Free book for boys and reluctant readers

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Reading is important
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. –Maya Angelou
Most adults would agree that reading is important, but many kids detest reading. Video games, devices, and TV are preferred entertainment and escape. They provide instant gratification. Reading takes time. For some kids, reading isn’t engaging.
I had this same problem with my son, so I solved the problem.
The classic stories I remember enjoying as a kid don’t interest my son and his immediate attention span. If he doesn’t enjoy the story from page one, he will not read further.

So how did I get my son to read?
I showed him how much fun it is to get sucked into a story.
Your book is amazing I can’t stop reading it – Joseph Young via twitter
Contemporary and Classic titles alike don’t interest many kids. Don’t worry, the love of reading is learned. We need a starting point. We need that one book that is just as engaging on the first read as the fifth, just like a really great movie that kids want to see again and again. A positive association with reading will make kids want to read more.
A love of reading is cited as the number one indicator of future success. My son didn’t have the desire to read. He didn’t care about the books I chose to read to him, and was overwhelmed with the selection at the library. I want my son to succeed, so I had to do something. Since we struggled to find books he cared to read, I wrote one. An epic saga about the things he loves. I put it in a world he loves and addressed the issues he faces in his life.
I just love your books I’ve been reading them over and over again. -Carson via twitter
But it’s a video game book
Don’t worry; it’s not a book about video games, nor is it a game strategy book. Flynn’s Log is a hero’s journey that takes place inside the Minecraft world that today’s kids know and love. The protagonist, Flynn, naturally flows through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (builds shelter and tools, learns what to eat and discovers a digital friend) and faces questions about his destiny. He learns important life lessons about friendship, integrity, and trust. Flynn’s Log is good for kids without being boring.
Thank you so so much for the free ebook. My son loves Minecraft now with this book I can get him to read to me. – Jennifer Wilkins
Start your son or daughter on journey today, reading Flynn’s Log 1: Rescue Island. Free on available these devices and apps.

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Why is Flynn’s Log 1 Free?
My son loves reading — finally. If you have experience with a reluctant reader then I know your pain and I want to help. I’ve seen thousands of kids transform with this book. My readers, who don’t usually read books during the summer, couldn’t put Flynn’s Log 1 down.
Good book I thought I would never read a book on my summer but I feel I’m gonna finish it soon – Multigamer 47 via twitter
Let this book change your kid’s life too. You have nothing to lose and an avid reader to gain.
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.
–Frederick Douglas
I am giving away Flynn’s Log 1 free because I want to give you a risk-free way to hook your reluctant reader.
Please and I mean PLEASE, WRITE MORE! I absolutely love it! They’re outstanding books.
-Devon123321 via twitter
What are Books for Boys?
I spend lots of time with teachers and parents. I hear parents ask, “How do I get my son to read? Do you have books for boys?”
I wrote the Flynn’s Log series for my son, and this book is interesting for boys. However, the series is a non-stop read for both boys and girls, especially those who are interested in Minecraft.
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
—Dr. Seuss
What are you waiting for?
You have nothing to lose!

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Here’s 20 Minutes of The Outer Worlds Gameplay
Those interested in Obsidian Entertainment’s new project called The Outer Worlds have caught glimpses of the game through teasers, trailers, and some hands-on impressions ahead of its October release date. Some new gameplay that’s emerged from Tokyo Game Show gives us a more candid look at a user’s experience with the title as they take on enemies, explore branching dialogue options, and more. The new footage appears to show off early parts of the game and consists of nearly 20 minutes of gameplay.
There’s a lot of talking in The Outer Worlds as made evident by the gameplay, but that sort of thing is expected given the RPG world that the game is housed in where players’ actions and choices are remembered. When you’re not chatting it up with your companions and NPCs worth talking to, you can go around shooting at enemies or lopping off limbs and parts of robots with your melee weapons. The subtitles and dialogue options are in Japanese, but the English voiceovers give viewers ideas of what’s going on.
