Free book for boys and reluctant readers

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Get Reluctant Reader Book News from Stone Marshall
Reading is important
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. –Maya Angelou
Most adults would agree that reading is important, but many kids detest reading. Video games, devices, and TV are preferred entertainment and escape. They provide instant gratification. Reading takes time. For some kids, reading isn’t engaging.
I had this same problem with my son, so I solved the problem.
The classic stories I remember enjoying as a kid don’t interest my son and his immediate attention span. If he doesn’t enjoy the story from page one, he will not read further.

So how did I get my son to read?
I showed him how much fun it is to get sucked into a story.
Your book is amazing I can’t stop reading it – Joseph Young via twitter
Contemporary and Classic titles alike don’t interest many kids. Don’t worry, the love of reading is learned. We need a starting point. We need that one book that is just as engaging on the first read as the fifth, just like a really great movie that kids want to see again and again. A positive association with reading will make kids want to read more.
A love of reading is cited as the number one indicator of future success. My son didn’t have the desire to read. He didn’t care about the books I chose to read to him, and was overwhelmed with the selection at the library. I want my son to succeed, so I had to do something. Since we struggled to find books he cared to read, I wrote one. An epic saga about the things he loves. I put it in a world he loves and addressed the issues he faces in his life.
I just love your books I’ve been reading them over and over again. -Carson via twitter
But it’s a video game book
Don’t worry; it’s not a book about video games, nor is it a game strategy book. Flynn’s Log is a hero’s journey that takes place inside the Minecraft world that today’s kids know and love. The protagonist, Flynn, naturally flows through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (builds shelter and tools, learns what to eat and discovers a digital friend) and faces questions about his destiny. He learns important life lessons about friendship, integrity, and trust. Flynn’s Log is good for kids without being boring.
Thank you so so much for the free ebook. My son loves Minecraft now with this book I can get him to read to me. – Jennifer Wilkins
Start your son or daughter on journey today, reading Flynn’s Log 1: Rescue Island. Free on available these devices and apps.

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Why is Flynn’s Log 1 Free?
My son loves reading — finally. If you have experience with a reluctant reader then I know your pain and I want to help. I’ve seen thousands of kids transform with this book. My readers, who don’t usually read books during the summer, couldn’t put Flynn’s Log 1 down.
Good book I thought I would never read a book on my summer but I feel I’m gonna finish it soon – Multigamer 47 via twitter
Let this book change your kid’s life too. You have nothing to lose and an avid reader to gain.
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.
–Frederick Douglas
I am giving away Flynn’s Log 1 free because I want to give you a risk-free way to hook your reluctant reader.
Please and I mean PLEASE, WRITE MORE! I absolutely love it! They’re outstanding books.
-Devon123321 via twitter
What are Books for Boys?
I spend lots of time with teachers and parents. I hear parents ask, “How do I get my son to read? Do you have books for boys?”
I wrote the Flynn’s Log series for my son, and this book is interesting for boys. However, the series is a non-stop read for both boys and girls, especially those who are interested in Minecraft.
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
—Dr. Seuss
What are you waiting for?
You have nothing to lose!

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News for Parents of Reluctant Readers
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The ‘Minecraft’ Movie Suffers A Delay As It Loses Its Director
Director and co-writer Rob McElhenney is no longer working on Warner Bros.’s film adaptation of “Minecraft,” according to The Wrap.
The “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” star was picked to direct the film in 2015, but now it’s not happening, he recently told The Wrap. Warner reportedly asked the writer/director duo of Adam and Aaron Nee to write a new script. “Wonder Woman” scribe Jason Fuchs wrote the previous draft with McElhenney. The Nee brothers are best known for “The Last Romantic” (2006) and “Band of Robbers” (2015). They’re also directing the upcoming “Masters of the Universe” film.
McElhenney is the second director to leave the project. Originally, “Night at the Museum” director Shawn Levy and writers Kieran Mulroney and Michele Mulroney were brought in to work on the film, but they left in 2014 after reportedly presenting new ideas to the studio that didn’t mesh with what Mojang was looking for. Levy is now supposedly working on the upcoming “Uncharted” film starring Tom Holland as a young Nathan Drake.
The “Minecraft” film’s release date will be pushed back because of the shakeup, The Wrap reports. It was originally scheduled to come out on May 24, 2019.
