Free book for boys and reluctant readers

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Get Reluctant Reader Book News from Stone Marshall
Reading is important
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. –Maya Angelou
Most adults would agree that reading is important, but many kids detest reading. Video games, devices, and TV are preferred entertainment and escape. They provide instant gratification. Reading takes time. For some kids, reading isn’t engaging.
I had this same problem with my son, so I solved the problem.
The classic stories I remember enjoying as a kid don’t interest my son and his immediate attention span. If he doesn’t enjoy the story from page one, he will not read further.

So how did I get my son to read?
I showed him how much fun it is to get sucked into a story.
Your book is amazing I can’t stop reading it – Joseph Young via twitter
Contemporary and Classic titles alike don’t interest many kids. Don’t worry, the love of reading is learned. We need a starting point. We need that one book that is just as engaging on the first read as the fifth, just like a really great movie that kids want to see again and again. A positive association with reading will make kids want to read more.
A love of reading is cited as the number one indicator of future success. My son didn’t have the desire to read. He didn’t care about the books I chose to read to him, and was overwhelmed with the selection at the library. I want my son to succeed, so I had to do something. Since we struggled to find books he cared to read, I wrote one. An epic saga about the things he loves. I put it in a world he loves and addressed the issues he faces in his life.
I just love your books I’ve been reading them over and over again. -Carson via twitter
But it’s a video game book
Don’t worry; it’s not a book about video games, nor is it a game strategy book. Flynn’s Log is a hero’s journey that takes place inside the Minecraft world that today’s kids know and love. The protagonist, Flynn, naturally flows through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (builds shelter and tools, learns what to eat and discovers a digital friend) and faces questions about his destiny. He learns important life lessons about friendship, integrity, and trust. Flynn’s Log is good for kids without being boring.
Thank you so so much for the free ebook. My son loves Minecraft now with this book I can get him to read to me. – Jennifer Wilkins
Start your son or daughter on journey today, reading Flynn’s Log 1: Rescue Island. Free on available these devices and apps.

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US$8.99 Paperback
Why is Flynn’s Log 1 Free?
My son loves reading — finally. If you have experience with a reluctant reader then I know your pain and I want to help. I’ve seen thousands of kids transform with this book. My readers, who don’t usually read books during the summer, couldn’t put Flynn’s Log 1 down.
Good book I thought I would never read a book on my summer but I feel I’m gonna finish it soon – Multigamer 47 via twitter
Let this book change your kid’s life too. You have nothing to lose and an avid reader to gain.
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.
–Frederick Douglas
I am giving away Flynn’s Log 1 free because I want to give you a risk-free way to hook your reluctant reader.
Please and I mean PLEASE, WRITE MORE! I absolutely love it! They’re outstanding books.
-Devon123321 via twitter
What are Books for Boys?
I spend lots of time with teachers and parents. I hear parents ask, “How do I get my son to read? Do you have books for boys?”
I wrote the Flynn’s Log series for my son, and this book is interesting for boys. However, the series is a non-stop read for both boys and girls, especially those who are interested in Minecraft.
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
—Dr. Seuss
What are you waiting for?
You have nothing to lose!