This gameplay capitalizes on the Fallout vibes people have already gotten from the game which makes sense seeing how it’s Obsidian that’s creating The Outer Worlds. Characters, combat, and the environment are all reminiscent of that sort of experience, so if that’s the type of RPG that you’re into, The Outer Worlds seems like it’ll be a welcome part of your collection.
Until the game releases in October, we can expect to see more gameplay like this and trailers like this one here. For those who haven’t been keeping up with the game and are now interested, you can find out more on it below courtesy of the game’s site.
“Lost in transit while on a colonist ship bound for the furthest edge of the galaxy, you awake decades later than you expected only to find yourself in the midst of a deep conspiracy threatening to destroy the Halcyon colony,” a set-up for the game reads. “As you explore the furthest reaches of space and encounter a host of factions all vying for power, who you decide to become will determine the fate of everyone in Halcyon. In the corporate equation for the colony, you are the unplanned variable.”
The Outer Worlds releases for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC platforms on October 25th. A Nintendo Switch version is in development and does not yet have a release date.
Minecraft Fans Can Vote on the Next Biome Update
Minecraft’s annual celebration of all things blocky and worth building is coming up soon when Minecon Live kicks off on September 28th. During that event, players who are there and those who are watching from home will be able to have their say on a player-driven update that’ll affect the game’s biomes. One biome is being updated, the Minecraft team announced, and it’ll be up to players to decide which one it’ll be.
A post on the Minecraft site set the stage for Minecon Live and introduce players to this year’s vote for the biome updates. The three biomes that’ll be eligible for votes during the Minecraft event are the Swamp, Mountains, and Badlands biomes. Each of them will be updated at some point, but players get to decide which one will be updated first.
It hasn’t been announced yet how players will vote for their preferred biome, but we know from the announcement that you’ll have to tune into the actual event on September 28th at 12 p.m. ET to cast your vote. Minecraft has run votes in the past, sometimes through Twitter, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to follow them there in preparation for the event.

Let’s transform a biome! On Sept 28, vote during MINECON Live and choose between Swamp, Mountains, or Badlands to decide which Minecraft biome we will update next! Learn more about what we have in store, and how you can vote:
11.4K11:05 PM – Sep 17, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy3,795 people are talking about this
Minecraft players also won’t be expected to go into the votes without knowing anything about how the biomes will look once the decision has been made. In the weeks leading up to the event, videos will be shared by the Minecraft team to offer previews of the updated versions of these biomes. New mobs, features, and mechanics were some of what was promised in the video above, and those videos should start rolling out soon to show off the biomes.0COMMENTS
In the past, Minecraft has added more content to the game based on players’ votes. The best example of this is the Minecon event from 2017 which was then called Minecon Earth where players were able to choose what mob would be added to the game next. The community chose something which was then called “Mob B” and is now known as the “Phantom” in Minecraft. The undead mob flies around the night skies and gets spooked by cats. Speaking of cats in Minecraft, another contest held in 2018 added one player’s cat to the game.
Minecraft’s live event will take place on September 28th, so look for the biome videos ahead of that date to prepare for your vote.
Minecraft now has 112 million monthly players and growing
The big picture: Part of Microsoft’s success with Minecraft is the fact that Minecraft is going after gamers on multiple fronts including consoles, PC and mobile. There’s even a heavy focus in the education sector. But it hasn’t been all sunshine and unicorns. Last month, for example, Mojang canceled its long-promised Minecraft graphical overhaul because it was too technically demanding.
Microsoft’s decision to purchase Minecraft for $2.5 billion five years ago stunned the tech and gaming communities alike. Many saw the acquisition as little more than a puzzling decision from newly minted CEO Satya Nadella but it quickly became apparent that the Redmond-based company was on to something.
While titles like Fortnite and other battle royale entries have dominated gaming headlines in recent years, Minecraft’s slow and steady approach is certainly winning the race. The game passed Tetris as the best-selling game ever earlier this year and according to studio head Helen Chiang, Minecraft now has over 112 million active players each month.
