Every superhero confirmed for Avengers 4

Every superhero confirmed for Avengers 4

Warning: This article contains major spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War.

Those who saw Avengers: Infinity War know that the dramatic ending left a lot up in the air for the untitled fourth Avengers film. Some heroes died in the film during Thanos' (Josh Brolin) quest to get the Infinity Stones, while others disintegrated into the ether after the villain succeeded. Although they're ostensibly dead, it seems unlikely that they'll stay that way far beyond Avengers 4 — especially considering some of the supposedly dead heroes are already confirmed for appearances in the film.

It's possible that the fourth Avengers will incorporate flashbacks or time jumps, which makes it unclear whether the heroes appearing will be returning from the grave or popping up in some other capacity. Either way, the cast confirmed for the film opens up a lot of questions about what will be happening in the mysterious movie. With that in mind, here's a look at all the superheroes currently confirmed to appear in Avengers 4.


Paul Rudd's Ant-Man may have missed out on the fun of Avengers: Infinity War, but he'll be back in action for the fourth film. Scott was said to have been caring for his family during the events of the third team-up, but some audiences didn't buy that reasoning. Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have said that “all will become clear” with regards to Scott's absence when Avengers 4 comes out.

It's also possible that there will be further updates on the character's status in Ant-Man and the Wasp, which may help to explain what he was up to during Infinity War — and could potentially even provide a segue to his role in Avengers 4. Since Rudd has been spotted on the set of the film, it's safe to say that Ant-Man will be included somehow, but it remains to be seen how the tiny hero will fit into such a big story.

Black Panther

Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa was one of the many characters who bit the dust (pun intended) at the end of Infinity War. However, considering the fact that Black Panther's standalone film made over $1 billion at the box office and a sequel is already in the works, it seems safe to say that T'Challa will somehow find his way back from the dead in Avengers 4.

Boseman's appearance in the film was confirmed when he was spotted on the movie's Atlanta set, although it's hard to figure out what exactly T'Challa will be up to. Still, the character is a fan favorite, so it's likely that he'll have a large role in the fourth Avengers. Considering how much of the action of Infinity War took place in Wakanda (and how destructive it was to the once-secluded nation), he'll have his work cut out for him — as both a superhero and a king — when he returns.

Black Widow

Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow changed her hair color for Infinity War, but she and her new blonde ‘do didn't have as big a part as some fans had hoped. Although Black Widow got in on the action in Wakanda, her character didn't get much of a storyline beyond the fight. Markus explained that this is mostly due to her attitude — Black Widow is very “hard-bitten,” ready to fight when she has to, meaning that there wasn't much ground to cover with her emotionally.

However, given the fact that Black Widow is one of the few characters who survived the events of Infinity War, it seems safe to say she'll have a big role to play in the fourth film. Markus basically confirmed as much, saying that some of the characters who were featured less in Infinity War had “far more potential” in Avengers 4 “just in terms of how their characters would be tested by the story.”

Captain America

Chris Evans has been planning his Marvel exit for a while now, and there's a good chance that Avengers 4 will mark his swan song as Captain America. The actor has been prepping for other projects, and has on numerous occasions said that he's ready to hang up his shield for good. This doesn't bode well for Cap's fate in the next team-up, although he was one of the few who survived Thanos' wrath in Infinity War.

Like Black Widow, Cap underwent a pretty dramatic physical transformation in Infinity War, but his new beard wasn't shown all that much as he fought Thanos' minions in Wakanda. However, he is likely to get a bigger role in Avengers 4, especially since directors Joe and Anthony Russo have said that the film will conclude the story they began in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. While Steve might not make it out alive, it should be a good send-off.

Captain Marvel

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We won't get the chance to officially meet Brie Larson's Captain Marvel until the character's standalone film comes out in March of 2019, but we did get our first tease of her entry into the MCU thanks to the Infinity War post-credits scene, which featured Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) sending out a call to the hero before disappearing into dust.

Captain Marvel seems likely to play a big role in Avengers 4, considering the fact that so many of the MCU's other heroes are currently out of commission, at least for the moment. Considering Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has said that Captain Marvel will be the most powerful character in the MCU and Markus has said she's on “a power scale that right now doesn't exist in the MCU,” it seems safe to say that Carol Danvers will end up having a big role to play in finally taking down Thanos.


Anthony Mackie's Falcon may have disintegrated in Infinity War, but he has already assured fans that he will be back for the fourth film, sharing a picture of himself on the movie's set. Mackie even offered up a bit of a hint for fans eager to hear about the plot of the movie, telling MTV, “[It's] a whole lot of people fighting. A whole lot of people talking.”

Although that plot description isn't exactly heavy on the details, it seems safe to say that Avengers 4 could bring big things for Falcon. He is one of the characters, along with Sebastian Stan's Winter Soldier, who fans think could take up the mantle of Captain America if Steve Rogers leaves it behind. With Evans likely out of his contract after Avengers 4 and Mackie's star still on the rise, it seems like his future in the MCU will probably be bright.


Zoe Saldana's Gamora met a very tragic end in Infinity War, with Thanos sacrificing his adopted daughter so he could obtain the Soul Stone and get closer to fulfilling his quest to wield all of the Infinity Stones. Considering that her death wasn't one of the movie's ending disintegrations, it seemed like it might stick — that is, until Saldana confirmed that she'll show up in Avengers 4.

