

Library listings: Minecraft, Star Wars and online branding on tap

The following programs are being held at the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library. Note that the library is now open Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. The library is no longer open on Wednesdays due to budget cuts.

Sensory Storytime

Sensory Storytime has sessions on April 21 and 28. Each session is from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. This is an interactive program especially designed for children on the autism spectrum, those who are sensitive to sensory overload or have other special needs, and those who have difficulty sitting through a traditional storytime. A parent or caregiver is required to attend with their child. Registration is required for each session and is limited to eight children.

See Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be playing Tuesday, April 3, at 7 p.m.

Learn about online branding

The Monroe Chamber of Commerce, Fairfield County SCORE and the library are sponsoring “10 Critical Tools for Promoting Your Brand Online (& Making Your Life Easier) on Friday, April 6, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. This presentation will uncover fresh ways to create or maintain a powerful and positive brand image on social media and in your digital media strategies. Lunch will be served, and networking opportunities will be available before and after the event. Registration is required.

Look back at 1918 flu epidemic

Hamish Lutris will present “I Smell Death Here: The Great Flu Epidemic of 1918” on Monday, April 9, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This presentation will center on a short history of disease in the western world, te swine flu itself, its pathology and effects.

Career Tuesdays returns

Career Tuesdays Workshop Series focuses on interview skills on Tuesday, April 10, at 10 a.m. Registration is required.

Minecraft Meet-Up set

The next Minecraft Meet-Up will be Tuesday, April 10, from 4 to 5 p.m. This is for children in grades 6 to 12. Registration is required and limited to 12. Call the library (203-452-2852) or visit the Teen page to register online.

Program takes you on Italian tour

Town Council member and retired Monroe chemistry teacher Enid Lipeles will present a “Travelogue of Venice, Florence and Rome” on Sunday, April 15, from 2 to 3 p.m. In venice, see Doge’s Palace, St. Mark’s Basilica and take a gondola ride. After viewing art treasures in Florence, Lipeles will take everyone to Rome to see the ancient Colosseum, St. Peter’s Basilica and Square, the Vatican, and the Sistine Chapel. Registration is required.

Speaking with the Victorian Dead

Historian Robert Cox will explore the ideas that Spiritualists in Victorian America had in mind when communing with the spirits of the deceased in a program on Monday, April 16, at 6:30 p.m.

Artistic creations for adults

Sculpy Clay for Adults: Spring Flowers will be Tuesday, April 17, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Anna Mastroianni returns to show participants the techniques for making miniature Sculpy Clay flowers. Registration is required and is underway. It is limited to 16 people.

Nachos & A Movie set

Local teenagers, grades 7 to 12, can enjoy some nachos while watching Thor: Ragnarok on Friday, April 20, beginning at 6 p.m. Registration is required and limited to 20 people.

Spring concert series continues

Rhythms of the World with Judy Handler and Mark Levesque will be Sunday, April 22, at 2 p.m. Experience an exuberant celebration of cultures with this exceptional program of music from the around the world for guitars and mandolin. No registration necessary. Refreshments served after the concert.

Library listings: Minecraft, Star Wars and online branding on tap

From ‘Pac-Man’ to ‘Minecraft’: What you’ll find at Franklin Institute’s celebration of video games

From ‘Pac-Man’ to ‘Minecraft’: What you’ll find at Franklin Institute’s celebration of video games

Let the games begin! Video games, that is.

In “Game Masters: The Exhibition” at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, no quarters are required to play more than 100 video games — from original arcade classics such as “Donkey Kong” and “Pac-Man” to favorite console games such as “Sonic the Hedgehog” and “Rock Band” to today’s indie hits such as “Angry Birds” and “Fruit Ninja.”

The 14,000-square-foot exhibit, which continues through Sept. 3, celebrates five decades of video game evolution and showcases the contributions of more than 30 of the world’s most influential game designers.

In addition to retro and cutting-edge games, designers’ works are explored in interviews, rare concept artwork and storyboards.

