Minecraft at Kent Library March 12 & 26

Minecraft at Kent Library March 12 & 26

Minecraft at the Kent Public Library in March. Minecraft sessions will be Mondays March 12th, and 26th 5:00-5:45. Program is for those ages 7-12.  Registration is required for each session. First registration opens at 10:00 am on Monday, March 1st, and the second registration for the 26th opens on Thursday, March 15th at 10:00 am. You may register for the program by going to www.kentlibrary.org or calling the Kent Public Library at 845-225-8585.  The library is located at 17 Sybil's Crossing, Kent Lakes, NY 10512.

Minecraft at Kent Library March 12 & 26

Ark: Survival Evolved and Minecraft hybrid ‘PixARK’ gets Xbox Game Preview release date

Ark: Survival Evolved and Minecraft hybrid ‘PixARK’ gets Xbox Game Preview release date

Yesterday, during Microsoft's “Inside Xbox” show, Snail Games announced that its open world voxel-based survival game “PixARK” will enter Xbox Game Preview on March 27, 2018. As the name suggests, the game is inspired by the world of Ark: Survival Evolved and other such games.

PixARK will be coming to Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4 in 2018. It's unclear if the game will support PlayStation 4 Pro as the developer only confirmed Xbox One X support specifically.

Just like Ark: Survival Evolved, PixARK leaves a group of players stranded on a mysterious island. As expected, to survive, they must hunt, harvest, craft items, grow crops, and build shelters to protect themselves from dinosaurs, natural disasters, and hostile human players. You can also tame creatures, which plays a major role in the experience.

The game definitely has an interesting premise so hopefully it will deliver when it's available on Xbox One later month. However, those who want to play the more mature version can do so right now.

Ark: Survival Evolved is incredibly popular and has been played by over twelve million players since it launched in 2015. The game has numerous servers so you can team up with your friends and other individuals to conquer the map.

Ark: Survival Evolved and Minecraft hybrid ‘PixARK' gets Xbox Game Preview release date

Amazon’s 1TB Minecraft Xbox One S Bundle Is Now $220

Amazon’s 1TB Minecraft Xbox One S Bundle Is Now $220

Remember how Amazon were selling the Minecraft 1TB Xbox for $298 yesterday? Well for whatever reason, that same console is now a hell of a lot cheaper.

As pointed out by matt1234 and TAYbie regular Trikeabout, Amazon Australia has updated the price on their Minecraft limited edition 1TB console.

Yesterday you could grab the 1TB bundle, with a month of Xbox Game Pass and Minecraft, for $298. Now, because why not, that same bundle will cost you $219.98:

Definitely the same bundle. And definitely a lot cheaper (I logged into a couple of Australian accounts to make sure).

If you're looking for a new console or just a 4K Blu-Ray player, you will 1000% not find a better deal than this. And I have no idea how long it'll be around for, but I wouldn't wait too long. Find out more over at Amazon Australia.

Amazon's 1TB Minecraft Xbox One S Bundle Is Now $220

If play is good for kids, does Minecraft count?

If play is good for kids, does Minecraft count?

Parents worry that their children are spending too much time playing games on screens, but maybe they’re just playing, writes researcher Jane Mavoa below.

Mavoa is a PhD candidate in the Microsoft Research Centre for Social Natural User Interfaces in the School of Computing and Information Systems of the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Engineering.

If you worry that your child has too much screen time you aren’t alone. A 2015 poll found that Australian adults rated “excessive screen time” as their top child health concern, ahead of youth suicide, family violence, and bullying.

Screen time is seen by many as harmfully addictive, taking young children away from more desirable activities like reading, playing with physical toys, or playing outside and getting exercise. There is little hard evidence to back up these fears, but any parent reading the Australian Department of Health and Ageing’s updated official guidelines on screen time could be forgiven for being worried.

They recommend no screen time at all for children aged under two and no more than an hour a day for children under five. Even for children as old as 12, screen time should be limited to no more than two hours a day.

So what are children actually doing when they play on their screens, and is it bad?