“Minecraft” is a sandbox building game created by Markus Persson and later developed by Swedish developer Mojang. It launched in 2011 and is now the second best-selling video game of all time behind “Tetris,” with over 144 million copies sold across multiple platforms. Persson sold Mojang and “Minecraft” to Microsoft in 2014 for $2.5 billion.
Steve Carell is expected to star in the movie. Warner Bros. acquired the film rights to the franchise from Mojang. Roy Lee is producing it through his Vertigo Entertainment production company with Jill Messick.
I didn’t get the appeal of Minecraft until Dragon Quest showed me how
Building a great franchise, one block at a time
The first time I picked up the controller to play Minecraft I immediately wanted to set it down again. I was visiting my brother’s family and it was my nephew’s game du jour. Minecraft had never looked that appealing to me up to then, but I wanted the spend as much quality time with my nephew as I could. It’s like when I visit my parents and sit through five hours of Wahlburgers.
It only took about 20 minutes for him to notice I wasn’t having any fun. While he was off constructing a voxel McMansion with incredible deft and speed, I was still trying to figure out how to build a house that’d keep me safe overnight. Spoiler alert: I wasn’t able to. After my second time dying, we finally switched over Injustice, a game I could actually hold my own at because I’m super cheap with Batgirl.
Minecraft just never crossed my radar until then and after that moment I resided myself to the fact I’d probably never get into the genre. And that was absolutely true until Dragon Quest Builders walked into my life.
The game was announced in what would be a lull for franchise fans in the West. After a particularly bountiful Wii/DS era, the Dragon Quest well dried up at the beginning of our current generation. We didn’t get X, we didn’t get any of the new Dragon Quest Monsters titles, and that Theatrhythm title never made it to our shores. We did get Dragon Quest Heroes, but neither it nor its sequel really did anything for me beyond showing me how frickin’ gorgeous a Musou game can look.
I first experienced Dragon Quest Builders on my Vita with its demo. Going into it, I didn’t expect much more than Minecraft with a Dragon Quest dressing. I didn’t anticipate the thoughtfully created worlds, the amusing characters, the stunning look of everything, or the gameplay loop of quick missions that only take a few minutes to complete but eat up hours of your time when a case of “just one more mission” starts to kick in. I destroyed that demo and ate up a fine chunk of the final release when I finally had the money to pick it up.
This is how Minecraft clicked for me. The open-ended nature of the title is clearly enough for many, many people, but I couldn’t get into it without a little direction. I do know how to make my own fun in games, yes, and I enjoyed watching videos of the cat fountain as much as the next, but something about a lack of clear goals and progress were a barrier for me.
Dragon Quest Builders annihilated that barrier. Across all four chapters of the game, I transformed from a man who couldn’t see the fun in just assembling a crappy looking house to a guy who just had to create an entire village to perfection. Make that several villages. DQB got me excited about large-scale landscaping and city planning in ways I hadn’t been since SimCity 2000, but in a more personal manner. The absolute joy I found in crafting an entire town and castle allowed me to find the fun in regular Minecraft when I downloaded in on the 3DS and other games that use the formula, such as Harvest Moon: Skytree Village.
For as much time as I put into Builders on my Vita, I’ve doubled it on the Switch. The port is perfection and as of this writing, it stands as the title I’ve put the most time into on the console. My experience rebuilding Alefgard has not only captivated me into falling for a new spin-off of a franchise I adore, but of an entire genre I once thought beyond my appreciation. It’s funny how one exceptionally made game can do that to a person. I look forward to Dragon Quest Builders 2 and any other franchise looking to branch out into new, do-it-yourself worlds.
Minecraft: Education Edition is coming to iPad
Microsoft announced this morning it’s bringing Minecraft: Education Edition to the iPad for the first time. The game, which first launched to the public in late 2016, has been previously available in schools on Windows 10 devices and on macOS. The iPad software will roll out to schools starting in September, the company says.
If the school is licensed through Microsoft 365 for Education (A3 or A5), teachers will already have access to Minecraft: Education Edition and may be able to download it onto iPads when it launches. However, the school administrator will need to assign the available licenses to the teachers who want to use it, in that case.
For schools without a license, there are volume licensing agreements available through the Microsoft Store for Education and other resellers. Schools pay for the software on an annual subscription basis, but are able to try it out for free for up to 25 teacher logins, and 10 student logins.