“I know that we will all have to come back at some point this fall and finish up the second, um, the fourth installment of Avengers,” Saldana said when asked by E! News about her last day on set for Infinity War. This seems to confirm her involvement in the fourth film, which would suggest that her character will somehow come back from the dead. While it's also possible that she could be shown via flashback, it seems like there's still lots of story left for Gamora in the Guardians franchise, and it could be possible that she'll get a full resurrection in the film.


The absence of Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye from Infinity War was one of the film's biggest surprises. Like Ant-Man, Hawkeye was said to have retired from the superhero biz to be with his family, who was introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Renner has confirmed that he will be back for Avengers 4, though, which could spell bad things for his loved ones. Some theorize that Hawkeye's family will have been killed off thanks to Thanos' doings, which could bring the hero back into the fold with a vengeance.

Renner was spotted on set with a new haircut and a costume that looks suspiciously like the superhero Ronin, an identity he temporarily assumed in the comics. Regardless of which name he goes by, Markus hinted that Hawkeye will be a big part of the fourth film, telling BuzzFeed, “We like Hawkeye. We like Hawkeye so much we gave him a really good story.” Hopefully that story is good enough to satiate the fans who were so sorely bummed out over the lack of the archer in Infinity War.


Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner had some issues in Infinity War. The Hulk would definitely be a great asset in the fight against Thanos, but Bruce, who's been struggling with the Hulk since the two were involuntarily paired, was unable to call up the big green monster no matter how angry he got. This led to a lot of consternation for the other heroes, although Bruce was able to get in on the action at least a bit after climbing into Tony Stark's Hulkbuster suit.

Bruce lived through Thanos' dusting at the end of the film, and it seems fair to expect that his powers will be returned to him at some point in the fourth film. Ruffalo has been spotted on set in a motion capture suit, so he'll be leaning on his superhuman alter ego in at least some way. Ruffalo has said that Thor: Ragnarok and the two Avengers films are designed to form one Hulk storyline over three installments, so expect a lot to happen for the character in the conclusion.

Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man started the MCU, and if you believe the rumors, Avengers 4 could be the end of Tony Stark. The going theory is that Downey Jr.'s famously expensive contract will be up after the film, sending the MCU's godfather out in style as they move into their very secretive Phase 4.

Although Downey Jr. hasn't given us any information on whether or not his character will make it through Avengers 4, he has been one of the  more vocal cast members when it comes to sharing pictures of the film on social media, and, thanks to that, we know for sure that he will appear. Tony was ready to sacrifice himself when the time came in Infinity War, and with so many other heroes out of the picture, it should be interesting to see the potentially deadly lengths he has to go to in order to save the world in the fourth film.


Pom Klementieff's Mantis didn't make her MCU debut until Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but the odd little alien has already endeared herself to fans thanks to her fun one-liners and Klementieff's charming delivery. Unfortunately, Mantis was unable to take down Thanos despite her best efforts, and she disintegrated along with most of the rest of the Guardians at the end of Infinity War. Klementieff, though, has already seemingly confirmed that she'll be back on board for Avengers 4, sharing a photo of her make-up trailer on social media.

Although Klementieff's photo doesn't show anything about where her character might have disappeared to or how she might return from the dead, it does show that Mantis (and hopefully the other Guardians) will be returning. Considering James Gunn has already said he's planning Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 for 2020, it seems like Avengers 4 will have to get things back on track for the intergalactic team.


Karen Gillan's Nebula didn't exactly get to have a fun time in Infinity War, mostly serving as a way for Thanos to convince Gamora to take him to the Soul Stone. Considering Thanos had to rip Nebula apart piece by piece to get Gamora to reveal the stone's location to him, Nebula is clearly not in a good place when the film ends.

She is, though, one of the few characters who makes it past Thanos' wrath, which puts her in a prime position for her appearance in Avengers 4. Gillan has teased that she hopes the character will be able to “somehow face her daddy issues head on” in the film, which would mean a big confrontation with Thanos. However, Gillan did note at the time of the interview that she wasn't sure exactly what would go down, so it's unclear what role Nebula will ultimately play in the proceedings.

Scarlet Witch

Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch had a pretty big role to play in Infinity War. As the only one with powers that could potentially destroy an Infinity Stone, Wanda had a moral decision to make about whether or not she would kill off her beau Vision (Paul Bettany) in order to potentially save the universe.

Wanda delayed as long as she could, and even though she ultimately decided to kill Vision and destroy the stone, it was too little too late, and Thanos ended up getting a hold of it. Destroying half the universe also meant the destruction of Scarlet Witch, which could put a bit of a damper on the remaining heroes' attempt to get rid of the stones. However, Wanda is still confirmed to appear in Avengers 4, with Olsen sharing a pic from the set revealing that her role will feature the character taking flight. Although that doesn't say much, it does seem to show that she'll be back and powered up in Avengers 4.


Tom Holland's Spider-Man had one of the most emotional deaths in Infinity War, but it may not have hit as hard as it could have, especially considering the fact that we know Holland will be suiting up as Peter Parker again for the character's upcoming second standalone film, which is set to hit theaters just a few months after Avengers 4's release.