The exhibition also features interactive programming space developed by the Franklin Institute to explore topics such as coding, robotics, gamification and problem-solving.

“Needless to say, fun is an understatement here,” says Larry Dubinski, president of The Franklin Institute.

Game Masters, created and curated by the Australian Centre for the Moving Image and designed “to inspire ingenuity, creativity and nostalgia,” features unique experiences, including a large-scale, colorfully illuminated version of “Dance Central 3” (2012), in which participants choose famous club songs and mimic the dance moves on-screen.

Adrenaline junkies can head to a motion-controlled, ride-on motorcycle game, “Hang On,” or get behind the wheel of a 3-D driving video game, “Out Run.” Both games were designed by Japan’s Yu Suzuki and released by Sega in the mid-1980s.

“The Franklin Institute has always been a place to go for hands-on science learning, a place to discover and indulge individual curiosity and to find answers to some of our most basic scientific questions,” Dubinski says. “Through our exhibits, events and programs both in the museum and throughout the community, we are always looking for fresh and new ways to ignite a spark and create that ‘ah-ha’ moment, to educate and inspire. With ‘Game Masters,’ the possibilities are endless.”

Game Masters is presented in three sections: Arcade Heroes, Game Changers and Indies.

Arcade Heroes spotlights pioneering designers from the trailblazing arcade era, including Ed Logg (“Asteroids,” 1979), Toru Iwatani (“Pac-Man,” 1980) and Tomohiro Nishikado (“Space Invaders,” 1978).

The Japanese and American designers came from diverse backgrounds, including engineering, toy design, pinball arcades and computer science.

When their games first appeared at amusement venues in the 1970s, they offered many people their first experience of interacting with a computer.

“Successful arcade games combined themes drawn from science fiction and popular culture with the excitement of playing against a machine that offered immediate and explosive audio and visual feedback,” a museum placard reads.

Game Changers, the largest section, focuses on 13 leading contemporary designers whose work has had lasting industry and cultural impacts.

Each of the designers — some individuals and some teams — have a unique vision and style that has been refined over the years (often decades) to create the characters, environments and stories we know and love.

Among the spotlighted designers are Alex Rigopulos and Eran Egozy, graduates of MIT’s computer-music department who popularized rhythm action games such as “Frequency” (2001) and “Guitar Hero” (2005); and Paulina Bozek, one of the few female game designers and the BAFTA Award-winning creator of Sony’s “SingStar” (2004) competitive karaoke series.

Visitors also can learn about American designer Will Wright, dubbed the father of simulation games following his first major success, “SimCity,” in 1989.

With other commercial hits such as “The Sims” (2000) and “Spore” (2008), Wright became known for creating fun and humorous games that empower the player to build their own environments and narratives, exploring concepts including urban design, evolution and social relationships.

The last section, Indies, showcases the work of designers who work outside the major studios and are economically and creatively independent.

These designers, including Jakub Dvorsky (“Machinarium”), Eric Chahi (“Another World”) and Markus “Notch” Persson (“Minecraft”) work without large teams of programmers and animators, and have been able to appeal to gamers through the strength of their ideas and the finesse of their execution.

In recent years, the popularity of smart phones has shifted the economic structures underlying game design and distribution.

Companies such as Australia’s Firemonkeys Studios (“Flight Control”) and Halfbrick (“Fruit Ninja”) and the Finnish group Rovio (“Angry Birds”) have been able to reach huge audiences and transform themselves into major international players by focusing on creative excellence in casual gaming.

Game Masters also features a 1,200-square-foot interactive programming area, led by Franklin Institute staff and volunteers.

For example, a Tetris-inspired activity challenges you to form a four-by-10-block rectangle out of life-size tetromino pieces; and a circuitry and input processing activity allows visitors to make a cartoon Ben Franklin walk, jump and perform other actions on-screen using conductive Play-Doh and a Makey Makey electronic invention kit.