Flynn’s Log is free on the following devices
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US$8.99 Paperback
News for Parents of Reluctant Readers
Get Reluctant Reader Book News from Stone Marshall
Samuel L. Jackson just leaked a big spoiler for ‘Captain Marvel’ and ‘Avengers: Endgame’
Samuel L. Jackson is no Tom Holland or Mark Ruffalo when it comes to Avengers leaks, but he certainly seems ready to spoil some details about the upcoming movies. Exactly a month ago, the actor who will reprise his Nick Fury role in at least two Marvel movies this year (Captain Marvel and Spider-Man: Far From Home) casually dropped a huge detail about Captain Marvel. He confirmed that she can travel through time, which has tremendous significance for the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. Fast forward to February, and Jackson is back with a revealing spoiler about the upcoming movies, and it’s one that can explain Captain Marvel’s arrival in Endgame.
“[The Avengers are] up against some really, really tough odds right now, we saw throughout Infinity War,” Jackson said back in January, during an interview. “So now we know we need something that’s as powerful as Thanos, and at some point, we’ll find out how powerful she is and all the things that she’s capable of. She’s one of the few people in the Marvel universe that can time travel.”
Talking to Total Film Magazine (via ComicBookMovie), Jackson implied that Captain Marvel might travel from the ‘90s directly to the Endgame future following Fury’s page.
I guess we might figure out that she can do things that nobody else can do. She can time travel, so maybe she can get ahead or behind or whatever, and figure out what all that is. The fact I have the pager 20 years later – it gets addressed in an interesting sort of way.
Jackson didn’t say that Carol Danvers will just jump through time and make herself available in the 21st century, but that seems to be the implication. A previous TV spot for Captain Marvel partly addressed the pager. That video was shown in international markets, revealing a discussion between Fury and Danvers about the pager. That pager, meanwhile, looks exactly like the one Fury has — well, Fury’s pager is upgraded to work in the future. The question is now, in light what Jackson just said, does that pager communicate through time? How would that even be possible?
If Captain Marvel does jump from the ’90s to 2019, then it would certainly explain where she was all these years.
What is worth paying attention to is that Captain Marvel can move through time as she pleases without a Time Stone. She might not be able to watch time unfold as Doctor Strange did, but that’s a power that will obviously come in handy.
Jackson didn’t tell us exactly what’s going to happen though, à la Holland or Ruffalo, so he’s probably allowed to drop these particular teasers. What’s interesting is a fan theory said a few days ago that the snap in Infinity War might have pushed Carol back to the ‘90s. She then had to leave the planet, the theory said, so that she wouldn’t interfere with young Carol who’s still a kid on Earth during the ’90s. She gave Fury the pager in the process, with clear instructions for him to call her only if and when the snap occurs. That’s just a theory, however.View image on Twitter

#CaptainMarvel lands on the cover of the new issue of Total Film magazine, which is on sale now! Full details here: 458:14 PM – Feb 8, 201919 people are talking about thisTwitter Ads info and privacy
Captain Marvel launches on March 8th, with Endgame set to premiere on April 26th. While you wait, you might want to check out the new Total Film Magazine for more Marvel content.
Avengers Endgame synopsis reveals what Thanos has been up to after Avengers Infinity War climax
Avengers Infinity War ended on a dismal note as Thanos halved the universe’s population with a snap of his fingers. As we saw many of Earth’s mightiest heroes turned into dust, the original Avengers were still coming to terms with the future. The Mad Titan, however, had gone back to some kind of idyll, looking over (literally) greener pastures
However, as the latest Avengers Endgame synopsis shared by theatre chain Vue, the Mad Titan has been busy since the Decimation. “After the power of the infinity stones decimated half of the population, Thanos (Josh Brolin) has taken up the mantle as ruler of the universe, leaving the Avengers in ruin,” according to the synopsis, which goes on to say, “The demi-god will only expand upon his tyrannical rule – unless someone manages to stop him.” If the Avengers fail, they will “suffer a hopeless existence…”
Things on earth are looking dismal. After the power of the infinity stones decimated half of the population, Thanos (Josh Brolin) has taken up the mantle as ruler of the universe, leaving the Avengers in ruin.
The demi-god will only expand upon his tyrannical rule – unless someone manages to stop him. So, with no time to mourn their losses, Black Widow (Scarlet Johansson), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), and Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) must remain resilient and rally the remaining members of earth’s mightiest heroes – and call on the services of Captain Marvel (Brie Larson).
Together, they must to figure out a way to bring back their vanquished allies and defeat the Mad Titan, or suffer a hopeless existence…
Scarlett Johansson (Isle of Dogs), Josh Brolin (Deadpool 2), Robert Downey Jr (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Chris Evans (Gifted), and Chris Hemsworth (Bad Times at the El Royale) star in Avengers: Endgame, the final chapter in a culmination of a decade of Marvel blockbusters, and one not to be missed.
Pokémon GO Lawsuit Settlement Might Lead To Some Pokéstops And Gyms Being Removed
Pokémon GO creator Niantic is looking to end a lawsuit that was first started back in 2016, during the height of Pokémon GO’s popularity. The suit was filed by numerous homeowners who believed the company had caused players to trespass onto their property to catch Pokémon or activate Pokéstops.
As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, The homeowners are proposing a settlement, which if accepted by a judge in California, would force Niantic to implement new features and restrictions into the popular mobile game.
The features are listed below.
- Upon complaints of nuisance or trespass and demands of the removal of a “PokéStop” or “Gym,” the company will make commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the complaint and communicate a resolution within 15 days.
- Owners of single-family residential properties get rights of removal within 40 meters of their properties.
- Niantic will maintain a database of complaints in an attempt to avoid poor placement of these virtual creatures.
- When Niantic’s system detects a raid of more than 10 players congregating, a warning message will appear on their screens reminding them to be courteous and respectful of surroundings.
- Niantic is also working with user-reviewers and mapping services like Google Maps to also mitigate any problems plus maintaining a mechanism so that park authorities can request a park’s hours of operation be honored.
- At the company’s expense, Niantic will have an independent firm audit compliance with obligations during a three-year period.
The lawsuit dates back to 2016, when some residents were angered by hundreds of players walking around their private property or near their home or condo. Some residents in Villas of Positano condos, located in Florida, described players as “…zombies, walking around bumping into things.”