Unless Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 is giving the reins to Marisa Tomei's Aunt May or Jacob Batalon's Ned, it seems safe to expect Peter to make his way back from the dead in Avengers 4. We do know for sure that the character will appear in at least some capacity, with Feige revealing that Holland was signed on for the second film all the way back in April of 2017. We don't exactly know what role Peter will be playing, but things will hopefully be getting back on track for the young web-slinger.


Chris Hemsworth's Thor was one of the original Avengers, and one of the few who survived Thanos' wrath in Infinity War. However, it seems like the character's appearance in the fourth film could spell doom for the otherworldly god, with Hemsworth saying that his contract is up after Avengers 4. (Fingers crossed that the character's creative resurrection in Thor: Ragnarok could potentially make Hemsworth want to stay on longer.)

Whether or not he makes it out alive, it seems like a lot will happen for Thor in the untitled Avengers sequel. Despite the fact that the character got a much needed haircut in Thor: Ragnarok, Hemsworth was spotted on set with the character's old long-haired ‘do back, which implies that the film might be offering viewers some kind of flashback. With the movie appearing to tie back to the original Avengers somehow, Thor should have quite the journey ahead of him.


Paul Bettany's Vision didn't make it through Infinity War, getting a dramatic death at the hands of Thanos despite the best efforts of Shuri (Letitia Wright) and Scarlet Witch. Considering Vision has the Mind Stone embedded in his forehead, fans knew he was in danger even before the movie's opening act. However, it seems like Vision will still have at least some sort of role to play in the fourth Avengers film, with Bettany confirming that he'll be back on board for the movie.

Bettany hasn't dropped any hints about how his character will be involved, but he did share a picture of himself in full Vision regalia filling out paperwork on the Avengers 4 set in late 2017. While it seems safe to assume that Vision will end up having more to do than just pushing paper around, it remains unclear whether he'll factor into the story mostly through flashbacks or if he'll be brought back through time travel or some other manipulation.

War Machine

Don Cheadle's War Machine was put in peril in Captain America: Civil War, but he was able to get back in his suit and help out his fellow Avengers in Infinity War. Rhodey actually wound up making it out of the film, and was one of the few heroes still left standing after the universe turned to dust.

It's fitting, then, that Cheadle will be back for Avengers 4. We don't know what he'll be up to, but Brolin has said that the two actors share at least one scene, which means that he'll (unsurprisingly) be headed for another confrontation with the movies' big bad. Gwyneth Paltrow has also said that she's been on set with Cheadle and Downey Jr., which could mean that the Iron Man team is getting back together once again. Considering some people think that Paltrow's Pepper Potts may be suiting up as Rescue, the mentorship of Iron Man and War Machine could be very important in the fourth film.


Evangeline Lilly's Wasp is set to co-lead Ant-Man and the Wasp, one of two Marvel films slated to be released between the two Avengers films. The movies' screenwriters have said that both Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel will be important to the future of the Avengers, so it makes sense that Lilly's Wasp will be making an appearance in Avengers 4.

Lilly has said that you shouldn't expect too much Wasp in the film, revealing during a Q&A on her Instagram page that she is “not going to be [in it] a ton.” However, she did say that she's “proud” and “stoked” to be on board for the movie, adding that she had “so much fun” on the film's set, which had a party-like atmosphere. We don't know what role the Wasp will have in the action, but some have theorized that the Quantum Realm could be a way to bring back the disintegrated heroes, which would give Ant-Man and the Wasp big parts to play.

Winter Soldier

Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes has had quite the journey in the MCU, as his friendship with Steve Rogers has been tested by time, mind control, and more. This made his ultimate disintegration in Infinity War all the more heartbreaking, with the character reaching out to his friend before falling away into dust. Winter Soldier fans don't need to be too afraid, though: Stan has confirmed he'll be back for Avengers 4.

Stan remained tight-lipped about what exactly Bucky would be up to in the film, but he did confirm that he'd be going down to the movie's Atlanta set for more filming. It does seem like the Bucky and Steve journey will be important to the story, though, with the Russo brothers saying that the film will “complete the personal journey” that they started in Captain America. What exactly that means remains to be seen, but it does seem to imply that Bucky will have a big part to play.

Every superhero confirmed for Avengers 4

Roles that made actors quit Hollywood for good

Roles that made actors quit Hollywood for good

Many actors have retreated from the spotlight over the years—sometimes setting the stage for a big comeback, sometimes never to return. Whether a star has an illustrious résumé or is known for a single iconic role, playing the wrong part can be the final nail in an acting career's coffin. Here are some movies that caused actors to leave the business and never look back.

Peter Ostrum in Willy Wonka and the Charlie Factory

Peter Ostrum's first and only role was the sweetly naive Charlie Bucket in the original screen adaptation of Roald Dahl's classic. As Charlie, Ostrum was poised to inherit a delicious empire, but after the movie wrapped, he stepped away from the spotlight. According to Ostrum: “Being in the film industry as a child was hard, and I couldn't keep it going. But in the end leaving was the right decision.” As he later told the Daily Express, he turned down a three-picture deal after Willy Wonka, and using his earnings, he bought a horse—his first step toward the career in veterinary medicine that he still enjoys today.

