Lucifer fans, it’s time to lower the pitchforks. It wasn’t long after Netflix announced that the 10-episode Season 5 would be the series’ last that some attempted to spark up renewal efforts on social media, and now it appears that all those efforts and future efforts will be in vain.
Disappointed parties needn’t worry, though, as Lucifer‘s executive producer Ildy Modrovich assured fans that things are different this time around. In a lengthy statement via Twitter, she explained how this cancellation differs from the last, and why it’s ok (although she is torn) that the series is actually going to go away for real this time.
Straight from the horse’s mouth, it appears that there’s no use in trying to bring Lucifer back from the dead a second time. The good news is that Ildy Modrovich and others are grateful Netflix was upfront about this information, and that there’s now plenty of time to figure out the correct way to draw this series to a close over its next ten episodes.
Which, as many Lucifer fans may remember, is a luxury that wasn’t afforded to the former Fox drama the first time it was cancelled. Now an intentional series finale can be plotted out, which will at the very least be more satisfying than when it initially ended on a cliffhanger. It’s still not as satisfying as a Season 6 renewal, of course, but the best case scenario any cancelled series can hope for.
It’s also a situation that could’ve happened in this most-recent season as Season 4 delivered a pretty big cliffhanger in its season finale that would’ve left Lucifans incredibly frustrated had Season 5 never happened. It appears as though viewers did all they could to ensure that renewal happened, by the way, as a third party report said Season 4 was one of May’s most-binged shows on Netflix.
And right now, it appears that the major players in the Lucifer camp are thankful for how generous Netflix has been. Ildy Modrovich’s message was shared by series star Tom Ellis specifically, who hoped he could help clear up some of the “confusion” that has plagued the show’s loyal fanbase ever since the renewal.

Now, whether or not this means Tom Ellis isn’t as upset about Lucifer being cancelled again we can’t say. We do know that when Ellis spoke to CinemaBlend, he felt the story wasn’t done yet. Whether he was thinking one more season would do it or he was hoping for a bit more we can’t be sure of, but at least he and the crew have plenty of time to figure out this final act this time.
Details on Lucifer Season 5 are still scant at the moment, but CinemaBlend will keep an eye out for details and report on the major reveals as they come. In the meantime, be sure to stick with us for all the latest news in in television and movies.