As Business Insider highlights, that’s a jump of more than 20 million users since Microsoft last supplied player numbers in October 2018. That level of growth is incredibly impressive, especially for a game that’s been available for more than 10 years now.
At the end of the day, people keep coming back to Minecraft and that’s great news for Microsoft. “It may not always be the one that’s in the forefront, because there are a lot of great games that continue to come out, but it’s one that they love to return to,” said Chiang.
Microsoft Reveals ‘Minecraft’ Has An Astonishing 112 Million Monthly Players
It’s been pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Minecraft has been seeing a resurgence lately, but now we actually can quantify that to some degree.
This week, Microsoft has told Business Insider that Minecraft has rocketed to 112 million monthly players, a 20 million increase over the last time they reported those figures in October 2018. This is a game that is now a decade old, and more relevant than ever.
Other than “it’s good and people like it” there are any number of explanations for the recent explosion of Minecraft. There was a new update around the ten year anniversary that added a lot of new content. 100 million subscriber YouTuber PewDiePie is credited with bringing back the game in the “influencer” scene, with his channel practically devoted to nothing but Minecraft the last few months. And then there’s the slow fade of Fortnite as players transition out of that megahit and back into other games, Minecraft among them.
Minecraft’s rise is even more impressive considering that on most platforms, it isn’t actually free, unlike Fortnite. Though some may credit Microsoft putting it in the Xbox Game Pass as a move that has boosted its playercount further.Today In: Innovation

Fortnite seems to know that Minecraft is pulling away players, which is why we have seen the birth of Creative Mode in that game and continued devotion to building it out. But Minecraft remains the original, and should only keep capitalizing on its popularity with future releases like Minecraft Dungeons, which combines the original with Diablo-like dungeons and looting.
All in all, the refrain I keep hearing from Minecraft players is that’s a game people like to return to after a while away, and in this case, I think there’s kind of a snowball effect where so many people returned to it together, it felt like old friend groups could all rejoin the game at once and have as much fun playing now as they may have 3-8 years ago.
Microsoft’s $2.5 billion purchase of Minecraft felt kind of odd at the time, but they now own one of the most played games in the world. I am willing to bet that 112 million monthly players is more than Fortnite has right now, and possibly only is competing with mobile titles at that scale. It’s deeply impressive.
Expect Minecraft to live forever, and to continue to be relevant with upcoming releases like Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Earth, the AR play that will take aim at Pokémon GO next.
Minecraft has acquired another 20 million monthly players in the last year
Microsoft has revealed its latest numbers for Minecraft, and, astonishingly, it’s acquired another 20 million monthly players since previous figures were released just under a year ago.
Last October, official numbers revealed that Minecraft had accumulated 91 million monthly active users, which in itself was a massively leap from December 2017, when the game set a new record with over 74 million players logging in for their fix of cube-based adventure. And Minecraft’s popularity shows no signs of abating, with head of Minecraft Helen Chiang telling Business Insider in a new interview that the game has now amassed 112 million monthly players.
That, of course, accounts for players across all platforms (of which there are many), alongside those playing through Xbox Game Pass – but, even so, it’s another impressive, and slightly head-spinning, number. Furthermore, it sees Minecraft once again stealing the lead over free-to-play rival Roblox, which announced 100 million monthly active users back in August.
Taken alongside developer Mojang’s announcement in July that Minecraft has now sold over 176 million copies (potentially making it the best-selling video game of all time), it’s clear that Minecraft, despite recently celebrating its tenth birthday, continues from strength to strength.
And with such a healthy player base, it’s no surprise that Microsoft is still leaning heavily on the IP which it famously paid $2.5 billion USD for back in 2014. Alongside continuing support of the core game, including the rather swish-looking raytracing update, Microsoft currently has free-to-play, Pokémon-Go-style mobile offering Minecraft Earth in beta for iOS and Android, and is working on the promising Minecraft Dungeons for next year.
Minecraft Reaches An Unbelievable New Milestone
Around a decade after its original release, Minecraft continues to grow and reach astonishing new player records. According to Business Insider, the game reached a new monthly player milestone.