Gene Hackman in The Royal Tenenbaums

Gene Hackman built a large part of his Hollywood legend by playing tough guys. As the cast and crew of Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums would later discover, he could also be a pretty tough guy behind the scenes, too. Hackman was initially unwilling to play Royal Tenenbaum for a variety of reasons, starting with his his reluctance to take parts written with him in mind. His agent finally persuaded him to take the part, but according to numerous reports, he became increasingly volatile, at times explosively berating fellow stars, and leaving others on the set terrified of him. Hackman has since admitted he had reservations about playing the fraudulent aging patriarch, fearing he wouldn't be able to connect with his insensitivity toward his family—and while it was not his final role, it marked a definite turning point. Two years later, he skipped the premiere of his final movie, Welcome to Mooseport, and went straight into retirement, where he seems content quietly painting and writing novels (although he can still be ornery when the occasion calls for it).

Jake Lloyd in The Phantom Menace

Landing the leading role in one of the most hotly anticipated films of the '90s should have been a dream come true for Jake Lloyd. Sadly, Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace wound up being the first (and arguably the worst) installment in a disappointing trilogy, making Lloyd's experience a complete nightmare. According to Lloyd, playing the part made his life “a living hell,” and he was bullied mercilessly. The child actor was also bombarded with interviews, at times doing as many as 60 a day. Lloyd would later say: “I've learned to hate it when the cameras are pointed at me.” Following a string of voice acting parts for Star Wars pod racing video games, Lloyd's most notable brush with fame was an ironic high speed police chase for which he was arrested in 2015.

Greta Garbo in The Two-Faced Woman

Though Greta Garbo's stardom endured the transition from silent films to “talkies” in the 1930s, her illustrious career did not survive her second comedic role in The Two-Faced Woman. Hot off the success of her first comedy, Ninotchka, the rom-com seemed like a box office slam dunk. Sadly, her “dual” role, as a woman who doubles as her own twin sister to rekindle her marriage, made for a disastrously clunky movie. Garbo seemed to pick up on the dark cloud hovering over the production early on, lamenting that the studio was “trying to kill” her and had “dug my grave” by putting her in the film. To her utter humiliation, Garbo's performance received harsh critical reception, with TIME calling it “an absurd vehicle” for the star and the New Yorker recommending “condolences” for her part in the widely panned release. A three-time Oscar nominee at the age of 35, Garbo promptly retired from Hollywood, never to act in another picture before her death in 1990.

Omar Sharif in The 13th Warrior

Omar Sharif's roles in Dr. Zhivago and Lawrence of Arabia made him an obvious choice during the casting of the period epic The 13th Warrior. The Michael Crichton-written, John McTiernan-directed, and Antonio Banderas-starring action movie had all the key ingredients of a late-'90s blockbuster. Unfortunately, this Viking epic didn't look as good on screen as it did on paper. After a bleak reception from test-screening audiences, the studio dropped big money trying to rework the picture, but little could be done to polish it for theatrical release. The magnitude of the flop earned the movie a ranking amongst the biggest box office bombs of all time. According to Sharif, it was the last straw after a string of disappointments: “After my small role in The 13th Warrior, I said to myself, ‘Let us stop this nonsense, these meal tickets that we do because it pays well'.. . . bad pictures are very humiliating, I was really sick.” The iconic actor subsequently started turning down roles, claiming he'd “lost his self-respect”, and that his own grandchildren had mocked him. Sharif would come out of retirement briefly for a few worthy films, including Monsieur Ibrahim and Hidalgo, before his death in 2015.

Jaye Davidson in The Crying Game

Jaye Davidson earned an Oscar nomination for his performance in the sleeper hit The Crying Game in 1992, but he never considered himself an actor. In fact, he told Rolling Stone that he auditioned on a whim and tried to back out of it twice after he was cast. A very private person, Davidson had it written into his contract that he would not have to do any publicity following the film's release. Upon seeing an initial screening, Davidson expressed discomfort : “I'm not a performer, do you know what I mean? I don't leave messages on answer phones, in case of the hideous possibility that I will hear my own voice.” Davidson also hated the fame that followed, and promptly returned to his roots as a fashion assistant and model. When asked if he was getting offers for more roles, he replied: “Well, I don't have an agent, because I don't want anyone to offer me another part. I don't want to be tempted out into crap films just for the money.” He appeared in just one other film, 1994's sci-fi Stargate, presumably because he loved the costumes.

Carrie Henn in Aliens

9-year-old Carrie Henn was living in Laken-heath, England, where her military family was stationed, when a casting call for the 1986 space horror flick Aliens rolled through town. Henn caught the eye of director James Cameron, and though she had never acted, Sigourney Weaver voted to cast her as the orphaned lone survivor, Newt, after their very first meeting. The chemistry between the two was immediate, cementing the mother-daughter bond as a central theme of the film. Her brother Chris was also cast in a small role, though his performance wasn't seen by audiences until the director's cut was released in 1992. While she has fond memories of filming the gooey bug-hunt, neither Carrie or Chris took another acting part. According to Henn, she did not want to live in L.A. after returning to the States because it would mean being separated from her family. It didn't help much that Newt's character was killed off in hypersleep prior to the events of Alien 3. Aliens may be Henn's sole IMDb credit, but it is indeed a memorable one. Henn is an elementary school teacher today, and says she occasionally signs copies of the Aliens DVD for her students. She reportedly stays in touch with Weaver to this day.

