The Fortnite 8.50 Patch Notes are available right now for all players around the world. This long-awaited update comes with the release of the Avengers Endgame crossover event and much more. Without further ado, let’s jump right into the Fortnite 8.50 Patch Notes and see what’s new. For Creative and Save the World, check out the official site.
Fortnite 8.50 Patch Notes

Endgame – Limited Time Mode
Join the battle for the Infinity Stones! Fight as Chitauri and Thanos or wield Avengers items in the Endgame LTM.
Limited Time Mode: Endgame
Thanos and his Chitauri invade the Battle Royale island, in search of the six Infinity Stones.
Mode Details
- Endgame features a team of heroes fighting to stop Thanos and his Chitauri from claiming all six Infinity Stones.
- Both teams respawn when eliminated until the other side completes their objective.
- On one side is the Hero team. Heroes respawn when eliminated until the enemy team has found all six Infinity Stones.
- Heroes start with a treasure map that leads directly to a Mythic Avengers item.
- Other Avengers items can be found in Chests throughout the map.
- The goal for the Hero team is to destroy the Chitauri army and defeat Thanos.
- Team Thanos is comprised of Chitauri Invaders and Thanos himself.
- Chitauri Invaders start with a powerful laser rifle, an anti-structure grenade attack, and a jetpack that lets them briefly leap high into the air.
- The first Chitauri to recover an Infinity stone will be transformed into Thanos.
- Thanos has a powerful punch, a destructive beam attack, and the ability to jump high into the air and then smash anything in his way when he comes back down.
- Each time an Infinity Stone is claimed, Thanos’ abilities grow more powerful and the Chitauri gain health.
- Reality Stone (Red) = Heath & Shields doubled (1000->2000)
- Soul Stone (Orange) = Siphon activated (grants Thanos shields only)
- Mind Stone (Yellow) = Jump height doubled
- Space Stone (Blue) = Ground Pound AOE size tripled, damage x6
- Time Stone (Green) = Big knockback added to each hit, damage x3
- Power Stone (Purple) = Laser damage x6
- If Thanos is eliminated from the match, another Chitauri will become him after a short wait (unless Thanos is the last one standing).
- If Thanos & the Chitauri find all six Infinity Stones, Heroes will no longer be able to respawn.
- The goal for Thanos and his army is to find the stones and then eliminate the remaining heroes.
Weapons + Items
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- The Hold to Swap functionality is now confirmed upon releasing the Use button rather than when initially pressing it.
- This should help with the issue of accidentally swapping.
- If a player is eliminated by fall damage while inside a vehicle, the player that last damaged that vehicle will receive the credit for that elimination.
- Re-enabled hit markers to be server-side authoritative instead of client-side.
- This will help prevent instances where players see hit markers but no damage.
- Players that were Rebooted into Rifts were teleporting into the sky but would not enter skydiving mode.
- Vehicles weren’t getting impulsed away from the Reboot Van.
- Collision for the Reboot Van was not affecting some vehicles, allowing them to hide inside of the Reboot Van.
- The yellow “invulnerability” effect wasn’t appearing on players who were revived by the Reboot Van.
- The Reboot Card was still playing its spawn sound even if the player disconnected.
- Dropping inventory items while in vehicles with weapons is now blocked to prevent various camera issues.
- Traps were occasionally being placed in the middle of a tile rather than against a wall when using Builder Pro.
- When exiting vehicles, the equip animation will now always play before weapons can be fired.
- This will prevent the issue where players would occasionally see themselves fire right after exiting a vehicle before the server had time to register the shot.
- The elimination feed text will no longer display the “eliminated by ally” message if an ally interrupts a player reboot animation.
- Fall damage was being taken when using a Jetpack (in supported Limited Time Modes) after being launched from the Pirate Cannon.
- Players were not able to negate fall damage using a Flintlock Pistol while crouching.
- Players couldn’t see the nameplates of party member’s Reboot Cards in the UI.
- Players would not drop a Reboot Card if they were eliminated after confirming a Reboot but before their teammate actually spawned.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- We’ve resolved an issue that was preventing the correct amount of Survival XP from being granted after games and have gifted XP to players as compensation.
- You’ll receive this compensation via the Gifting system.