You also can learn the basic principles of coding using programmable robots called Spheros and Ozobots. Or channel your inner Mario by putting on a white glove and punching an overhead question-mark block, prompting the classic chime sound effect.

In coordination with Game Masters, the museum will host adult-only screenings of classic gaming films “War Games” (June 5) and “Tron” (July 3), as well as “Programming from Scratch” beginner coding workshops (various dates). Also, on select Saturdays throughout the exhibit’s run, local gamers will showcase different sides of the gaming industry.


‘Game Masters: The Exhibition'

What: Exhibit celebrating five decades of video game designers and featuring 100-plus playable video games

When: Through Sept. 3

Where: The Franklin Institute, 220 N. 20th St., Philadelphia

Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, until 8 p.m. Thurs.-Sat.

How much: Daytime tickets (last entry at 3:30 p.m.), which includes general museum admission: $30; $26, ages 3-11. Evening tickets, with entry 5-6:30 p.m. Thurs.-Sat., includes general museum admission: $20; $15, ages 3-11. Tickets are for specific times.

Info: 215-448-1200,


From ‘Pac-Man' to ‘Minecraft': What you'll find at Franklin Institute's celebration of video games

Minecraft Bedrock Edition update 1.2.13 – automatic realm backups, updated marketplace look, and continuous crop harvesting

Minecraft Bedrock Edition update 1.2.13 – automatic realm backups, updated marketplace look, and continuous crop harvesting

The latest patch for Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition is update 1.2.13, which updates the marketplace, adds Update Aquatic features through experimental gameplay, and creates automatic realm backups, alongside other quality of life perks.

Want to spice up your life? Check out our list of the best Minecraft mods.

Minecraft Update 1.2.13 Release Date

Minecraft Bedrock Edition Update 1.2.13 was released on April 3, 2018.

Minecraft Update 1.2.13 Patch Notes

New Features

  • Realms now create automatic backups that can be downloaded and restored.
  • Added two options to swap A/B buttons and X/Y buttons on controllers, which can be found in controller settings.
  • Added menu screen transitions, which can be toggled in settings.


  • Many screens and actions now respond when a button is pressed instead of released so they now feel extra responsive.
  • Palleted chunks. This means we can now have (almost) infinite different types of blocks (and also no more BlockIDs). It also means the game should be less likely to crash due to being out of memory.
  • Falling on hay bales now reduces fall damage.
  • Owned skin packs will now appear at the top of the skin picker.
  • Purchased content will now auto-update, which can be toggled in profile settings.
  • Realms member lists can now be cleared from the members screen.
  • Updated look for the marketplace and search functionality to easily find specific content.

Experimental Gameplay

Some features from Minecraft’s upcoming Update Aquatic have been added via experimental gameplay. However, these features are incomplete and are not representative of final gameplay.

Experimental gameplay can be toggled in the world settings menu. To prevent your world from crashing, a copy of your world will be created with an [EX] before the world name. Once experimental gameplay is enabled for a world, it cannot be disabled. Any progress will not be saved to your original world.

  • Added drowned mobs.
  • Added the trident and new enchantments:
    • Channeling
    • Loyalty
    • Riptide
    • Impaling
  • Added stripped wood.
  • Added slabs and stairs for prismarine, orismarine brick, and dark prismarine.
  • New swimming animation while sprinting in water.

Bug Fixes

  • Crashes/Performance
    • Many optimizations to chunk rendering and game performance.
    • Chunk generation is now prioritised first to the chunks closest to the player.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when creating multiple worlds of relics of the privateers.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when uploading a screenshot to a club and losing internet connection.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when using CTRL+MMB on a signed, written book contained in an item frame.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when quickly entering and leaving the marketplace.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when the host leaves their world and another player is looking in a chest.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when a double chest is split using pistons and items are placed or taken from the half that was not moved.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when navigating menus using the D-pad and mouse simultaneously.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred due to an issue with redstone torches.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when navigating the store on low-end and mid-tier devices.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving the end.General
    • Viewing the presence on a player profile will now be accurate when playing split-screen.
    • Custom skins with uppercase ‘.PNG' extensions are now recognized in Windows 10.
    • The achievement screen will now show the most recent status without having to close and reopen the game.
    • Fixed local co-op not properly saving player progress.
    • Disabling “visible to LAN players” for one world no longer disables it for all worlds.

Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition

  • Gameplay
    • Crops can once again be harvested continuously.
    • Crops will now pop out of the ground if the light level is seven or lower.
    • Fixed villager trade items not being replenished.
    • Fixed some villager trades not granting XP.
    • Fixed spawn points not moving when obstructed by lava.
    • It is now possible to sleep when a skeleton horse is nearby.
    • Bows will now inflict the same amount of damage to players and mobs.
    • Eyes of ender and ‘/locate' will now point to the right location of a stronghold.
    • For book and quill, the “sign and close” button is no longer active if a name has not been entered.
    • Double ferns now appear in mega taigas.
    • Protection enchantment no longer makes players immune to fire damage.
    • Activating sneak in one world and quitting no longer causes the player to spawn sneaking in in every other world.
    • Pressing open Chat together with place block on controller no longer causes place block action to repeat.
    • Fixed fire spreading from covered lava.
    • Fixed pick block replacing currently selected hotbar slot, even if other slots were empty.
    • Exploding creepers and beds in the nether can no longer ignite TNT in worlds that have ‘TNT explodes' turned off.
    • The second player in split-screen can no longer die if their personal game mode is set to creative.
    • Experience can now be earned from cooking porkchops in a furnace.
    • Players are no longer set on fire when walking on non-full blocks placed next to a lava source.
    • Fixed player faces on maps so they no longer turn into arrows when they move too far from other players but will turn into arrows when close to other players.
    • Fixed creative flight speed being too slow until changing altitude after entering a world.
    • Falling on a slime block while sneaking now inflicts fall damage.

Minecraft 1.7.6 also brings an end to animals obsessed with their parents, even after growing up. Good: sounds unhealthy.

  • Items
    • Fixed items losing durability when used on other players and the PvP game rule is disabled.
    • Enchanted apples can once again be found in loot chests.
    • Name tags can once again be found from villager trading and fishing.
    • Diamonds will now appear in the loot chests of jungle temples and strongholds.
    • Map items in converted Xbox One Edition worlds now have the proper alignment.
    • The starting maps for old worlds are now zoomed in to level 1/4.
    • Maps will no longer show a green marker only for the last map that was placed in an item frame.
    • Glass bottles can now be filled from water sources in creative mode.
    • Pickaxes now break stone buttons faster than hands.
    • Bows can no longer be used to mine while charging.
  • Blocks
    • Extra blocks will no longer be placed when placing a block straight down.
    • Glass Panes now align to stairs.
    • Increased the hitbox of soul sand.
    • Grass blocks will now turn into dirt if grass path blocks are placed above them.
    • Vines can no longer be placed invisibly under leaf blocks.
    • Leaves no longer cut through blocks when growing trees using bone meal.
    • Anvils now drop as items when falling on torches.
    • Stone slabs and cobblestone walls now have the proper blast resistance.
    • Top snow falling on a top snow block no longer loses one layer.
    • Breaking cobblestone that is being pushed by a piston no longer drops an invalid ‘update' block.
  • Redstone
    • Automated chicken cookers using slabs will now function properly.
    • Fixed redstone not powering horizontally adjacent blocks.
    • Hoppers and droppers can now only put music siscs inside jukeboxes.
    • Minecart with hopper and TNT will no longer shake on activator rails.
    • Renamed shulker boxes no longer lose their names when fired from a dispenser.
    • Daylight sensors can no longer generate power in the nether.
    • Undyed shulker boxes can no longer be placed inside other shulker boxes using hoppers and droppers.
    • Mobs in minecarts no longer activate rails next to them as they try to walk.
    • Observers no longer visually cut redstone dust.
    • Rails will now take block power into account when attaching to other rails.
    • Dispensers, droppers, and redstone lamps will now activate properly when redstone dust is placed on top of them.
    • Trapped chests with slabs or stairs above no longer power redstone dust adjacent to the block below when the chest is open.
    • Glazed terracotta can no longer be pulled using slime blocks and sticky pistons.
    • Minecarts no longer get stuck when passing through blocks on diagonal rails.
    • Armour can now be equipped to an armour stand using a dispenser.
    • The power output of redstone comparators is no longer lost after a world is converted from Xbox One Edition.