Sean Connery in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Ever wonder why we didn't see Sean Connery in the last Indiana Jones movie? Or anything else in the last decade, for that matter? You can thank the 2003 flop The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen for his retirement. The great hype surrounding this adaptation of the Alan Moore comics amounted to a production and box office disaster, and the trouble started well before the movie ever saw a screen. Connery was reportedly perpetually at odds with the film's director, Stephen Norrington, a tension that resulted in heated verbal exchanges during filming and in post-production. Numerous rumors circulated that the rift nearly ended in fisticuffs. Regardless of the behind-the-scenes fiasco, it was the last straw for the screen legend, and this extraordinary mess of a movie marked Connery's last appearance before the cameras (although he did deign to provide voice work for an animated effort, 2012's Sir Billi, which he also produced). In 2012, he remarked to GQ: “I was fed up of dealing with f***ing idiots. For years there has been a widening gap between people who can make films and people who can't.”

Taylor Momsen in Gossip Girl

There was plenty of gossip surrounding Taylor Momsen's stint on the set of Gossip Girl. After she debuted as Cindy Lou Who in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Momsen went on to work with a lot of Hollywood heavyweights, including Robert Rodriguez, Gus Van Sant, and Mel Gibson. But her role in the CW teen soap opera caused Momsen to ditch acting altogether. Though some sources attribute her suspension and eventual dismissal from the series to off-camera cattiness and brattiness, Momsen says she left the show deliberately so she could focus on her music career as the lead singer of her band, the Pretty Reckless. When the brooding celeb was asked if she will return to Gossip Girl or an acting career…well, let's just say she's over it, ok? Momsen has jumped behind the camera, though, co-directing the charming NSFW beach-goth video for the Pretty Reckless' “It's a F***ed Up World.”

Freddie Prinze, Jr. in 24

Former teen idol Freddie Prinze, Jr., has seen plenty of ups and downs in his career, and being cast as Jack Bauer's partner in the final season of 24 should have been a big “up.” Not so, according to Prinze, who would later say it was the role that made him want to quit the acting business altogether. Prinze told ABC News that working with Kiefer Sutherland was the experience that soured him on Hollywood: “I did '24,' it was terrible. I hated every moment of it. Kiefer was the most unprofessional dude in the world. That's not me talking trash, I'd say it to his face, I think everyone that's worked with him has said that.” Following 24, Prinze went on to work behind the scenes with Vince McMahon at WWE, and said he found that experience far more gratifying. Sutherland's rep responded: “Kiefer enjoyed working with Freddie and wishes him the best.”

Heather Donahue in The Blair Witch Project

The release of The Blair Witch Project in 1999 marked the arrival of found-footage horror, a subgenre which seemingly just will not die. Sadly, the career of the film's lead star, Heather Donahue, did not have the same staying power. Donahue made a variety of appearances in indie horror flicks and on TV, including It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but despite her convincing performance in Blair Witch, she never found a niche in high-profile leading roles. Ten years later, she finally cashed in her chips, and hasn't sought acting work since. “I took all my stuff into the desert relating to my acting career and burned it all,” she said of her post-Blair Witch years. Donahue turned to writing instead, and had her first book, Grow Girl, published in 2012. The memoir chronicles her experience growing medical marijuana on a pot farm in California.

Jeff Cohen in The Goonies

You'd be hard pressed to pick out Chunk from a lineup these days. Jeff Cohen has long since embraced his legacy as the pudgy kid in the '80s classic The Goonies, but gave up acting years ago. Or according to Cohen, “acting gave me up.” Shortly after The Goonies hit theaters, Cohen hit puberty, and he wasn't an adorable fat kid anymore. After a brief run of roles in TV and voice acting, Cohen realized he'd never be Chunk again. He's looking pretty lean these days, and found a way to stay in the biz without being a chubby pre-teen: in entertainment law. He cofounded the law firm Cohen Gardner LLP in 2002, which has given him the chance to offer legal protection to child actors. Cohen celebrates his most famous character, but he is much happier being a fit adult lawyer. “When people call you Chunk every day of your life from the age of ten, it gives you a complex,” Cohen said. “But I am very proud that I was a professional fat person. Anyone can be an amateur, but who can be a pro?”

Jack Gleeson in Game of Thrones
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There are characters we love, characters we love to hate, and characters we want to see poisoned at their own wedding. Joffrey Baratheon definitely falls in the latter category, and that's all thanks to Jack Gleeson, a perfectly nice human being who played one of the most despicable bad guys in TV history. But after meeting his grisly end in season four of Game of Thrones, Gleeson told The Irish Independent that the HBO show was taking a toll on him, and he wasn't really enjoying the celebrity life.

“It was always a recreation beforehand,” Gleeson said, “but when I started doing Game of Thrones, perhaps the reality was made too real for me. The lifestyle that comes with being an actor in a successful TV show isn't something I gravitate towards.” He also told Entertainment Weekly, “I just stopped enjoying [acting] as much as I used to.” So when Joffrey was finally killed off, Gleeson decided to focus on something new. Since leaving the show, he's earned a philosophy and theology degree, but while he hasn't returned to Hollywood since 2014, he hasn't completely ruled out more acting.