The case is interesting because it could change the definition of trespassing in the digital era. Is a company, like Niantic, at fault for placing digital items in private locations? How much responsibility should a company face for their players attempting to get these digital items and in doing so breaking the law?
For now, it seems Niantic and the homeowners affected by the game will settle soon. If the settlement is accepted by the judge, named plaintiffs in the lawsuit will receive $1,000 each.
Top Games That Can Represent Minecraft Alternatives
Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows you to develop your creativity and build your own world. The game is the most popular game of this time and it managed to be a success for many years. Nowadays, there are many similar alternatives out there. If you are looking for something new, we have prepared a list of Minecraft alternatives which are just as entertaining. Let’s take a look.
This game is quite similar to Minecraft. You find yourself on the shores of a world made out of blocks. Just like with Minecraft, you need to explore, mine for resources and create your own tools and weapons.
Starbound is an indie game, just like Minecraft once was. The game is a 2D one, but it comes with lovable, beautiful pixelated graphics. In the game you get to explore the world in order to find new items and obtain weapons to defend yourself. The game is available for OS X, Microsoft Windows and Linux.
Terraria is based on a concept that isn’t very different from the one Minecraft is based on. The game is a 2D one, but the goals are mostly the same. You have to explore the world, dig, find resources and build in order to survive. The game comes with multiple levels and it also includes action and combat.
Roblox can also be considered a Minecraft alternative, although there are some differences between these two. For starters, Roblox is available only online, while Minecraft works both online and offline. In this game you will get your own avatar and you will be able to customise it however you want, from hats, clothes and gear. In the game you will be able to interact and chat with other players, as well as battle and play games with them.
Minecraft commands and cheats every player should know
Minecraft commands can give you god-like control of your game. Whether it’s to copy an existing build, change the gamemode, or flat out cheat your way to glory, Minecraft console commands are an important part of playing the game day-to-day. While there are a lot of different commands out there, all varying in complexity, we’ve got a run down of the ones you need to know, and, of course, the ones you can use to troll your friends. Because what’s Minecraft without a bit of friendly griefing?
If you’re wondering how to enter the Minecraft console commands listed below, all you need to do is hit the forward-slash key (/) and that’ll bring up a small window. Input the code and hit enter and your command will activate.
If you’re just picking up Minecraft again in 2019, check out our best Minecraft seeds and best Minecraft mods.
Shorthand Code Commands for MinecraftRECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU…CLOSE
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Below are the shorthand codes to save you from typing in different player names. These are worth memorising so you don’t have to type in names like “Sniper_Kitty_Bruv_91” every time some jobber joins your game.
- @p – the player nearest to you
- @r – a random player
- @a – all players
- @e – all entities in the world.
- @s – yourself
The clone command
/clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z>
Clones a selection of blocks to another location. Very helpful if you’re building a city space and want to duplicate multiple buildings to different areas. “<x1> <y1> <z1>” is your start point. “<x2> <y2> <z2>” is the end point. And “<x> <y> <z>” is where you want the cloned blocks to spawn.
Example: /clone 100 234 -10 200 100 0 300 200 100
How to change the difficulty
/difficulty <difficulty>
Changes the in-game difficulty. Replace the latter section of the code with one of the following:
- peaceful
- easy
- normal
- hard
Example: /difficulty peaceful
Add an effect to yourself or someone else
/effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles]
Adds a status effect to the targeted player. “[seconds]”, “[amplifier]”, and “[hideParticles]” are all optional conditions, so feel free to ignore them unless you want to change the length, how strong the effect is, or whether the effect shows as particles or not. If you want to remove an effect from a player, type “/effect <player> clear”.
Example: /effect PCGamer water_breathing 30
Enchant an item
/enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
Adds an enchantment to the item the player is holding. So that’s smite, bane of the arthropods, sharpness—any enchantment you’d pull from a book or enchant table. Here’s a list of Enchantment IDs.
Example: /enchant PCGamer minecraft:smite 1
Exp modifier
/xp <amount> [player]
Gives the targeted player an amount of experience points. If you just want to add levels instead, which is easier for enchanting, try “/xp <amount>L [player]”.
Example: /xp 100L PCGamer
Change the gamemode
/gamemode <mode>
Changes the gamemode for everyone in the session. Add a player’s name to the end of the code to alter the mode for different players. Replace “<mode>” with one of the following options:
- Survival
- Creative
- Adventure
- Spectator
Example: /gamemode Survival
Give an item or items
/give <player> <item> [amount]
Drops an item into the player’s inventory. Perfect for if you want to start a run with a full set of diamond gear. Just keep in mind the amount section only works for stackable items. You can’t give yourself 100 diamond swords in one go, as cool as that’d be. For a full list of item IDs, head here.