  • Mobs
    • Baby chickens no longer get stuck in the corners of fences.
    • Increased the spawn rate of slimes.
    • Fixed mobs shaking while riding in minecarts.
    • Horses can no longer be steered in deep water.
    • Llamas now form a caravan when following llamas on a lead instead of acting silly and running around in circles.
    • Llamas can now be healed by feeding them hay bales and wheat.
    • Mobs no longer view closed doors as valid paths and shouldn't get stuck when trying to walk through them.
    • Mobs can no longer spawn on carpet.
    • Mobs will once again spawn when the player is below a height of 30 blocks.
    • Mobs will once again not spawn on transparent blocks like glass and fences.
    • Rabbits will now follow players that are holding carrots and flowers in survival mode.
    • Elder guardian and zombie villager spawn eggs can now be obtained with pick block in creative mode.
    • Smaller mobs can no longer trample farmland and crops.
    • Fixed medium slimes not dealing damage to players.
    • Endermites will no longer suffocate when riding in minecarts and boats that are not on rails or in the water.
    • Fixed villager behaviour when it's raining so they now disperse to separate houses.
    • The wither will now face the right direction when attacking.
    • Pigs being steered using carrot on a stick will no longer jump up slab staircases and simply walk up them.
    • Fixed flowers that disappeared after being generated with bone meal.
    • Mob spawners will now stop spawning when there are six or more mobs in the vicinity.
    • Zombies and skeletons now burn during daytime in warm biomes when it's raining in other biomes.
    • Fixed witches not spawning inside witch huts.
    • Wolves will no longer run from llamas if they are out of sight.
    • Increased the spawn rate of ghasts in the nether.
    • Increased the spawn rate of ocelots.
    • Spiders no longer give up so easily when attacking.
    • Parrots will now properly dismount when the player it's riding dies.
    • Parrots riding on players' shoulders will no longer hinder block placement while sneaking.
    • Parrots will no longer leave player shoulders when boarding a boat.
    • Villagers will now breed on converted Xbox One worlds.
    • Overworld mobs will no longer spawn in the nether on converted Xbox One worlds.
    • Iron Golems will no longer turn hostile toward the player that spawned them.
    • Iron Golems no longer spawn when mob spawning is disabled.
  • Crafting
    • Enchanted apples can no longer be crafted (golden apples are still craftable).
    • Various improvements to selecting items on the recipe Book with touch screens when using classic UI.
    • Crafting items that used ingredients in the hotbar no longer causes the hotbar to get shuffled when using a controller.
    • Mossy stone bricks can no longer be crafted from themselves and no longer results in loss of blocks.
    • Fixed Mojang logo banners not being craftable on converted Xbox One worlds.
    • Bucket, water bucket, lava bucket, and milk have been moved to the ‘items' inventory tab.