Play is play

In fact, based on our own emerging research on children playing the popular Minecraft game, playing on screen may well be a lot like playing off screen. And no one says playing is bad for children.

Play is so strongly linked to positive social, developmental, cognitive, and physical outcomes that the UN has declared the opportunity to play as a fundamental human right for children globally.

Existing research work on children’s digital play has looked primarily at the use of games in education. But, there is another strand of work, including ours, that is more concerned with children’s self-directed, leisure time play. This play, in whatever setting, is strongly associated with positive outcomes like the development of abstract thinking, self-reflection, communication skills, resilience building, empathy, and feelings of accomplishment.

How much Minecraft is too much?

Minecraft is a timely and appropriate case study of contemporary play with upwards of 120 million copies sold. According to our survey of 753 parents, almost half of children aged 3-12 play the game, mostly on tablet devices.

Parents in our survey talked about time on Minecraft taking away from desirable activities like non-screen based play.

Working with co-researchers Dr Marcus Carter at the University of Sydney and associate professor Martin Gibbs at the University of Melbourne, we found that parents associated a wide range of positives with playing Minecraft.

The most commonly mentioned of these was creativity. Parents spoke about the game “fostering creativity” or “allowing the child to be creative,” either in a general sense, or in relation to specific game elements like design, construction, and problem solving.

Parents also noted the highly social nature of playing Minecraft. Even when children are not playing in the same “game world,” the verbal commentary and negotiation of in-game plans and actions provided opportunities for collaboration, negotiation, and teamwork—as well as conflict resolution.

But some parents were worried about what they thought were the excessive amounts of time children dedicated to the game. Parents in our survey talked about time on Minecraft taking away from desirable activities like non-screen based play.

Kinds of play

But what does play actually look like in Minecraft? How does it compare with different forms of traditional play, and what are the connections and consistencies between the two? These are the kinds of questions our research is seeking to address.

We know that parents value explicitly educational content in games, but what about play that is “just for fun”?

Take “symbolic” play for example. In a physical playground this might be something like a child using a stick as a horse or a sword as part of an imaginary story. In Minecraft, this might be a child assigning a role to an in-game object other than the role intended by the developer.

For example, in a recent Minecraft session with my three children, our avatars visited a swimming pool. I had my character jump straight into the water but was promptly informed by my five-year-old that it was of course quite silly to go swimming fully clothed. Upon further instruction I learned that the game’s diamond plated armor was to be worn as bathers, over the top of clothing mind you.

In “socio-dramatic” play children enact real-life scenarios like playing “shops” or “schools.” I’ve seen similar socio-dramatic play take place in Minecraft. My children once ran a restaurant in their Minecraft world that was supplied by a farm managed by my eldest child, who was also the town’s bus driver and the restaurant’s sole customer.

Other researchers have noted connections between digital and non-digital play. Seth Giddings in his book Gameworlds: Virtual Media and Children’s Everyday Play, gives numerous examples of children incorporating digital game features like objects, plots, and game mechanics, into play that happens outside of digital spaces.

I have heard of children “playing Minecraft” in school playgrounds where they substitute elements from Minecraft with readily available items like gum nuts instead of the in-game blocks of iron.

Children’s play worlds are informed by elements of both the physical, imaginary, and digital worlds. For children, the boundaries between these worlds are porous and less consequential than they are for adults.

‘Just for fun’

In the next phase of our research we will be documenting children’s Minecraft play in the same way that scholars have long documented traditional play. A crucial component of this process will be hearing from children themselves.

‘2 more minutes’ makes ending screen time worse

What would they like us adults to know about their Minecraft play? What sorts of play do they identify in Minecraft? What place do digital games have in their overall play worlds?

Ultimately we hope to identify possibilities for leveraging aspects of digital games to facilitate these consistencies and connections with the traditional types of play that are already highly valued. This isn’t about finding reasons to allow children unfettered access to devices. It is about looking at the reality of children playing Minecraft.

We know that parents value explicitly educational content in games, but what about play that is “just for fun”?