Example: /give PCGamer diamond_sword 1
Help if a command isn’t workingAdvertisement
/help [command name]
Offers additional information about any console command. If you’re trying a command and it isn’t working as it should, type the above command before the name of the command that isn’t working and you’ll be treated to more details about how it works.
Example: /help kill
Turn keep inventory on
/gamerule keepInventory true
Changes the game rules so should you die, you keep all the items in your inventory. Replace “true” with “false” to turn it off again.
Kill everyone or everything
Kills everything, including the player. But should you want to kill another player, use “/kill <player>”. And to kill a certain type of mob, “/kill @e[type=mobType]”.
The play sound command
/playsound <sound> <player>
Plays a specific sound file. Great for if you want to use a command block to play a sound when someone opens a door. Who doesn’t love a good doorbell? Take a look at all the sound file names here.
Example: /playsound minecraft:entity.elder_guardian.ambient voice @a
How to check the world seed
Displays the seed for their current world should you wish to replay the seed again from scratch or pass it along to a mate.
Set the world spawn
Changes the world spawn to wherever the player is standing. If you don’t want to do that, you can also set it to a predetermined location with “/setworldspawn <x> <y> <z>”
Example: /setworldspawn 100 80 0
Stop time from changing
/gamerule doDaylightCycle false
This completely turns the daylight cycle off so it’ll always be the current time of day. To reenable the cycle, replace “false” with “true.”Advertisement
Spawn a mob
/summon <entity_name> [x] [y] [z]
Summons a mob to a specific location. Remove the “[x] [y] [z]” section at the end to have the mob spawn right on top of you. Just remember if you’re spawning the Wither you’ll need to leg it as fast as possible.
Example: /summon creeper
/tp [target player] <x> <y> <z>
Teleports the targeted player to a designated location. And yes, you can indeed teleport a friend into the sky and laugh as their body flails back down to earth.
Example: /tp PCGamer 100 0 10
Alter the in-game time
/time set <value>
Sets the in-game time. Add one of the following numbers onto the end to change the time of day to something else:
- 0 – Dawn
- 1000 – Morning
- 6000 – Midday
- 12000 – Dusk
- 18000 – Nightist
Change the weather to something nicer, or worse
/weather <clear/rain/thunder>
Changes the in-game weather to a different type. I.e. “/weather thunder” would start a thunderstorm. This one’s a must if you’re going after charged creepers. Nobody’s got time to sit around waiting for it to thunder.
This Minecraft mod makes building complex structures so much easier
With Effortless Building, you can place duplicate blocks in real-time, template and repeat entire sections, and loads more.
Building anything in Minecraft is an intensive task, and it’s frustrating how few tools the game gives you to play with. Thankfully, modder Requios is here to save the day with their Effortless Building mod that comes packed with some incredibly useful tools so you don’t have to assemble buildings one block at a time.
Using Effortless Building, players have access to a special menu screen full of options to speed up building by automating the process of placing blocks. The simplest tool is mirroring, which allows you to place multiple blocks at once but in mirrored positions. It’s a bit complicated to explain, but watch the video above to see the mod in action. Essentially, if you’re building a symmetrical structure (like a house), mirroring requires you to only build one quadrant of the house manually, with the rest being filled in automatically. It’s very handy.
The other core feature is arrays, which is similar to mirroring but it “copies your build in a certain direction a certain number of times.” If you were laying fence posts, for example, you could use the arrays option to have it automatically duplicate your posts with just a single click. The video below shows it in action.
There’s several other handy features too. Radial mirrors lets you—you guessed it—instantly place blocks in a circle around a certain point, while the Randomizer Bag makes it easy to add a little variety to features like a cobblestone pathway by randomly placing specifically chosen blocks. You can also use Quick Replace to easily swap out blocks (no more digging up earth to lay down some wood flooring) too. And, what’s great is that this mod works in Survival Mode and will automatically use the appropriate number of harvested blocks when placing them using any of these tools.
If you’re big into building in Minecraft, Effortless Building seems like a must-have mod to help speed up the process. You can download Effortless Building here, and Requios recommends checking out this YouTube walkthrough to get started.
Microsoft, Minecraft & Treasure: Teaching Kids to Code
Everybody should learn to code. That’s a statement that we’ve been hearing a lot for the past 3-4 years. From an article we got back in 2016, to the numerous workshops and hackathons on coding that we’ve covered, it’s pretty clear that coding and learning to program will play an important part in the future. It’s not only us who think so though. Microsoft is of the same thought as well.
Celebrating Computer Science
On Friday, 8th of February 2018, the tech giant held their flagship computer science workshop. This was in commemoration of the Computer Science Education Week. The purpose here is to inspire and encourage children to take an interest in computer science.