  • Exploits
    • Players can no longer attack others with bows when friendly fire is disabled.
    • Minecart with hopper can no longer duplicate items.
    • Items can no longer be duplicated using item frames and hoppers.
    • Any item held by a player that is killed by thorns armour will no longer be duplicated.
    • Rails can no longer be duplicated when pulled by two pistons simultaneously.
    • Breaking a cauldron, furnace, banner, beacon, jukebox, or daylight sensor with silk touch no longer drops two of each item.
    • Breaking an ender chest with silk touch will no longer drop obsidian.
    • Items can no longer be duplicated using item frames and hoppers.
    • Switching between bows while aiming will no longer transfer item durability.
    • Players can no longer attack through walls in third-person perspective.
    • Killing an animal attached to a fence with a lead no longer duplicates the lead.
  • Realms
    • Permissions are no longer reset to default when a player re-enters a realm.
    • Operator status will now properly reflect in the in-game player permissions screen.
    • Fixed a soft lock that occurred when attempting to replace a world and the connection was lost.
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented realms from being renewed.
  • Graphical
    • The line is now properly connected to the fishing rod and floater.
    • Rain is now visible through glass.
    • Sugar cane now has proper biome colouring.
    • Beacons will now shine through lava.
    • Maps are no longer cut off when being held on vertical split-screen.
    • Jungle leaves now have transparency when held in-hand.
    • Slimes now emit slime particles when jumping.
    • Fixed a missing piece of the hopper texture.
    • Flickering no longer occurs when looking through leaves that are next to snow.
    • Split-screen players will no longer share parts of the sky box backgrounds when they are in separate dimensions.
    • Block breaking animation no longer goes out of sync when jumping or changing tools.
    • Fixed the jumping animation for spiders.
    • Fixed shadow issues with chorus flowers when smooth lighting is disabled.
    • Fire, cobwebs, and leaves can no longer be seen through blocks at certain distances.
    • Jumping on a horse, donkey, or mule while pushing against a wall with items attached to it no longer causes black blocks to appear around the wall.
    • Fixed the wither textures during spawning and death animations.
    • Fixed the axe not being attached to vindicator's hand when attacking.
    • Pistons and beds no longer have large visual outlines for a split second when being placed.
    • Fixed being able to see through lava when blindness effect is used.
    • End crystal beam is now centered at the crystal and not at the fire base.
    • End crystal items now have the enchantment effect.
    • Zombie villagers now produce red particles while being cured.
    • The dragon head will no longer flicker when using norse mythology textures.
    • Resource packs will now affect the look of the gamepad cursor.
    • The moon will no longer graphically stutter when do daylight cycle is disabled.
    • TNT ignited by redstone now shows the hopping animation.
    • Items held by zombie villagers are now in the right position.
    • Undyed shulker boxes no longer flash when being placed.
    • Particles left after dragon’s breath attack and lingering potions no longer leave visual artifacts.
    • Smooth lighting will now be changed immediately after toggling in settings.
    • Fixed floating items that appeared after a player died and remained until they respawned when keep inventory was enabled.
    • Chests are now placed in item frames with the proper rotation.
    • Rain, smoke particles, and shadows are no longer visible through lava.
    • Fixed a rare issue where rain and snow would fall through roofs.

