Minecraft can be a surprisingly effective horror game

Minecraft can be a surprisingly effective horror game

Keyboard Geniuses is our weekly glance at a few intriguing, witty, or otherwise notable posts from the Gameological discussion threads. Comments have been excerpted and edited here for grammar, length, and/or clarity. You can follow the links to see the full threads.

Terror From The Deep

Over in this week’s What Are You Playing This Weekend? thread, The Demons discussed why they’re still drawn to Minecraft and what makes it a surprisingly scary game:

Fear of the unknown is a powerful thing, and I’m surprised at the amount of anxiety this game’s sound design is able to conjure up when I’m venturing below ground. Hearing the growls in my headphones without being able to see where they’re coming from puts me on edge, and being surprised by a monster I didn’t know was there consistently makes me panic and fight sub-optimally. There’s a sense of dread from getting lost in the winding passageways of a cave while running low on rations, or climbing up from the underground only to realize that you were down there too long, and now you’ll have to sprint for shelter in the middle of the night. I find it remarkable how the emergent play provides such a vivid horror experience, especially with Minecraft’s complete lack of violence and how lo-fi and abstracted the designs for the monsters are.

Speaking of abstraction, the environments of the game strike me as having a natural beauty despite the deliberate unreality of it all. I try to alter the landscape as little as possible, feeling that the results of the world-generating algorithm have an aesthetic that would be difficult to reproduce if I were to reshape the terrain myself. I’m hesitant to flatten areas and construct cobblestone roads; content to place a trail of torches to mark my path through a forest instead of simply chopping it down. Even my structures, the safehouses whose beacons dot the horizon, are based around this aesthetic: My castles are always built atop a stone surface whenever I find one poking up through the dirt and the foundation sets the shape for the whole building. By making each project unique—as I assess the site and figure out what it wants to be—making progress never feels like work.

Punch-Out Love

Screenshot: Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!

This week, I celebrated the 30th anniversary of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! by talking about why I think the game holds up better than pretty much any of its contemporaries. It comes down to the simplicity and purity of its puzzle-like boxing matches, something Unexpected Dave broke down in the comments:

It’s often been said that Punch Out!! looks like a fighting game but is actually a rhythm or puzzle game in disguise. If you approach the game like a straight-up arcade brawler, you can probably get through Piston Honda, but you’ll get slaughtered in the second tier. That’s when you really have to learn how to respond to your opponents’ tells and know exactly when and how to counterattack.

But the brilliance of the game is that it never loses the “illusion” of being a fighting game. It seldom feels like a purely mechanical exercise, like a game of Simon, and that’s all down to the character and personality of the opponents. It’s a shame that Nintendo relied on racial stereotypes to imbue that personality, though. (And the Wii version really doubles down on them.)

Elsewhere, M_squared remembered how the game turned into a playground sensation:

I love this game. As a kid, it was always one that we talked about on the playground, sharing methods and things that worked on the opponents. This was a game that really brought people together. You could sit with people watching you and yelling “He’s charging! Punch now! Now! You did it too late!” or you could talk about it away from the game, “How do you beat King Hippo??” and things like that. It always brought out the liars, though. “I beat Mike Tyson with one punch!”, “I swear King Hippo got up, and I had to knock him down again!”

But overall it’s timeless because of the precise controls and the easy beginning. If it was really tough at the outset, it wouldn’t have caught on as much. But getting past Glass Joe is simple enough for just about anyone to do it but also gets you just hooked that you want to continue. Then as the difficulty ramps up, it doesn’t feel like cheating but like you’re earning your victories (and defeats).

Maddeness Indeed”

Screenshot: Madden NFL ‘18

Also this week, William Hughes wrapped up his four-part attempt to learn a thing or two about Madden and football. Unfortunately, he ultimately fell into despair and sought to destroy the game from the inside. Thundawg did some commiserating down in the comments and poetically summed up the whole endeavor:

This is a perfect encapsulation of Madden. Few games come close to the all-consuming rage that burns deep within after a loss. Madden might be the worst, as William noted, since you can do everything right and still ultimately lose. This game is not a quest for the virtual Super Bowl to win an oddly polygonal Lombardi Trophy. No, that is merely a byproduct. Madden is a journey into one’s own mind. It is the video game equivalent of Heart Of Darkness masquerading behind Tom Brady’s steely stare. The game will test the limits of your mental fortitude, push you to the edge of sanity. It will, inevitably, break you, leaving you to pick up the pieces of your shattered mind and shattered controller.