As of this week, the open-ended sandbox game has more than 112 million monthly players. This is up substantially from the 91 million monthly players that Microsoft announced in October 2018. The numbers count players on all platforms: console, PC, mobile, and others.
To put Minecraft’s popularity in context, Epic announced in August 2018 that Fortnite had 78.3 million monthly players. Meanwhile, the MMO creation game Roblox reached 100 million monthly active users in August 2019.
Minecraft still receives regular updates, while the game was added to Xbox Game Pass in April 2019; this no doubt helped expand the footprint of the popular game even further.
Minecraft boss Helen Chiang told Business Insider that Minecraft is a game that people enjoy coming back to again and again. “It may not always be the one that’s in the forefront, because there are a lot of great games that continue to come out, but it’s one that they love to return to,” Chiang said.
Microsoft acquired the Minecraft franchise and developer Mojang in 2014 for $2.5 billion. Series creator Markus “Notch” Persson is no longer involved with the franchise. He spent $70 million on a Beverly Hills mansion, outbidding Beyonce and Jay-Z for the home.
Looking ahead, a Minecraft movie is on the way. Writer Allison Schroeder (Hidden Figures, Frozen 2) was hired to pen the latest draft of the screenplay The Minecraft movie is scheduled for release in theatres on March 4, 2022. There is no word yet on if it will be animation or live action, or a hybrid, nor do we know who may star in it. At one point, Steve Carell was apparently connected to the project, though it’s unclear if that’s still the case.
The next new Minecraft game is the AR title Minecraft Earth, which is scheduled to release later this year.
This player beat Minecraft without ever taking a single step
Dozens of rowboats and one brave pig called “Little Timmy” are the main methods of transportation. But no walking.
It’s awesome when players take on ridiculous, self-imposed challenges, like the time someone beat Skyrim while only using a torch or when another player beat Fallout: New Vegas on max difficulty without dying or killing anyone.
The latest entry in the category I’ll call ‘There Should Really An Annual Awards Show For This Kind Of Accomplishment’ is this Minecraft player who beat the game without ever walking. No walking! At all. With the exception of standing or hopping straight up, this player never used his legs.
Technically, you don’t really beat Minecraft because it’s an endless game, but you can “beat” it by visiting The End and defeating the Ender Dragon. And that’s what YouTuber TheHeightAdvantage did, amazingly, without ever taking a single step. You can watch a fascinating and well-edited video of his accomplishment below:
So, how do you beat Minecraft without actually walking? With a lot of patience and creativity. He created a Minecraft world and then immediately unbound the walking keys. Standing in place, he began doing the usual Minecraft things: chopping trees, collecting resources, and crafting items. He just did it all without walking around.
Of course, you do need to actually move in Minecraft, so TheHeightAdvantage crafted a boat. The boat is on land, one block away, but mounting the boat moves him over to it. Collect the boat, place it one block away, and mount it again: it’s slow, but it does get you around.
Eventually he finds a water source, and can start scooping it up and dumping it with a bucket to use the boat like an actual boat. More boats are later used to created long, mountable pathways over land. And then, after much boat-mounting, he saddles a pig named “Little Timmy” and rides him around.
In a message on Reddit, TheHeightAdvange tells me it took him around 30 hours to complete the no-walking playthrough, but he eventually rode Little Timmy into The End (leading him with a carrot on a stick) and defeated the Ender Dragon. The brave pig, sadly, didn’t survive.
I asked how he came up with the idea for such a challenging run. “I originally thought of the idea when I found a seed where you spawn in a mineshaft right next to a mine cart and wanted to do an entire playthrough without leaving the mine cart,” he said. “I had a few failed attempts and then came up with the boat idea to make things easier on myself, plus it would then be possible on any seed.”
At the end of the video, the stats are shown, which do show some distance traveled by normal movement—though he explains that colliding with mobs or entities that bump you around is registered by the stats page as walking. But as far as true leg locomotion goes, the player never took a step. As for Little Timmy, he carried his master over 45km. That’ll do, pig.