Screen-based play that at first may appear a waste of time, might have more in common with the highly revered free-play of children outside “screens” than we have previously given it credit for.

Mavoa and coauthors report their work in New Media & Society and the Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play.

Source: University of Melbourne

‘Dragon Quest Builders’ Switch Review: Still Better Than ‘Minecraft’

‘Dragon Quest Builders’ Switch Review: Still Better Than ‘Minecraft’

Back at the start of 2016, Dragon Quest Builders was released in Japan. I reviewed it then on PS4 and the game is still one of my recent favorites. So to have it come to the Switch is obviously great and the good news is that this updated release hasn’t compromised on any of the aspects that made the original version so memorable.

The premise of Dragon Quest Builders has you jump into the realm of Alefgard after the events of the first ever Dragon Quest game. Instead of fighting and defeating the evil Dragonlord at the end of that game, the protagonist foolishly decided to join forces with the tyrant. Obviously, the Dragonlord betrayed them and then laid waste to the realm.

When you turn up, your job is to rebuild the mess and try to thwart the Dragonlord as well as his minions once and for all.

What makes Dragon Quest Builders so very special though is how it merges an open world sandbox setup with a linear narrative via an action role-playing game framework. Normally, being able to go anywhere and destroy anything would break a linear story but it doesn’t really happen here.

Much of this is down to how the player is anchored to their town or base. On the start of each area, of which there are four, you have to rebuild your camp, as this is where you craft your items and improve your loadout from armor to weapons.

Credit: Square Enix

You can get quite carried away in ‘Dragon Quest Builders'.

What’s also a bit different is that your camp is populated with other residents. This, in turn, feeds into the rooms you build in your base and what they can end up generating for you.

The residents also give you quests, such as find other people that need help or build special rooms. Most of these result in you exploring the world and looking for resources.

The combat is also a big part of Dragon Quest Builders and is one of the aspects that makes it decidedly better than Minecraft. This is because Dragon Quest Builders is resolutely a third-person action game so you can manage close combat a lot easier.

The similarity to Minecraft is obvious but Dragon Quest Builders has more of a lineage behind it to warrant the block-based world. After all, it is one of the formative 8bit role-playing games.

Compared to the previous release of Dragon Quest Builders on PS4, PS3 and Vita, this Switch version has some interesting changes.

Credit: Square Enix

There is a great deal of variety between the areas in the game.

For the most part, the game is identical to the original release but when you finish an area and unlock the challenges there is a noticeable difference here.

Previously, each area had five optional challenges that unlocked special items in the free play mode Terra Incognita, such as the Sword of Erdrick among other things. The first of these challenges was based around completing each area within a specific timeframe, such as within 20 days for example.

This was tracked in your Status menu but now this has been changed to items discovered instead of days elapsed. While you still retain the day/night cycle, it’s less critical now and you can actually sleep if you want.

The latter point is worth noting, as you still have the various dream based flashbacks while you sleep, so this change now allows you to see those without having to worry about wasting time.

So in the first area, the first challenge of five is now to discover 150 items, rather than complete it within a certain timeframe.

Credit: Square Enix

This small and simple difference changes the focus from rushing through an area to instead exploring it thoroughly. Personally, I think this is an interesting and decent change to make. It means you can take your time with each area and really explore and have fun.

Obviously, the challenges are optional and for all intents and purposes, this Switch version of the game is identical. So on your first playthrough, you likely won’t notice this change but it is a welcome one once you start exploring every facet of Alefgard.

In terms of graphics and performance, it is closer to the PS3 version rather than PS4. Obviously, it is much better than the Vita version and it also looks and plays just fine either in portable mode or docked.

The Switch version also retains the Japanese button layout from the previous versions and that’s something I definitely appreciated. After pouring hundreds of hours into the various versions, the control changes for the Western PS4 release did melt my brain somewhat.

Overall, this is still the fantastic game I remember playing back at the start of 2016 and one that works brilliantly on the Switch. Not only from a graphical and performance point of view but also because it is now so convenient to play. So if you missed out on Dragon Quest Builders the first time around, then get it on the Switch as it is still better than Minecraft.