Talking with theMusic.com.au, Gleeson admitted he'd return to Game of Thrones if his character ever came back to life. He also described his retirement as more like a temporary hiatus. “It was more of a thing of taking a break,” he explained, “and wanting to do other things because Game of Thrones was so big … and I wanted to re-evaluate my career choices or whether I wanted to be full-time actor … I'm just taking a step back.”

Daniel Day-Lewis in Phantom Thread
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A three-time Oscar winner, Daniel Day-Lewis has played nearly every kind of role imaginable, from a misanthropic oil tycoon to America's greatest president. And each time, Day-Lewis completely loses himself in the part, diving deep into every character. He learned how to throw knives for Gangs of New York, spent 48 hours in a jail cell without food or water for In the Name of the Father, and took his musket everywhere he went while working on The Last of the Mohicans. But even though it was incredibly difficult playing a writer with cerebral palsy in My Left Foot, the role that finally finished his career was the part of Reynolds Woodcock in Phantom Thread.

Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, Phantom Thread finds Day-Lewis playing a 1950s English dressmaker, and the actor went all out for the role, learning to sew, making a dress for his wife, and studying with the head costume designer at the New York City Ballet. But while his performance earned the praise of critics, it left him feeling utterly depressed for reasons he couldn't explain. Speaking to the magazine W, Day-Lewis explained that he was “overwhelmed by a sense of sadness” during production, and when he was asked why, the actor responded, “I haven't figured it out. But it's settled on me, and it's just there.”

Day-Lewis did admit, however, that he just wasn't feeling the passion anymore. “I need to believe in the value of what I'm doing,” he said. “The work can seem vital. Irresistible, even. And if an audiences believes it, that should be good enough for me. But, lately, it isn't.” So when shooting wrapped on Phantom Thread, the English actor called it quits, bowing out of the Hollywood game. But no matter where he goes or which new gig he ends up picking, Day-Lewis will undoubtedly become the best at whatever he does next.

Roles that made actors quit Hollywood for good

Special Effect Develops Technology to Play Minecraft Using Just Your Eyes

Special Effect Develops Technology to Play Minecraft Using Just Your Eyes

For many, gaming is a pastime to be enjoyed day-in day-out. The simple act of picking up a controller can open up so many worlds infused with imagination. For some, though, that simply can’t happen. However, thanks to the team at SPECIAL EFFECT, small strides are being made when it comes to MINECRAFT, with a new way to play opening up the game for a whole new audience.

Eyemine, which is available to download now for use with various eye trackers, enables those without use of their limbs or other disabilities to start creating for themselves on Minecraft. Months of trials has finally led to the full release, and Special Effect CEO Mike Donegan couldn’t be happier. It has now led to “an interface that can be used by many more people… all over the world.”

The software, which tracks eye movements until the user focuses on one particular spot for a certain length of time, is available for free. It is certain to be a godsend for many parents and carers who want to give their loved ones who previously couldn’t even dream of playing games such as Minecraft the ability to play.

If you feel like having a bit of a cry today, you can check out the BBC report below, which features 15-year-old Becky on her journey to becoming a fully-fledged Minecraft player. This is despite having lost use of her limbs due to quadriplegic cerebral palsy. It’s proof enough that, with all of the controversy surrounding gaming, it can still be used to help, rather than hinder, people’s lives.

Eyemine, which is used solely with Minecraft, is available to download here for anyone with a Minecraft account.


Special Effect Develops Technology to Play Minecraft Using Just Your Eyes

The ending of Avengers: Infinity War explained

The ending of Avengers: Infinity War explained

Whoa. You've just come out of Avengers: Infinity War. You've cheered at all the fights. Laughed at all the jokes. You've been shaken, sobbing and speechless. You've made an appointment for therapy for tomorrow. Don't worry…we're all right there with you. There's only one cure for the post-Infinity War blues, and that's diving straight into the ending and trying to figure out what the hell just happened — and what the hell is going to happen next.

There's a lot to unpack, of course. With so many heroes, villains, twists, turns, and incredible team-ups, there's just so much to dig through to piece together the real meaning of behind everything that happened in Infinity War. And, of course, everything that might come next. Strap in, put on your helmet, and prepare your haunches, people. Here's the ending of Avengers: Infinity War explained.

And of course, gigantic, earth-shattering spoilers ahead. Last chance to turn back…

So…what just happened?

Thanos won! Thanos totally won! Can you believe it? The bad guy beat the good guys, and it's totally mind-blowing because that kinda never happens! But it did this time — and it was just about perfect. Thanos managed to assemble all six of the Infinity Stones — sacrificing his own adopted daughter in the process — snapped his fingers, and poof. Game over, man.

Of course, fans of the comics and MCU-followers probably knew going into this movie that there was a good chance Thanos would be victorious before the final credits rolled. After all, there were not one, but two references to Thanos snapping his fingers and causing half the universe to die. Longtime comic book readers have the image of Thanos snapping his fingers with a fully powered Infinity Gauntlet on his hand burned into their brains, so it only makes sense that one of the most iconic moments in all of Marvel Comics history would show up in this film.