Designed for use in the classroom, Minecraft: Education Edition offers teachers a number of resources that help them to incorporate the software into their curriculum. These include lesson plans and courses, plus access to an online community, mentorship, and technical support. The resources are available through the Minecraft: Education Edition website, as before.
The iPad version of the app will include the “Update Aquatic,” which allows school children to create stories, experiment with chemistry, and document their learning via the camera and portfolio features. Other lessons in Minecraft: Education Edition can teach subjects like STEM, history, language, art, and more.
When Microsoft bought the game company, it was already being used in over 7,000 classrooms across 40 countries worldwide, even without Minecraft’s official involvement. Today, Microsoft says the software has been licensed by 35 million teachers and students across 115 countries.
“Minecraft: Education Edition on iPad unlocks new and intuitive ways of collaborating and sharing and has revolutionized the way our students and teachers explore curriculum and projects,” explained Kyriakos Koursaris, Head of Education Technology for PaRK International School, in a statement about the launch. “The features allow for deep and meaningful learning, and the values it promotes, from inclusivity to 21 century skills, empower everyone to use technology with extraordinary results,” Koursaris said.
In addition to the iPad launch, Microsoft said it’s bringing one of Minecraft: Education Edition’s resource packs to the consumer version for Windows 10 and Xbox.
These players can now use the Chemistry Resource Pack that will introduce elements and items that are craftable using chemistry features. With this installed, players create elements and combine them into compounds, build a periodic table and combine materials using chemistry to create new items like helium balloons, sparklers, latex, and underwater torches, Microsoft says.
To use this, parents will need to go to the “Create New World” option in the game, and toggle on “Education” under the “Cheats” menu.
Minecraft most downloaded Switch game in Japan so far this year
Following a successful 2017, Minecraft has remained the most downloaded game on the Nintendo Switch in Japan for the first half of 2018.
The retail version simply titled “Minecraft” launched on June 21 as the Bedrock Edition update to the game, and in one month has managed to overtake the rest of the Switch’s packaged and download version library, including Kirby Star Allies, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, and Mario Tennis Aces (in 2nd through 5th place, respectively).
Minecraft is also at the top of download-only software in a different incarnation. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition was the download-only version of the game that was discontinued when the Bedrock Edition launched last month, though players who already owned the older version of the game were given the update for free. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition was at the top of the download-only software chart for Japan in 2018 so far. It was followed by, in order, Human Fall Flat, Stardew Valley, Overcooked – Special Edition, and Arcade Archives vs. Super Mario Bros.
Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition was also the most downloaded digital-only game in Japan for the entirety of 2017. Stardew Valley took the top spot globally, with Minecraft: Nitnendo Switch Edition in second place.
Report: Minecraft movie delayed after writer-director leaves
The Minecraft movie will no longer hit its May 2019 premiere date, The Wrap reports, since director and co-writer Rob McElhenny has left the project.
McElhenny told The Wrap he had left the movie. The site reported that Aaron and Adam Nee (who are also working on the Masters of the Universe adaptation) are now aboard to write a new script and direct the movie. That tosses out McElhenny’s script, written with Jason Fuchs (Wonder Woman).
The Nees make it three directors for Minecraft since the project’s inception. Shawn Levy, the original director, left in 2014 over creative differences with Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. set the May day for Minecraft in mid-2016. Steve Carell has been rumored to be voicing the lead role (also named Steve) but that has not been confirmed.
Minecraft Gets an Adorable Texture Pack
A new set of skins are available in Minecraft with the Super Cute Texture Pack available now through the game’s marketplace.
The new skin pack that’s found here through the game’s marketplace is made by the Minecraft team, so you won’t have to worry about any quality concerns when purchasing the Super Cute Texture Pack. An announcement for the texture pack that was shared yesterday referred to it as Minecraft’s “cutest makeover ever” and previewed some of what’s included in it.
“Yes, our talented artists have ‘cuted up’ (scientific term) Minecraft to shockingly adorable new levels,” Minecraft’s Tom Stone wrote in the announcement article. “Rosy-cheeked Creepers! Cakes with faces! Rainbows, smiles everywhere and joy pouring out of every pixel! Even the zombies look cuter than ever as they munch on your brains. D’awwwww!”
There’s no trailer out for the new Minecraft skin pack, but the images above and below should give you an idea of what all of the game’s various mobs will look like once you buy and enable the pack. A close-up image shared through the announcement post shows a more detailed look at the Creeper mentioned above along with other mobs that come with the pack’s 15 different player skins.