But through that, I believe William got closer to sports fan nirvana than he thinks. Will Madden teach you to be a ra-ra sports fan? No. But the discipline, patience, and resolve that playing sports requires and teaches? Certainly. The utter destruction you wreaked upon the Seahawks organization is a manifestation of what every fan felt when Pete Carroll opted to pass, not run, the ball in Super Bowl XLIX. It is not just the helpless roller coaster but viscerally feeling the depths of defeat and the supreme elation of victory. That collective emotion lies at the core of fandom.

That’ll do it for this week, Gameologerinos. As always, thank you for reading and commenting. We’ll see you all next week!

Minecraft can be a surprisingly effective horror game

The Annual Celebration of All Things Minecraft Just Got 1 Very Cool Cohost

The Annual Celebration of All Things Minecraft Just Got 1 Very Cool Cohost

Back in August, it was announced that Minecon — the annual celebration of all things Minecraft — would take an altogether different form for 2017. The newly branded Minecon World aimed to expand the festivities well beyond the confines of the single city chosen to host days full of activities each year, instead taking the form of a 90-minute jam-packed event broadcast live from Atlanta to viewing parties and movie theaters around the world.

And if that wasn't enough to catch your eye — which, let's be real, is very appealing to those of us who love Minecraft but maybe don't have the ability to travel to the highly hyped event each year — on Oct. 19, it was announced that there would be another familiar face hosting the event beside the legendary Lydia Winters: Will Arnett. That's right; the man formerly known as GOB Bluth, Devon Banks, and Bojack Horseman is a Minecraft fan, too.

“My boys and I have so much fun playing Minecraft,” Arnett said in a statement about the event, adding, “but even more than that, I love how Minecraft inspires so much creativity in them. I couldn't be more excited to be a part of MINECON!”

Check out a full rundown of everything Minecon Earth over at the official site, the official launch trailer (featuring Arnett) above, and, for good measure, the best Bojack Horseman-inspired Minecraft video ever below.

The Annual Celebration of All Things Minecraft Just Got 1 Very Cool Cohost

Original Xbox games are still coming to Xbox One this year

Original Xbox games are still coming to Xbox One this year

Of all the current generation consoles on the market right now, Microsoft’s Xbox One is by far the most impressive when it comes to its commitment to backwards compatibility.

At the moment there’s an extensive list of Xbox 360 games that can be played on the Xbox One and while that’s continuing to grow, Microsoft announced plans to add original Xbox games into the mix at E3 earlier this year.

Microsoft hasn’t been forthcoming with details on exactly which original Xbox titles will be coming to Xbox One – at the moment we only know about Crimson Skies and Fuzion Frenzy. However, in a recent interview with GameSpot, Xbox head Phil Spencer did say we’d see the first of the batch released before the end of the year.


When asked about the status of the backwards compatibility project by GameSpot, Spencer stated “We're close, we're really close.”

“I have a little dashboard I go to and I can see all the games [and] where they are in getting approvals in the pipeline,” he continued.

“I know the games that are coming for the original Xbox but I don't think we've announced them all. We have to do this in partnership with partners, but we're still on track. I feel really good. The games look great.”

Backwards compatibility on the Xbox One X will, apparently, work slightly differently to the Xbox One S. According to Spencer, Xbox has still to reveal some “interesting” details on how the feature will work on the upcoming 4K console but seems fairly certain that people will find it “interesting.”

There’s plenty of interest in original Xbox games coming to the latest consoles and although Spencer says that some of the games hold up better than others, we imagine the memories and nostalgia will more than make up for anything lacking in the visuals.

Though we still don’t have an exact date for when this backwards compatibility extension will go live, we imagine Microsoft will wait until after the launch of the Xbox One X on November 7. Some time between this new console launch and Christmas would, arguably, make the most sense for the company.

We imagine original Xbox games coming to the Xbox One would tie in very neatly with the release of the revamped Duke controller which was also announced at E3 this year. Though this controller doesn’t have an exact release date, either, it’s also scheduled for before the end of 2017.

Related product: Microsoft Xbox One S

Our Verdict:

Xbox One S is the pinnacle of what Microsoft set out to create three years ago. But being sleeker, cheaper and more powerful than its predecessor, the One S could also rub early adopters (who shelled out for Kinect) the wrong way.


  • Vastly reduced physical footprint
  • 4K & HDR streaming
  • HDR gaming
  • Xbox platform is steadily improving

Original Xbox games are still coming to Xbox One this year

Xbox One News: Backwards Compatibility Coming Sooner Than Fans Think

Xbox One News: Backwards Compatibility Coming Sooner Than Fans Think

This year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) had a lot of surprises for the fans. From Nintendo's spectacular comeback to Microsoft's Xbox One X, the gaming community was left reeling from the events.

