Flynn’s Log 3: The Ultimate Form of Life
and connect the digital and physical worlds! Stuck inside the digital game-world, Flynn faces a true crisis; what is real?
Available in eBook and Paperback
and connect the digital and physical worlds! Stuck inside the digital game-world, Flynn faces a true crisis; what is real?
Available in eBook and Paperback
FLYNN MUST FULFILL HIS DESTINY and connect the digital and physical worlds!
Stuck inside the digital game-world, Flynn faces a true crisis; what is real? Is his ultra-digital body more real than his physical body? What would it be like to stay in the digital world forever? Flynn’s journey continues with his friends, but his true struggle is internal. He’s forgotten what it’s like to be physical. Will Flynn stay in the digital world or will he return to his physical body?
“Best book in the series! I thought it would be the end, but there is still another.” -Steveatron
“Definitely a good book. I can’t wait for the next one.” -Kyle T Kisebach
“I’m so excited for the next one! Can’t believe Flynn would do such a stupid thing at the end…” -Tanya Hagiwara