“The Super Cute Texture pack is available now in the Minecraft Marketplace,” the announcement continued. “It’s got bouncing bunnies, ultra-adorable unicorns, brilliant bumblebees and, er, burgers? Yes, burgers! Even the squid will make you Squeee! This texture pack comes with 15 skins to make your game cuter than ever.”
This new texture pack costs 660 Minecraft Coins, the game’s currency that allows players to buy different items from the marketplace. This equals out to roughly $5, a typical price for the texture packs that change the game’s world and the way that players look with the packs’ various skins.
Minecraft-like interplanetary MMO Boundless gets a September release date
Developer Wonderstruck has announced that its interplanetary sandbox MMO Boundless will be heading to PlayStation 4 and PC on September 11th.
Boundless, which is being published by Square Enix, has been in Steam early access since 2014 (where it was initially called Oort Online), and looks to play out something like an intergalactic, massively multiplayer Minecraft.
Boundless’ universe is procedurally generated and explorers can hop between planets simply by building portals. It’s pitched as a largely open-ended experience, so once you’ve found a planet you like, you can pretty much set your own objectives. As Wonderstruck puts it, there are “settlements to be built, trades to be made, and creatures to hunt […] You can be a mighty warrior, a wealthy merchant, or maybe an expert builder.”
Whatever project players settle on, Boundless can be played solo or collaboratively – with a small group of friends or even an entire community. And if the more sedate pleasures of building and trading aren’t getting the blood pumping, “meteorite hunts” offer the chance for organised groups to battle waves of dangerous enemies. “These will scale up and multiply according to the number of players in the area,” explains Wonderstruck, “and the ensuing battles provide plenty of spoils – they’re not for the faint of heart.”
Wonderstruck says that Boundless’ September launch on PC and PS4 is “just the beginning”, and the likes of new creatures, weapons, and materials are expected in future updates.
‘One Piece’ Creator Reveals the Plot Points He Made Last Minute
One Piece is one of the most popular shonen series out there, and it’s because series creator Eiichiro Oda seemingly has an endless well of ideas that flow together effortlessly. But it hilariously turns out that Oda really doesn’t plan every intricate detail.
Oda recently revealed some of the story bits he made up on the fly, and although they weren’t planned in advance each of these elements made huge waves in the story regardless.
There are major examples of such last minute, but monumental decisions such as Oda’s decision to turn Lucci of CP9 into a villain, Shanks appearing toward the end of the Battle at Marineford, Viv being a princess of Alabasta, Ace being Gol D. Roger’s son, and Doflamingo and Corazon being related by blood.
Each of these last minute decisions carry major weight in the series, and some are still being felt as Oda thought that some of the Supernovas introduced as part of the Worst Generation along with Luffy and Zoro have made it so far into the New World. Oda suspected he’d focus more on other characters by this point as well.
One major element that should get fans’ attention is the quick decision to focus more attention on Trafalgar D. Law. Oda originally thought Eustass Kidd would be more important, but recent events in the manga would suggest even more attention for Law is coming in the future.
This all goes to show that while Oda has a plan, he’s not adverse to changing certain story beats or elements to deliver a more entertaining story in the end. It’s why his is one of the richest worlds in all of manga and anime.
If you’re interested in the series, One Piece is currently in the middle of the “Whole Cake Island” arc and can be found streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation. Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece first began serialization in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump in 1997. It has since been collected into over 80 volumes, and has been a critical and commercial success worldwide with many of the volumes breaking printing records in Japan.
The manga has even set a Guinness World Record for the most copies published for the same comic book by a single author, and is the best selling manga series worldwide with over 430 million copies sold. Eiichiro Oda revealed some news about One Piece’s future in a recent interview as well.
Stating that he was about 80 percent done with the manga at this point with the Wano arc, fans are worried that the series may be coming to an end sooner than they thought. But it wouldn’t be wrong to infer that the ending will most likely still be years away given how much of the world there is to explore.
Lauren Cohan Says More Time Will Pass in ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 9
The Walking Dead’s 18-month time jump in Season Nine means more unseen time will have passed in the series than ever before, but time will also pass quicker with swifter plot progression during the new season, says Maggie actress Lauren Cohan.