One of the treats were given to Microsoft's fans was Xbox One's backward compatibility, which will equip the latest console with support for the original games that were previously released. With the anticipation at an all-time high, rumors have begun circulating that it might never come. However, recent reports have revealed that it is actually on the way.

“We're close, we're really close,” Xbox's chief Phil Spencer told GameSpot when he was asked about the status of the development. “I have a little dashboard I go to and I can see all the games [and] where they are in getting approvals in the pipeline. I know the games that are coming for the original Xbox but I don't think we've announced them all. We have to do this in partnership with partners, but we're still on track. I feel really good. The games look great.”

Considering the nearing release of the Xbox One X, many were also curious as to whether or not the feature will be available to the world's most powerful console. Spencer was determined to remain tight-lipped, but he did tease that there were features that will need to be discussed before the console arrives in stores.

Furthermore, Spencer also gave some form of relief to the fans. He said that they will not have long to wait to enjoy the features that the backwards compatibility will offer. For those who have been waiting to play the original games that they got to know in the previous consoles, they will be able to play it again before the year ends. No specific launch date was given but fans are expecting to hear more details in the coming months.

Xbox One News: Backwards Compatibility Coming Sooner Than Fans Think

Microsoft Says Xbox One X “Not for Everyone”

Microsoft Says Xbox One X “Not for Everyone”

Microsoft is set to launch the Xbox One X on November 7. This $500 system promises to be “the most powerful console ever.” There is certainly a great deal of excitement for the device among the hardcore Xbox community. However, the console isn’t going to replace the Xbox One S. It exists for the enthusiast gamer who wants a beefier system. While Microsoft expects the Xbox One X to sell well, it recognizes the system doesn’t have universal appeal.

“Xbox One S will be the market leader for us. It’s the more affordable console. It plays all the same games,” said Xbox’s Phil Spencer to GameSpot at the Brazil Game Show. “It will be the console that sells.”

“Whether you’re on a 1080p TV or a 4K TV, you’re going to have a great experience. But it’s not for everybody. It’s like when we built the Xbox One Elite controller, we didn’t try to say to everybody, ‘If you need an extra controller, go buy the Elite controller.’ We sold a ton of those controllers. We know in the gaming segment, there are a lot of people who play games casually and there are also people where gaming is their number one hobby.

“Their number one form of entertainment, and we want to give them the very best experience. I’ve played games in true 4K with HDR, and they look fantastic. But it doesn’t mean everybody has to do that. So we’re giving gamers a choice. Whether we’ve pushed the innovation too far? It’s hard to do that with gamers. I guess we’ll see; I feel very confident in the product we have coming to market.”

Phil Spencer spoke about how the Xbox One S would be the this year’s best selling Xbox back in June. Both the Xbox One S and the Xbox One X play the same games. Given a choice, most customers will purchase the $250 system over the $500 variant. Sure, games on Xbox One X will look and run better, but gaming on Xbox One S provides the same experience. System-wise, the Xbox is on solid footing. Now Xbox just needs a few more exclusives to make it even more enticing to consumers.

Microsoft Says Xbox One X “Not for Everyone”

New Xbox One S bundles feature Rocket League and Minecraft

New Xbox One S bundles feature Rocket League and Minecraft

Microsoft has announced three new Xbox One S bundles priced at just £229. Launching in the coming weeks, the UK will receive an Xbox One S Rocket League Blast-Off Bundle, an Xbox One S Starter Bundle and – for those that didn't manage to get their hands on the limited edition Minecraft version of the console, an Xbox One S Minecraft Complete Adventure Bundle.

The latter comes with a 500GB Xbox One S, a wireless controller and full download codes for Minecraft and Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode Season One – The Complete Adventure. Users also get a full add-on download code of the Minecraft Explorer's pack, three months of Xbox Live Gold, and a one month trial of the Xbox Game Pass.

The Rocket League Blast Off Bundle, meanwhile, comes with a 500GB Xbox One S, a wireless controller, a full download code for Rocket League, three months of Xbox Live Gold and the same one month Xbox Game Pass trial.

The Starter Bundle, on the other hand, doesn't actually come with a specific game, which might make it a hard sell to the general public. Instead, the main benefit is that users get three months of Xbox Game Pass rather than one – although whether the general public will appreciate the value of two extra months is debatable, especially when it's not quite as tangible as an actual game. Of course, that's in addition to three months of Xbox Live Gold plus the 500GB Xbox One S and wireless controller.

Meanwhile, the US will also receive an Xbox One S Ultimate Halo Bundle for $279, which comes with download codes for Halo 5 Guardians and Halo: The Master Chief Collection, plus one month of Xbox Game Pass, a 14-day trial of Xbox Live Gold, and a 500GB console and wireless controller.

New Xbox One S bundles feature Rocket League and Minecraft