  • Audio
    • Fixed the sound effect not playing when equipping armor from the hotbar.
    • Fixed missing sound when moving through end gateways.
    • The proper sound effects will now play when using ender chests, brewing stands, armour stands, furnaces.
    • Thrown entities no longer play footstep sounds.
    • Sound will no longer continue to play on the disconnect screen.
    • Minecarts will no longer make walking sounds after being pushed off and back on to rails.
  • User Interface
    • Text can now be properly copied and pasted in text fields when using a keyboard.
    • Fixed signs with formatting (§) not being able to create new lines.
    • Fixed a rare issue when pressing the A key on the virtual keyboard would delete all other text.
    • Reassigning the ‘toggle perspective' key no longer changes perspective while typing in chat.
    • Fixed world names not being editable if they contained over 24 characters.
    • Non-functional split-screen options are no longer visible in settings for VR and mobile devices.
    • The oxygen bar is no longer misplaced when getting out of a boat and diving underwater.
    • Several improvements to navigating menus while using a controller.
    • After cancelling the “checking download” prompt, players are now taken back to the world settings screen.
    • World save size is now properly reported immediately after saving and exiting.
    • The number of worlds on the worlds tab is no longer overlapped by the world icon.
    • Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after posting a screenshot to a club.
    • Changing screen safe area size and GUI scale will now set the proper positions for the hotbar, health, hunger, and paper doll.
    • Deleting a world with a colored name no longer has extra colored text in the confirmation prompt.
    • The player model no longer appears in from the ‘choose new skin' button.
    • Fixed an unhelpful error message when attempting to create a realm and the “you can create and join clubs” permission is blocked.
    • Disabling controller hints will now turn off hints on in-game menus.
    • Fixed the creative hotbar not always clearing when X is pressed on the controller.
    • When editing a page in book and quill, pressing B on the controller will now quit page edit mode instead of the whole book screen.
    • Items can once again be dropped by moving them into the grey space of the creative inventory screen.
    • Fixed the gamepad cursor snapping incorrectly when highlighting the off-hand slot and clicking the left thumbstick.
    • Fixed not being able to snap the gamepad cursor between the furnace fuel slot and output slot.
    • Expandable inventory groups in pocket UI are now titled properly.
    • Shift-clicking items into a donkey's full chest will no longer cause the items to disappear.
    • Fixed incorrect items appearing in creative inventory searches.
    • Shulker box inventory tooltips are now properly translated to other languages.
    • A loading screen will now appear when applying global resources.
    • The Jukebox now has a controller tooltip for block use.
    • Fixed a delay in the ‘boost' button appearing when mounting a pig with carrot on a stick in hand.
    • Fixed lowered frame rate when unfocusing from the book and quill.
    • HUD opacity now affects banners mob heads in the hotbar.
    • Fixed delays when typing in chat and other text fields.
    • Sea lanterns now appear in the proper category when searching the inventory.
    • Fixed double notifications appearing when importing a world.
    • A warning now appears instructing players not to close the game when exporting a world.
    • Fixed some worlds not appearing on the available templates list when not downloaded.
    • Navigating left or right on the available templates list will no longer move focus to the top of the list.
    • Several translation fixes for Español (Mexico).

Minecraft World of Color

  • Commands
    • Cloned banners no longer appear as blank black banners.
    • The “facing” component of ‘/teleport' is no longer executed before teleporting a player.
    • Redstone dust can no longer be placed in air, or blocks not suited for it, using commands.
    • Players can now be killed using ‘/kill' when they have a resistance effect of four or higher.
    • Fixed repeating damage sound and animation when using ‘/effect' to get health and simultaneously taking damage.
    • The screen will no longer shake when standing on magma blocks after applying regeneration effect of 255 or more.
    • Banners placed with ‘/fill' command are no longer random colours on realms.
    • Teleporting entities to or from a ticking area no longer fail to render or be interacted with.
    • Players will no longer receive an unknown map when using ‘/replaceitem’ command to place a map in the off-hand slot.
    • Items will now be received immediately and correctly when using ‘/give' command with a chain command block.
    • Fixed ‘end_gateway' and ‘end_portal' having placeholder images when auto-completing commands.
    • Teleporting a horse while it's being ridden now works as intended.
    • Buttons cloned in a “pressed” state no longer remain pressed forever.
    • Repeatedly teleporting TNT vertically will no longer separate the visual block from its explosive location.
    • Ocelots no longer spawn in groups when spawned using commands.

Add-Ons (Resource and Behaviour Packs)

  • Updated templates for 1.2.13 with new assets and behaviours can be downloaded at
  • Armour models now support hat layers.
  • Boats can now have more than one seat.
  • llamaspit.json‘ has been properly renamed to ‘llama_spit.json‘.
  • Removed ‘slot.armor.chest‘ from horses and llamas.
  • ‘behavior.hurt_by_target' no longer triggers if an entity is not actually hurt by its target.
  • All parameters of ‘minecraft:breathable' now function properly.
  • Name tags can now be always visible if they are set to do so through a behavior pack.

Minecraft Bedrock Edition update 1.2.13 – automatic realm backups, updated marketplace look, and continuous crop harvesting