“I was excited, because the time can go very [slow] — we can spend a couple seasons in a really short space of time, as people know, and this season it’s like [boom],” Cohan told BUILD.
Time can pass slowly on The Walking Dead: roughly three and a half weeks passed between seasons Seven and Eight, putting just 25 days of distance between the murders of Abraham and Glenn in the Season Seven premiere and Negan’s defeat and capture in the Season Eight finale.
In Season Nine, “We go suddenly… a couple of years later,” Cohan said. Maggie has since given birth to her child, baby Hershel, and the Hilltop is thriving after building itself up on plans handed down by benefactor Georgie (Jayne Atkinson).
“There’s a bunch of psychological advancement for everybody, too. I mean, it’s just like having the baby and how we’ve had to change as people, and definitely how Maggie has to change in her leadership position,” Cohan said. “And it’s good. I mean, this is a huge, huge, like, cannonball blast of a season. It’s really, really, really big and we’re excited.”
Showrunner Angela Kang confirmed the 18-month time jump on Talking Dead’s Walking Dead Season Nine preview special. The new season draws inspiration from the comic book series’ “A New Beginning” arc, which leapt over two years into the future following the defeat of the Saviors and ousted Sanctuary leader Negan.
Enough time will have passed that “there’s a fun Western vibe that has emerged,” Kang told EW. “We are going into a period where a lot of the things that we’ve seen in previous seasons have broken down, so they’ve got these horses and carriages that are being drawn around instead of cars. Things are lit with oil lamps. People are using different kinds of weaponry. There’s a real grittiness to it that I think will be fun and fresh for the viewers.”
“There’s [a big moment] in every episode that we’ve shot so far, honestly,” executive producer Gale Anne Hurd teased during San Diego Comic-Con.
Two of the bigger moments this season will come in the ways The Walking Dead navigates the loss of Maggie and Rick Grimes, as Cohan and leading man Andrew Lincoln are poised to exit the series before the midway point in Season Nine.
“I’m in the first six episodes of the show, and then a lot happens in the sixth episode of the show,” Cohan told People. “But the possibilities for how Maggie remains in the story and re-enters the story… are multitudinous.”
The Walking Dead returns with its ninth season Sunday, October 7 on AMC.
‘Avengers: Infinity War’: Don Cheadle Confirms That Mark Ruffalo Absolutely Spoiled the Ending
Marvel Studios has learned to keep a tight clamp on Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo’s mouth because he’s almost guaranteed to drop major spoilers. Case in point: Avengers: Infinity War star Don Cheadle was on Jimmy Kimmel, where he confirmed that Mark Ruffalo had indeed spoiled Infinity War’s big twist ending before the film hit theaters.
As you can see in the clip above, Cheadle and Kimmel looked back at a segment from Jimmy Kimmel Live earlier in the summer, where Cheadle and Ruffalo were promoting Infinity War’s release. During that segment, Ruffalo had “teasingly” spoiled the end of Infinity War by saying that “everyone” died at the end of it. However, when Cheadle and Kimmel looked back at the tape, it was clear that Ruffalo had let the actual ending to film slip.
“Well if you listen very closely, he actually started to say the absolute truth, and then had to try to say ‘everybody’ after he almost said ‘half.’ It was like, ‘You just messed the whole thing up!'” Cheadle says.
Despite Ruffalo’s big faux pas, Cheadle says that there was no big fallout from Marvel — at least, “Not exactly.” The actor states that Ruffalo is not only done doing press tours for Marvel movies, but done doing any press for any movie, as he could look Marvel Cinematic Universe secrets. It sounds like he’s joking when he says it — at least we think he is…
Ruffalo dodged a major bullet (maybe literally?) by having most press outlets run the story from the angle of him “jokingly” spoiling the end of Infinity War, with Cheadle seemingly in on the gag. A lot of fans thought Ruffalo was totally self-aware of his own image as a Chatty Kathy, and was playing that up for humor, but apparently, he really is just that aloof. According to the other Infinity War cast members, Spider-Man actor Tom Holland is Ruffalo’s protege when it comes to letting the spoilers fly.
Needles to say, don’t expect to see much of Ruffalo during the Avengers 4 press tour next spring.
Avengers: Infinity War is now available as a digital download and on Blu-ray and DVD. Ant-Man and the Wasp is now playing in theaters. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universemovies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019; Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019; Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th, 2019; and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.