‘Dragon Quest Builders' Switch Review: Still Better Than ‘Minecraft'

8 cool things you didn’t know you could do in Minecraft

8 cool things you didn’t know you could do in Minecraft

Minecraft is a huge game. After each update, Minecraft’s die-hard fans spend endless hours searching high and low throughout the game to find hidden features or glitches which were not publicly announced, or even intended.

There are many hidden “features” in Minecraft, but we have narrowed it down to eight of our favorites – why not give them a try yourself?

8 cool things you probably did not know you could do on Minecraft

1. Torches can be used to destroy sand and gravel en masse

Sometimes, we want to build stuff in the sky. But to get there, you need to first build a pole up into the sky, so you can then build a platform on top of it. Afterward, you’re left with the task of tearing it down, which can be difficult (and dangerous). Thankfully, there is a neat trick you can use to tear down a platform much quicker.

As you may know, sand and gravel in Minecraft are affected by gravity and cannot float in the sky. This means that if there is a tower of gravel or sand and you remove the bottom block, the rest will fall by one. But if you remove the bottom block very quickly and then place a torch in its place, the gravel or sand will cascade down one by one, each being destroyed when it hits the torch, tearing the tower down.

The next time you need to build a tower up into the sky, make it out of sand (or gravel!).

2. Pressure plates can be used to trap water and lava

Two of the most useful – yet most dangerous and irritating – elements of the game, water and lava, like to spread far and wide when they are placed down, and can quickly get out of control. Just tame them with pressure plates – it’s very simple! You can also use signs and fences.

3. Signs can be used to breathe underwater

I’ve lost count of how many times I have died while mining for clay underwater or just forgetting to watch the breath bar. Now I always carry a sign with me when I go under the waves because it lets you stay down as long as you want. All you need to do is to place a sign down against a block while submerged and it will create a pocket of air – easy!

4. Pumpkins make you invisible to Endermen

The Endermen are quite possibly the most irritating mobs in Minecraft. They are absolutely fine until you accidentally look at them, and then they begin to teleport all over the place and intermittently attack you; they are very powerful, and it is an easy mistake to make. However, if you wear a pumpkin on your head (by going to your inventory and placing a pumpkin in your character’s head slot) and look directly at an Enderman, it will not notice and you will be safe from being attacked!

5. The Shining meets Minecraft

In Minecraft 1.11, the Vindicator mob was added, along with an easter egg reference to the Stanley Kubrick movie The Shining. By using a name-tag called “Johnny” to tag the Vindicator mob, it will wield an ax and attack any mob within its radius – this can be very useful at night when you want to save yourself the trouble of taking care of all the zombies and creepers.

Source: https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net

6. Milk a Mooshroom for Mooshroom soup

Just like cows (which can be milked with a glass bottle), the rare Mooshroom cows can be “milked” using a wooden bowl by right-clicking  the cow. Mooshroom soup is a very powerful food item and can immediately fill the health and hunger bar. If you can catch one of these Mooshrooms, it can be an unlimited food source!

7. Create an infinite water source

Water is one of the most useful resources in the entire game. It is used for all sorts of gameplay functions – such as brewing potions – and it is very handy to have an unlimited source right at your fingertips, or even in your house. This is very easy to do, and it takes advantage of the game’s water physics, which fills space around a water source block.

Create a 2×2 box and fill each block with a bucket of water. Then when you take some water from it with an empty bucket, the spot from where you took the water from will immediately fill back up and you can do this over and over, and get all of the water you need.

8. Give your tamed dogs a colorful collar

By using one of the many colored dyes available in-game, you can personalize your tamed dog’s collar. Although it’s not such a useful tip, it can be handy to give all of your dogs’ collars different colors so that they can be easily identified, and it looks pretty nice too. To color a collar, just right-click your dog with the dye equipped in your hand.

8 cool things you didn’t know you could do in Minecraft