You can check out TheHeightAdvantage’s other videos here, and follow him on Twitch where he’s currently doing a hardcore Minecraft run.

Minecraft attracts more than 112 million players per month
There’s this game called Minecraft and it’s really popular. According to Minecraft studio head Helen Chiang, over 112 million people play it per month. That’s a third of the population of the United States, and the Australian population is a sixth of that figure. If you had 112 million donuts, and divided them up between 10,000 ibises, each ibis would have 112,000 donuts each. That’s too many donuts by anyone’s measure.
Chiang revealed the figure in an interview with Business Insider, adding that the game has grown and endured for over ten years because it’s something people will always return to, even if they put it down for a few weeks to play something else. It doesn’t hurt that Minecraft is now available on virtually every device with a screen, and that Mojang keeps updating the game with stuff like bees and harmony and hope.
Better still, the game is advancing with the times: it’s getting ray tracing support soon, and if you’re the type to turn their nose up at Minecraft’s graphics you may be surprised by how good it looks. That said, not every leap forward comes to fruition: the game’s Super Duper Graphics Pack was canceled recently for being “too technically demanding”.
And people keep doing the damnedest things in Minecraft, such as creating an in-game Reddit browser, or watching movies on in-game TVs.
How to Harvest Honey and Honeycombs from a Bee Nest in Minecraft
Bees have found their way into Minecraft. These adorable creatures are beneficial for helping plants grow faster, and they’re a social animal who communicate with others of their species. You can breed these creatures, and learn about their behaviors and where to find them in these handy guides. But how do you harvest their honey? We’re going to discuss that feature right here, detailing how to collect honey and honeycombs from a bee nest.
Collecting Honey and Honeycombs From a Bee Nest in Minecraft
Collecting Honey by Hand
You can harvest honey from a bee’s nest by walking up to it with an empty bottle and picking it out, using the item. The empty bottle is going to fill up with the honey for you to take away, consume, or use how you want. However, there’s a catch: the bees are going to become immediately hostile to you when you steal their honey. You’re going to need to run away, and if they sting you, they’re going to die shortly afterward because honey bees do not live long without their stinger inside them.
To prevent the bees from dying and attacking you, place a campfire underneath the nest. Doing so turns the bees passive, preventing them from attacking you, and you get to ensure they can collect more honey for you in the future.
Collecting Honeycombs
Unfortunately, you can’t locate a bee nest in Minecraft and expect to grab honeycombs as quickly as you would the honey. When you collect honeycombs from a bee nest, you’re going to destroy the home. But, you’re going to need those honeycombs to make a beehive for yourself. You’re going to need a particular tool to collect the delicious reward inside a bee’s home.
You need to make a tool that has the silk touch enchantment on it. Doing so prevents the materials of the bee nest from getting destroyed, allowing you to take the honeycombs. You can then use them in other recipes, or make a series of beehives to give the bees a new home in your backyard or near your garden.
Minecraft Release DuckTales DLC
Disney’s DuckTales is one of the most beloved cartoon series of all times, following the adventures of Uncle Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Considering that the original series only ran for three years between September 1987 and November 1990, it’s a testament to the show that people still remember it fondly even to this day,
Fans of the show can rejoice as you can now get some DuckTales DLC for Minecraft. The new DLC features the family in Minecraft form, along with several locations based off of iconic places in the show.

How Much Duck Do You Get For Your Buck?
According to the Minecraft site, you get quite a lot for your cash. The DLC includes all the iconic locations from the show, such as the City of Duckburg, Duck Manor, and Mount Neverrest too name just three.
You’ll also receive over 30 characters, including Scrooge and his nephews, two brand new storylines, a lot of new quests, and 50 unique collectibles. You can display your collectibles in the McDuck Trophy Room, too. You can get all of this Disney goodness for the princely sum of $6.50/£5.30 from the Minecraft Marketplace. If you fancy reliving your childhood inside one of the most popular games of all time, then I suggest you head on over there, right now.