The workshop, held at the Microsoft Sri Lanka office at Access Towers 2 saw over 100 students taking part. The students, representing public and private schools were also joined by underserved youth from in and around Colombo. Once gathered, the participants were invited to take part in a gamified approach to coding.
Microsoft does it again
If you recall, we attended a session like this in 2017 as well. The coding exercise, called Voyage Aquatic, took the form of an underwater treasure hunt. To make things even more interesting, the exercise employed elements from Minecraft (similar to Hero’s Journey in 2017).
Participants had to complete certain objectives by using the blocks. Each block was coded to perform a certain action. In this manner, the students learned about the logic of each function, and also learned how to code it.

Coding is for everyone
In a parallel session, students from grades 10-12 were taught about the BBC Micro: bit. Carried out by members of Micro: bit SLUG, the session covered the basics such as what a Micro:bit is, and what it can be used for. Students were also given a hands on approach to coding their own Micro: bit by means of virtual and physical Micro:bit kits.

Getting Teachers future-ready
Last, but by no means the least, a workshop was also carried out for teachers. The workshop was carried out by Microsoft Certified Educators (MCEs. Here, teachers were encouraged to facilitate real-world problem solving by means of ICT tools. In addition, teachers were also educated on the technology literacy competencies required to provide a wholesome learning experience for students.

Following the end of the workshop, certificates were handed to all who participated. This included both students and teachers. Hasitha Abeywardena – Country Manager Microsoft Sri Lanka and the Maldives took the stage to talk about what Microsoft is aiming to do with the Computer Science Education Day.
He emphasized that all efforts are to help bridge the gap in STEM education. He added that more than 50% of jobs today require technology skills. By 2026, it is estimated that the number would grow to 77% of jobs worldwide.

With platforms such Micro:bit and Voyage Aquatic, students can gain the required knowledge so that they can have a successful future. We saw events such as the Global Game Jam as well, where participants were encouraged to step into the world of game development as well. All these efforts go to show that the world is indeed changing, and it is up to us to keep up with the trends.
Kelly Clarkson Is An Avid NES Player, “Crazy Into” ‘Super Mario Bros. 3’
It may come as no surprise to most, but it looks like Kelly Clarkson is an avid player of the Nintendo Entertainment System. According to the popular musician, she is “crazy into” Super Mario Bros. 3 and uses the game mostly to prevent her from straining her voice while on tour.
In a post on Clarkson’s Twitter, she shared an image of her NES Classic with a caption that reads: “Other than reading, this is the only way to make me shut up on tour so I can save my voice for shows.” She also claimed that Super Mario Bros. 3 is the “best video game ever invented.”View image on Twitter