On top of that, we all knew that Marvel would be splitting this story into two movies — even if they later publicly reversed course on that particular point. In the end, if you didn't know that Thanos might pull out the W by the end of this movie, you haven't been paying close attention.

Body count

When it comes to writing about comic book movies, it's pretty fun to try and predict who will live and who will die when the next big flick hits the theaters. It's basically the way that some pop-culture websites and YouTube channels go about building their whole businesses. But it's a safe bet that no one could've quite predicted just how many hugely important superheroic characters would go off to that big comic book store in the sky by the end of Infinity War. For those keeping score at home, we lost Bucky, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Drax, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Mantis, Groot, Nick Fury, and Maria Hill — and those are just the characters we saw dissolve after Thanos pulled his big trick…and possibly a few more we didn't remember to list. It was a lot.

And that's not even a complete list of all the dead people. Right off the bat, Heimdall and Loki died at Thanos's hands, while Gamora and Vision went down for the count as well. After ten years and 18 movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe built up a huge roster of memorable and important characters. While it goes without saying that the vast majority of these dead people will not stay dead by the time the fourth Avengers movie debuts, it's hard not to feel the loss of so many characters we've gotten to know over the years.

Where did Thanos talk to Gamora?

Remember just after Thanos snapped those famous fingers and did his whole “kill half the universe” thing? He found himself in an orangey, reddish place, and began talking with a version of Gamora who looked like a child. She asked if it was worth it, and he said that it was. After that, we saw Thanos resting, watching the sunrise, his life's mission finally at an end. So where was he?

It's not entirely clear, but there's a more than decent chance that he was inside the Soul Stone itself. The Soul Stone was orange, and so was the environment of this otherworldly place where he spoke with Gamora. He sacrificed Gamora to obtain the Soul Stone, and so it makes sense that she and the Stone would be connected somehow after her death. And in the various comics concerning Thanos and his quest for the Infinity Stones, the Soul Gem wound up playing host to a few characters who died fighting Thanos — including Gamora. And with that in mind, it's entirely possible that all our dead heroes may have had their souls transported to the Stone as well.

Remember Doctor Strange's prescription for victory

We got a solid dose of Doctor Strange's medicine in Avengers: Infinity War. Early on, the doctor told Iron Man that if it came down to possibly saving him or protecting the Time Stone, he'd choose the Stone every time. Then, around the midpoint of the film, Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to explore over 14 million possible battles against Thanos, looking for the path to victory. Among all of those possible futures, he only saw one where the good guys came out on top. It sure sounded dire.

So when Thanos threatened to kill Iron Man on Titan, Doctor Strange went ahead and offered up the Time Stone to save Tony Stark's life. When Iron Man called him out on it later, he said it was “the only way.” Say what?

Well, it all makes sense if you think about it. Doctor Strange has some experience using his time powers to cheat his way out of some bad situations. This time around, he took a peek at the script for the next Avengers movie and realized that, somehow, it was important that Iron Man live — important enough that he gave up the Time Stone to make sure it happened. And considering that Iron Man is the one who kicked off this whole crazy Marvel Cinematic Universe in the first place, it only makes sense that he'd be pretty necessary to finishing things off over a decade later. Trust the Doctor's orders.

Working out the Hulk's issues

When you've got a story this huge, you've got to save some good stuff for the end. There's no better example of that than the push and pull between Bruce Banner and the Hulk — a conflict that didn't get resolved this time around, and will surely be a major plot point for next time. Throughout the film, we saw Banner trying and failing to coax the big green guy out to start fighting the bad guys, to no avail. It was an interesting twist in the Hulk's relationship with his alter ego. Usually, it's all Banner can do to keep the Hulk at bay. But this time around, Banner really wanted to let loose with the Hulk, only the Hulk refused to rise to the occasion. But why?

Because it's all about the emotions. The Hulk's main emotion is rage. He's anger personified. And what's the only emotion stronger than anger? Fear.

The Hulk has never met a foe he couldn't fight — until, of course, he met Thanos and got his butt beaten in the process. Now the Hulk is running scared, leaving Banner to try and figure out how to bridge the gap with his big, green self. Don't be surprised if we get a fan favorite version of the Hulk in the next Avengers movie. That's right: Professor Hulk is probably on the way. Once Banner figures out how to merge his two selves into one, that is.

Nebula's revenge

While the body count at the end of Avengers: Infinity War was pretty high, it's important to remember that plenty of characters wound up surviving the whole ordeal. Okay, maybe not plenty of them, but a few! Some! Okay, a couple. But among the survivors was Thanos' least favorite daughter, Nebula. She managed to make it to the end of the movie despite being literally dissected earlier in the film. So why would a scrub like Nebula be alive while so many fan favorite characters were turned to dust? As with so many things, the answer lies in the comics.

In the early '90s Marvel Comics featuring Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet, Nebula spent a lot of time shambling around as a creepy zombie lady — a victim of Thanos' powers. But at one point in the story, Thanos was distracted by an encounter with Eternity, a cosmic being that represented the universe itself. And during that time, Nebula grabbed his fancy glove for herself and contributed to his eventual undoing. There's a good chance that the MCU version of Nebula will wind up fulfilling a similar role in the next Avengers movie, too.