- New Tournament – April 27 & 28: Fortnite World Cup Online Open Week 3 ($1,000,000 total prize pool!)
- Top performers in each server region will qualify to the Fortnite World Cup Finals in New York City. Full Fortnite World Cup details and official rules can be found here:
- Solo Game Mode
- Participation in this event requires players to reach Champion League in Arena.
- Region Lock is in effect – players may only participate in the qualifier for a single server region each week of the Online Opens. The server region of the first match entered for that weekend’s tournament will be the one the player will be locked into for that entire weekend.
- Format:
- April 27 – Round One: All Eligible Players.
- April 28 – Round Two: Top 3000 Players from Round One.
- Streaming Replays – Currently only available on PC & Mac
- Added tournament Match History, which can be viewed by selecting a player on the leaderboards.
- Replays can be viewed from each match that player has played.
- Added the ability to spectate live matches during tournaments by selecting a player on the leaderboards.
- Note: Match must have been running for 10 minutes for live replay to be available.
- Added the ability to view a specific match by game session ID using the “View Streaming Replay” button in the Replay Browser.
- Added tournament Match History, which can be viewed by selecting a player on the leaderboards.
- Arena & Tournaments will now record profile stats to Solo/Duo/Squad categories rather than as an LTM.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Players in Arena were incorrectly seeing themselves demoted to a lower division after losing Hype.
- This was strictly a visual issue and all Hype values and division unlocks are once again being displayed correctly.
- Tournament posters in-game were incorrectly showing certain events as starting in ‘2 Days’.
- Tournament posters and the Arena Panel were not loading properly on mobile devices.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Resolved a cause of significant hitching during skydiving. and during late game combat.
Art + Animation
- We’ve added a unique animation for petting the dog and other Pets.
- Added Sound Visualizer without Spatialization (panning) of sounds in-game.
- By introducing this mode, if you are a hearing-impaired player, then you will now be able to play the game with audio and the visualizer turned on simultaneously!
- Drop in and give us your feedback about these changes either in-game or on our social channels to help us continue to make improvements for the future!
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Various gameplay sounds (gunshots, walking, reloading) will no longer retrigger at incorrect/random times.
- This was causing “ghost” sounds to be heard when nothing was causing the actual sound effect.
- Fixed an issue that would cause certain things to not have looping audio when they should.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- When healing with foraged Banana or Apples, the full visual effects weren’t playing when viewed in replays.
- The reactive effects were not working properly for the Marshmello Outfit.
- MSAA anti-aliasing enabled on P30 Pro, Mate 20, Mate 20X.
- The interact button now has context-sensitive icons.
- You can now move while the map is open by providing input on the left side of the screen.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Made improvements to stability and to resolve some crashes.
- Made performance improvements on the iPad Mini 4 and Air 2.
- The movement joystick wasn’t appearing on the HUD for certain devices.
- Push notifications were not being sent after updates finished downloading.
- Blocked players on player’s friend lists were not appearing as ‘Blocked’.
- The fire button and right fire-stick would not function after anchoring the Baller grapple with tap to fire.
- The right fire-stick was not allowing camera movement while in the Baller.
- The Baller grapple was not releasing on the first tap.
- Players could get stuck in an infinite fire loop after exiting the Baller while it was anchored with the grapple.
- Double tapping was required to detach the Baller’s grapple when using tap to fire.
- There were visual issues on the Back Button in the menus.
- Voice Chat icons from players set to “sit out” were not appearing.
- Ammo boxes weren’t opening.
- The Confirm and Cancel buttons in Squad Management were difficult to touch/interact with.
- The Option menus were closing the unapplied changes was closing the entire menu instead of just the popup prompt.
- Menu icons could be removed from the HUD Layout Tool.
- Vehicle boost icons were appearing different between viewing them in a match vs in the HUD Layout Tool screen.
- The Score Tracking widget can now be removed from the Mobile HUD
- Score Tracking widget can now be removed from Mobile HUD
- It was difficult to see character and weapon animations while using the Boom Bow.
- The Map widget was setting its anchors inappropriately when moved in the HUD layout tool, making some attached game mode UI push the Map widget off the screen.
- You may need to reset the Map widget in the HUD Layout Tool to resolve this issue.