Kelly Clarkson✔@kelly_clarkson

Other than reading, this is the only way to make me shut up on tour so I can save my voice for shows #GodBlessMyNES #SuperMarioBros3 best video game ever invented #FightMeOnIt #EightiesBaby5,8594:40 AM – Jan 27, 2019610 people are talking about thisTwitter Ads info and privacy
In an audio clip shared by USA Today’s Dave Paulson, Clarkson went on to express her love for the 1988 classic title, saying that she is “crazy into it.” The singer also noted that while she is aware of the location for each of the Warp Whistles, she doesn’t like using them.
Clarkson even mentioned that she will reset the game if things aren’t working out. “I will literally press Reset if I’m disappointed,” she said. Her frustration, as she pointed out, is likely due to the fact of sometimes not getting the Treasure Ships, which she referred to as “the boat of coins.”
Breaking: @kelly_clarkson knows where all the warp whistles are in Super Mario Bros. 3
She also dropped COIN BOAT knowledge
CC: @AshSpurge185:59 AM – Feb 7, 2019See Dave Paulson’s other TweetsTwitter Ads info and privacy0COMMENTS
It’s unknown if Clarkson takes advantage of any of the other 29 games that are included with the NES Classic, but if she did, we imagine she always ends up back at Super Mario Bros. 3.
What do you think about this? Do you play a singular game as often as Kelly Clarkson does? Sound off in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @anarkE7!
‘The Division 2’ Looks Best on Xbox One X
Removing high-end PCs from the equation, on consoles, Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy The Division 2 will look best on Xbox One X.
Not every game has taken advantage of the Xbox One X’s superior specs, but it looks like the highly-anticipated shooter from Ubisoft will, at least in terms of resolution.
Speaking on the Inside Xbox show, Ubisoft revealed that the Xbox One X version of the game look the “crispest” of all the console ports, aka better than Xbox One, PS4, and PS4 Pro.
We also have learned that the game will support native 4K resolution on the system, and of course utilize HDR to make whites and colors pop more.
For those that don’t know: Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is an online action shooter RPG experience and the sequel to 2016’s Tom Clancy’s The Division.
In it, seven months have passed since the first game and since a deadly virus swept over New York City and the rest of the world, crippling the population and causing chaos. When the virus hit, The Division, a unit of civilian sleeper agents, was activated as the last line of defense. Ever since then, Division agents have been fighting relentlessly to save what remains.
Now players are leaving New York City and playing as agents in the capital of the United States, Washington D.C. — the most heavily protected city on earth, which is at risk, leaving the entire nation on the brink of collapse. If the city falls, it will bring the rest of the country with it. As a Division agent, you and your team are the last hope to prevent the capital from falling.
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is poised to release worldwide on March 15 via the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At the moment of publishing, there’s been no word of a Nintendo Switch port.
For more news, information, and media on the highly-anticipated Ubisoft title, be sure to peep all of our previous coverage of the game by clicking right here.
And of course feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. Are you picking this one up? If so, on what system?
This Sweet Philips Hue Plugin Brings Your Minecraft Lighting to Life
PC gamers drop big bucks to feel immersed in their games. But some new smarthome tech is enabling amazingly immersive effects with just a few lights. Take this Philips Hue plugin for Minecraft as an example.
There are plenty of bias lighting setups that can observe data from a monitor or TV screen and match the light color to the average color on the screen. This tool isn’t doing that: it’s actually using Minecraft’s API to gather light source data from the game itself, matching the color of the bias lighting behind the screen to the objects actually emitting light in the in-game environment.

So if you’re traversing a sunny day in Minecraft, your Hue light will shine almost pure white matching the sun. At sunset you get a slowly-darkening orange, and lightning will flash white then fade to a darker blue. Travel to the game’s final environment The End, and your walls will light up with the ethereal purple glow from the horizon. Inside your cabin you’ll get the flickering reds and yellows of the fireplace. In a nod to utility, it will flash red when you take damage.
It’s a super-cool effect to watch in motion. Since it uses the APIs from Minecraft and Hue, it only works with those specific lights and single game. But as smarthome tech becomes cheaper and more prevalent, you can expect to see this sort of thing more often. To implement the plugin you need to download the source code from Github, then compile it and install it on a Minecraft server. HIt the link for full directions.