Paging Captain Marvel…

Branden Stall for Looper

In the movie's lone post-credits scene, we saw the long-awaited return of Nick Fury and his S.H.I.E.L.D. second in command, Maria Hill. The two were driving along, minding their own business, when suddenly they experienced the effects of Thanos' magic mojo taking out half the population of New York — both of them included. Throughout that sequence, Fury was trying to get in touch with somebody. And given that we'd spent a full movie not seeing Hawkeye shooting arrows at anybody, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that he was the guy Fury was trying to reach. But as it turned out, that wasn't quite the case.

No one said it, but the logo that appeared on Fury's spy-tastic pager was that of Captain Marvel. Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe know that Brie Larson is all set to debut as the star of the MCU's first female-fronted superhero movie in March, 2019. More interestingly, Captain Marvel is supposedly going to take place in the 1990s, meaning that the superhero who shows up to help save the day in the fourth Avengers will have already been established for years. Meanwhile, if she's been around since the '90s and a friend of Nick Fury's, there's a whole lot of mystery surrounding just where the heck Captain Marvel has been all these years. Wouldn't she have come in handy during that whole alien invasion of New York? And the Sokovia Incident? Where you been, Cap?

Wasp, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and the aftermath

Between the third and the fourth Avengers flicks, there are two MCU movies set to debut in theaters: the aforementioned Captain Marvel in March, 2019, and Ant-Man and the Wasp, set for July of 2018 — just a few months after Avengers: Infinity War hit theaters. So will Ant-Man, Wasp, and all the rest of the grow-gang be dealing with the aftermath of Thanos' dirty deeds?

As of this writing, it's just too soon to say for sure. But a few different outlets — like Digital Spy and Comic Book Resources, just to name a couple — seem to take it as a given that Ant-Man and the Wasp takes place after Captain America: Civil War and before the events of Infinity War.

Meanwhile, we never did get that glimpse of Hawkeye, meaning he's surely going to show up in the next Avengers movie to help set things right now that half the world has been turned into piles of dirty leaves. Is his family okay in the aftermath of Thanos' dirty deeds? Will he be looking to…avenge them, perhaps? Count on it.

The ending of Avengers: Infinity War explained

Here’s What Nintendo’s Mario Would Look Like Without His Hair

Here’s What Nintendo’s Mario Would Look Like Without His Hair

We’re used to how certain characters look in video games, right? And if they’re altered ever slightly, sometimes it can throw us for a loop.

For instance, remember when people freaked out over the cel-shaded visual style adopted by The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker? Yeah, something like that.

Over on Reddit, someone has managed to do just that as they’ve posted a picture of what Nintendo’s Mario would look like if he shaved off his mustache and hair. And, um…well…

You can see the rendered image for yourself below. Obviously the plumber outfit is familiar, along with the traditional “M” logo hat. But take a good look at Mario’s face as well as his missing sideburns.

Mario 2
(Photo: Reddit)

He almost looks like Elmer Fudd or even Sluggo from the old Nancycartoons, doesn’t he?

The rendering has gotten a lot of attention from fans when it was posted on Twitter. And we even posted some of the best reactions to it below.

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It’s hard to tell who the original artist is at this point, but it looks like it’s the work of Justice for bald Mario, an artist who specializes in a lot of bald characters. Oh yeah. We mean a lot. Here’s a couple of examples.

So if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be jumping back into Super Mario Odysseyand remembering what he actually looks like. Remember, beardos, don’t shave what works for you.

Here’s What Nintendo’s Mario Would Look Like Without His Hair

Minecraft’s Better Together Update Hits Nintendo Switch Next Month

Minecraft’s Better Together Update Hits Nintendo Switch Next Month

The topic of crossplay is everywhere and so while some companies aren't on board, others – like the Minecraft crew – believe in the value of a shared experience with friends. That's where the Better Together update comes in and soon, Nintendo Switch players will be able to join in on the fun.

Minecraft is a game about exploration and adventure in randomly generated worlds that inspire the creative mind. What better way to build and create incredible feats than with those closest to you for a “the more, the merrier” shared adventure! Nintendo of America believes this wholeheartedly and took to their Twitter account to share the good news of not only when the update will be hitting the hybrid console, but also when the physical version of the game will be released as well!

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Nintendo of America


Minecraft is bigger, better and more beautiful–with new ways to play and share! Share the adventure with friends across different platforms when @Minecraft and the Better Together update comes to 6/21! http://bit.ly/2jPjRT7 

In addition to the update going live next month on the 21st, the physical version of the popular building title is also set to release the day before on June 20th. You can learn more about popular questions asked concerning this update and what that means for current platforms right here though the game's official website.

Excited to squad up with friends and family? Here's what you can experience together with this expansive update:

“Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs.”

  • Minecraft Marketplace
    • For the first time, skins, textures, and worlds designed by the community are available in the store. Buy once and enjoy across Xbox, Windows 10 and mobile devices!* (and soon, the Switch)
  • Endless exploration
    • Create and explore your very own world where the only limit is what you can imagine.
  • Build almost anything
    • Crafting has never been faster, easier or more fun!
  • Co-op play
    • Play with up to four players in split screen for free, or invite hundreds of friends to a massive gameplay server or your own private Realm!

Minecraft's Better Together Update Hits Nintendo Switch Next Month